this image contains text
Greetings, Mistigris friends and fans, and welcome to yet another monthly
artpack release from the 604 ... and all over! Would it be gauche for us to
continue tabulating how many consecutive monthly artpacks wed now managed to
produce in a row? Yes, it would be. And its 10, T-E-N. Double-digits
territory here, folks!
Would you look at that up there. Isnt it glorious? And a return to form!
Our classic colleague Nail got us off on the right foot providing FILEID.DIZ
logos and other, supplementary infofile artwork for MIST1016 and MIST1116...
the first steps on our increasingly crazy journey of monthly artpack releases
... and here he is again providing us the materials we need to make an
artpack happen. I know, you foolishly thought that all that was required was
a pile of art, but as it turns out all that gets you is an art /pile/. After
MIST0617 we had a long and substantial conversation about some artscene
conventions we are upholding and others we are flouting, and how we could
better serve both our audience and our contributors. Inertia has kept us
from doing much to act on these suggestions in a timely fashion, but in the
longer term it will probably serve us well to inject a little why? into the
what! ?! of what were doing.
I guess well find out! But until then, theres the contents of this artpack
for you to enjoy! Its the usual -- mostly teletext from our burgeoning
stable of affiliated artists, plus the usual mix of drawings, paintings,
Tweet-poems, architectural photos, textiles and accordion EDM remixes. Youll
find no deliberately curated overarching themes here, but certain topics do
regardless find themselves somehow engaged more than once across its contents
-- for example, we play host to two pieces from David Lynchs Dune, two
different renditions of A.L.F. -- what are the odds? Hey! I resemble that
remark! and, of course, two teletext portraits of the breakout candidate
in the recent UK election, Lord Buckethead.
In addition to the usual peanut gallery Ive somehow managed to assemble, in
this months installment we welcome two eminently worthwhile artists to the
fold -- conceal anything shiny youre wearing and please join me in greeting
Queen of Crows, who Ive long sought to join our ranks but who was only able
to finally make the time to join us here courtesy of an effortless iPhone
glitch, and Aurlien Wasabim Vaillant, celebrating the game catalogue of
the Atari ST! Both are consummate practitioners of computer art who could
not be more different from each other in their standard creative practice.
The common denominator? Mistigris! Vive la difference!
While Mistigris itself isnt the main focus of anyone here ahem, present
company excepted! a number of members of our creative community have
interesting goings-on that would be of interest to fans of their work here.
Illarterates relentless campaign for world teletext domination continues
apace, his scope having expanded from the global to the galactic with his
SETI Search for Extra-Teletextual Intelligence workshops of puzzle
creation, world design and ... an escape room? ... continuing apace at Wigan
STEAM through July, August and September. Check teletextart.co.uk for full
It would really be unrepresentative of modern Mistigris to include only one
teletext-related announcement in our newsletter, so you also need to know
that Horsenburger not only won teletext best in show er, as if there was
ever any doubt! at the recent Nova 17 UK demoparty for his fabulous new
unprecedentedly-long teletext piece here included under the name Teletex
Tor ... his work also appeared there in the gold-winning Oldschool
category Bitshifters TeletextR demo for the BBC micro! Not to be
confused with the individual TeletextR, also represented here in this
artpack. Confusing, I know, but all eminently worthwhile. In conclusion:
hats off, gang! Teletext is having its moment and we need not be weighed
against the artscene ANSI art standard! But if weigh you must, please
direct your attention to our presentation of a rare annual VileR DOS
Collection promotion! 8
Some of our visual artists are involved in exhibitions -- for instance, the
Mythical Man will be participating among quite a few other artists who
havent yet managed to wind up in Mist packs due to no fault of their own in
the 4th annual Back Alley Artists night July 8-9 at CBC Studio 700.
Also exhibiting -- right now! -- until October 15, you can find Lord Nikons
typewriter art, such as you might have been blown away by back in MIST1116,
in the backroom at the Esche Museum of industrial mechanisms in
Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany. Granted, I understand that not many of you out
there will be attending both of these functions. You can find out more
about it from an article I translated and posted on the mistfunk Tumblr as a
complementary service for our greater creative community.
The Vancouver Chipmusic Society with whom, remember, we are not officially
affiliated, but which seems to be helmed by longtime Mist Classic stalwart
bryface has another installment of their Overflow music series coming up
locally -- August 30th, so you have a little time to plan to attend at the
Fox Cabaret. On tap you can expect Mega Ran with Sammus, Together We Are
Robots, Freaky DNA, our own Unicode granted, you only heard him in MIST1015,
but Im reasonably confident were responsible for this bit of matchmaking,
so we try to take credit where we can 8, and visuals by Vectrola and Alterus.
Itll be real, yo!
Aaaand... do I really need to break 100 lines to make this a legitimate
infofile? ... The votes are in. We have consensus, no, no I do not have to
break 100 lines. So thats a wrap! Please enjoy this artpack, and see you
all again in August! Adds the logo up top, exceeds 100 lines. Oh well!
Cthulu / Mistigris founder, June 29, 2017
Mistigris 2017: The common denominator!
