this image contains text
greets: soi for tha
t lovely ripped ansi, fab one, my lover, and al
l of KMFDM -p
you peel back my eyes i see the pain and feel alive
my hatred heaps upon this fire that bur
ns insi
de you andblow higher but
i d
ont need youanymore you can
not hurt me anym
ore keep it awa
y from the fire unless yo
u want
it to burn it burns - wildfire
set on fire you
caught on fire
and when you take me in
your mi
nd into this dirty sooden shrin
e i do not need you anymore you
t hurt me
anymore! i want
to be on fire.
the lapsus linguae - hacking up p
oetic jive
since nineteen ninety fi
ve? -pX
the lapsus linguae -
sysops - praxis, w
hite insanity, beatle
, platinum
pDp whores world p
hallus tip of a
The Adopted Bastards
Network Host
DjNet, FoamNet,
over 200 megabytes of
tasty yummy textfiles,
art packs, and
bbs files
some people call them
terrorists. these b
oys are just mis-gui
greets: soi for tha
t lovely ripped ansi, fab one, my lover, and al
l of KMFDM -p
you peel back my eyes i see the pain and feel alive
my hatred heaps upon this fire that bur
ns insi
de you andblow higher but
i d
ont need youanymore you can
not hurt me anym
ore keep it awa
y from the fire unless yo
u want
it to burn it burns - wildfire
set on fire you
caught on fire
and when you take me in
your mi
nd into this dirty sooden shrin
e i do not need you anymore you
t hurt me
anymore! i want
to be on fire.
the lapsus linguae - hacking up p
oetic jive
since nineteen ninety fi
ve? -pX
the lapsus linguae -
sysops - praxis, w
hite insanity, beatle
, platinum
pDp whores world p
hallus tip of a
The Adopted Bastards
Network Host
DjNet, FoamNet,
over 200 megabytes of
tasty yummy textfiles,
art packs, and
bbs files
some people call them
terrorists. these b
oys are just mis-gui
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