this image contains text
-- extremistigris -- GreetZ to:
Pnakotic, Amroth,
TempuZ ThaleZ
for inspiration..
iCE, RELiC and
MistigriZ dudeZ:
You all rule! :
Included here in
this pack are some
of my past picZ..
I havent done any
te since Im in mIZt,
but you wont wait
for long...
-The ExtremisT
One board can stand the test of time.
No matter what disaster may happen to
it, it will return stronger than ever.
This is WOW!c
Wave o Weirdness
WonderCow! is c Running latest Renegade
The ExtremisT! : Staff:
Jaydee astek/relic
Krystall astek
Blue Angel Dream astek
Artwork Related, Renegade Support.
RELiC Member board Dual Module Player Companion DistroSite
ASTEk World HeadQuarters Dual Module Player DistroSite
KLF Canadian HeadQuarters Immortal Syndicate DistroSite
Music Contest Official drop-off site Digital Infinity DistroSite
Composer Competition Official drop-off site Psychic Monks DistroSite
Inertia DistroSite
A little note here to say
that jaydee is currently
restructuring everything
on his board he changed
from renegade to obv/2,
and he also swapped the
name... So the board is
temporary down. Just
wait one of my next pics
to know when hell be
back on-line...
What it is? Thats
the craziest board ever.
Jaydee is doped all day long, so
dont hope to chat with somebody with clear
intelligence there. But be sure that you will be
chatted. Jaydee is in front of his beloved board all day
long. He is doped to his board. He doesnt go to shcool.
He doesnt eat anymore. If technology would permit it, hed be
jacked on his board. Jaydee writes his boards logs by hand.
He doesnt have time to do ANSis anymore, eitheir for ASTEk or
his new group, ReLiTe. Oops... RELiC. That doesnt matter.
Jaydee has been assimiled.
Log in Terminate, Telemate, commo or any fucking comm This is a new
prog you may use but NOT the one they gave to you with ANSi character
your modem! g, dial 418.TMP.DOWN, let your 14.4k do named King
its noise, and wait to see the login ANSi. maybe this Daemon
one? Now you can use the e1iTe DOSlogin to apply to that Dont
so-called board. wory
Once you passed the very complicated validation system you must his
have your parents approval if under 18 g, you can wander thru arm,
menus. You can leech either the last ASTEk production, the last itll
Krystall tune or the last RELiC pack. But hey, youre LD and you be fixd
can leech all that on your favorite local elite board. Youre back
here because you have seen that nifty ad on/in put BBS name or in
ANSiGroup pack here. You wonder why I had so much time to spend time
doing this ANSi and this text. So go to the message bases. Read for
them all. Dont miss any message. But watch yourself. Look da next
back, because the wave is getting on you. The Wave o Weirdness. ANSi! :
Pnakotic, Amroth,
TempuZ ThaleZ
for inspiration..
iCE, RELiC and
MistigriZ dudeZ:
You all rule! :
Included here in
this pack are some
of my past picZ..
I havent done any
te since Im in mIZt,
but you wont wait
for long...
-The ExtremisT
One board can stand the test of time.
No matter what disaster may happen to
it, it will return stronger than ever.
This is WOW!c
Wave o Weirdness
WonderCow! is c Running latest Renegade
The ExtremisT! : Staff:
Jaydee astek/relic
Krystall astek
Blue Angel Dream astek
Artwork Related, Renegade Support.
RELiC Member board Dual Module Player Companion DistroSite
ASTEk World HeadQuarters Dual Module Player DistroSite
KLF Canadian HeadQuarters Immortal Syndicate DistroSite
Music Contest Official drop-off site Digital Infinity DistroSite
Composer Competition Official drop-off site Psychic Monks DistroSite
Inertia DistroSite
A little note here to say
that jaydee is currently
restructuring everything
on his board he changed
from renegade to obv/2,
and he also swapped the
name... So the board is
temporary down. Just
wait one of my next pics
to know when hell be
back on-line...
What it is? Thats
the craziest board ever.
Jaydee is doped all day long, so
dont hope to chat with somebody with clear
intelligence there. But be sure that you will be
chatted. Jaydee is in front of his beloved board all day
long. He is doped to his board. He doesnt go to shcool.
He doesnt eat anymore. If technology would permit it, hed be
jacked on his board. Jaydee writes his boards logs by hand.
He doesnt have time to do ANSis anymore, eitheir for ASTEk or
his new group, ReLiTe. Oops... RELiC. That doesnt matter.
Jaydee has been assimiled.
Log in Terminate, Telemate, commo or any fucking comm This is a new
prog you may use but NOT the one they gave to you with ANSi character
your modem! g, dial 418.TMP.DOWN, let your 14.4k do named King
its noise, and wait to see the login ANSi. maybe this Daemon
one? Now you can use the e1iTe DOSlogin to apply to that Dont
so-called board. wory
Once you passed the very complicated validation system you must his
have your parents approval if under 18 g, you can wander thru arm,
menus. You can leech either the last ASTEk production, the last itll
Krystall tune or the last RELiC pack. But hey, youre LD and you be fixd
can leech all that on your favorite local elite board. Youre back
here because you have seen that nifty ad on/in put BBS name or in
ANSiGroup pack here. You wonder why I had so much time to spend time
doing this ANSi and this text. So go to the message bases. Read for
them all. Dont miss any message. But watch yourself. Look da next
back, because the wave is getting on you. The Wave o Weirdness. ANSi! :
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