Greetings, Mistigris friends and fans, and welcome to yet another monthly
artpack release from the 604 ... and all over! Would it be gauche for us to
continue tabulating how many consecutive monthly artpacks wed now managed to
produce in a row? Yes, it would be. And its 10, T-E-N. Double-digits
territory here, folks!
Would you look at that up there. Isnt it glorious? And a return to form!
Our classic colleague Nail got us off on the right foot providing FILEID.DIZ
logos and other, supplementary infofile artwork for MIST1016 and MIST1116...
the first steps on our increasingly crazy journey of monthly artpack releases
... and here he is again providing us the materials we need to make an
artpack happen. I know, you foolishly thought that all that was required was
a pile of art, but as it turns out all that gets you is an art /pile/. After
MIST0617 we had a long and substantial conversation about some artscene
conventions we are upholding and others we are flouting, and how we could
better serve both our audience and our contributors. Inertia has kept us
from doing much to act on these suggestions in a timely fashion, but in the
longer term it will probably serve us well to inject a little why? into the
what! ?! of what were doing.
I guess well find out! But until then, theres the contents of this artpack
for you to enjoy! Its the usual -- mostly teletext from our burgeoning
stable of affiliated artists, plus the usual mix of drawings, paintings,
Tweet-poems, architectural photos, textiles and accordion EDM remixes. Youll
find no deliberately curated overarching themes here, but certain topics do
regardless find themselves somehow engaged more than once across its contents
-- for example, we play host to two pieces from David Lynchs Dune, two
different renditions of A.L.F. -- what are the odds? Hey! I resemble that
remark! and, of course, two teletext portraits of the breakout candidate
in the recent UK election, Lord Buckethead.
In addition to the usual peanut gallery Ive somehow managed to assemble, in
this months installment we welcome two eminently worthwhile artists to the
fold -- conceal anything shiny youre wearing and please join me in greeting
Queen of Crows, who Ive long sought to join our ranks but who was only able
to finally make the time to join us here courtesy of an effortless iPhone
glitch, and Aurlien Wasabim Vaillant, celebrating the game catalogue of
the Atari ST! Both are consummate practitioners of computer art who could
not be more different from each other in their standard creative practice.
The common denominator? Mistigris! Vive la difference!
While Mistigris itself isnt the main focus of anyone here ahem, present
company excepted! a number of members of our creative community have
interesting goings-on that would be of interest to fans of their work here.
Illarterates relentless campaign for world teletext domination continues
apace, his scope having expanded from the global to the galactic with his
SETI Search for Extra-Teletextual Intelligence workshops of puzzle
creation, world design and ... an escape room? ... continuing apace at Wigan
STEAM through July, August and September. Check teletextart.co.uk for full
It would really be unrepresentative of modern Mistigris to include only one
teletext-related announcement in our newsletter, so you also need to know
that Horsenburger not only won teletext best in show er, as if there was
ever any doubt! at the recent Nova 17 UK demoparty for his fabulous new
unprecedentedly-long teletext piece here included under the name Teletex
Tor ... his work also appeared there in the gold-winning Oldschool
category Bitshifters TeletextR demo for the BBC micro! Not to be
confused with the individual TeletextR, also represented here in this
artpack. Confusing, I know, but all eminently worthwhile. In conclusion:
hats off, gang! Teletext is having its moment and we need not be weighed
against the artscene ANSI art standard! But if weigh you must, please
direct your attention to our presentation of a rare annual VileR DOS
Collection promotion! 8
Some of our visual artists are involved in exhibitions -- for instance, the
Mythical Man will be participating among quite a few other artists who
havent yet managed to wind up in Mist packs due to no fault of their own in
the 4th annual Back Alley Artists night July 8-9 at CBC Studio 700.
Also exhibiting -- right now! -- until October 15, you can find Lord Nikons
typewriter art, such as you might have been blown away by back in MIST1116,
in the backroom at the Esche Museum of industrial mechanisms in
Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany. Granted, I understand that not many of you out
there will be attending both of these functions. You can find out more
about it from an article I translated and posted on the mistfunk Tumblr as a
complementary service for our greater creative community.
The Vancouver Chipmusic Society with whom, remember, we are not officially
affiliated, but which seems to be helmed by longtime Mist Classic stalwart
bryface has another installment of their Overflow music series coming up
locally -- August 30th, so you have a little time to plan to attend at the
Fox Cabaret. On tap you can expect Mega Ran with Sammus, Together We Are
Robots, Freaky DNA, our own Unicode granted, you only heard him in MIST1015,
but Im reasonably confident were responsible for this bit of matchmaking,
so we try to take credit where we can 8, and visuals by Vectrola and Alterus.
Itll be real, yo!
Aaaand... do I really need to break 100 lines to make this a legitimate
infofile? ... The votes are in. We have consensus, no, no I do not have to
break 100 lines. So thats a wrap! Please enjoy this artpack, and see you
all again in August! Adds the logo up top, exceeds 100 lines. Oh well!
Cthulu / Mistigris founder, June 29, 2017
Mistigris 2017: The common denominator!
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