this image contains text
Years of
service with
a smile.
---------------------------------------------------------2 years of mistigris-
congratulations to mist for two
whole years of mistness. got
alot better at logos this month.
not to worry though, ill be back
to my old self next month.
greetstigris : cthulu, neophyte,
mistigris, cia,
pedantik, all yall.
-------------------------------------------------------------------skull fish-
j gjgjgjgj jgjgjgjggjg
Mm mMind-pfuck jg
-------------------------------------------------------------------mind pfuck-
service with
a smile.
---------------------------------------------------------2 years of mistigris-
congratulations to mist for two
whole years of mistness. got
alot better at logos this month.
not to worry though, ill be back
to my old self next month.
greetstigris : cthulu, neophyte,
mistigris, cia,
pedantik, all yall.
-------------------------------------------------------------------skull fish-
j gjgjgjgj jgjgjgjggjg
Mm mMind-pfuck jg
-------------------------------------------------------------------mind pfuck-
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