![lions and tigers and bears oh my by weird](/pack/mist0896/x1/WD-YAY.ASC.png)
this image contains text
,, wow. im in mist.
but now i cant think
s s of anything to d
raw. so i came up with
s this traditional
yellow smiley face here
s S ---- on your
too traditional, eh? so then i sorta
mutated it and it became this really
sb ds
deviated alien face that neets a
diet. here, on your right ----
,, so then i changed tha
t into a really
s s round plastic-looki
ng innocent apple.
s dont eat an apple
with a face. they
---- have their
rights too, ok?
but now i cant think
s s of anything to d
raw. so i came up with
s this traditional
yellow smiley face here
s S ---- on your
too traditional, eh? so then i sorta
mutated it and it became this really
sb ds
deviated alien face that neets a
diet. here, on your right ----
,, so then i changed tha
t into a really
s s round plastic-looki
ng innocent apple.
s dont eat an apple
with a face. they
---- have their
rights too, ok?
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