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doesnt think youre ready for this jelly
Dont you wankers recognize greatness when its thrust upon you? This is
Lenna Soderberg, the centrefold of the 1972 issue of Playboy Magazine! I felt
for no particular reason that she was so striking I would like to incorporate
her picture as a standard test image for my ANSI image processing. I was
hoping that maybe a few more shots of her would turn up at Rusty N Edies but
would you believe theyre not picking up anymore?
Dont you wankers recognize greatness when its thrust upon you? This is
Lenna Soderberg, the centrefold of the 1972 issue of Playboy Magazine! I felt
for no particular reason that she was so striking I would like to incorporate
her picture as a standard test image for my ANSI image processing. I was
hoping that maybe a few more shots of her would turn up at Rusty N Edies but
would you believe theyre not picking up anymore?
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