![7/95 informational file by bob the Janitor](/pack/mop-9507/x1/0795INFO.ANS.png)
this image contains text
m o p i n f o r m a t i o n f i l e j u
l y n i n t y f i v e
N e w s :
1. This month we aquired up a few new members...omega red
, a very
talented ansi artist, slyder, a font doodler, and stone t
crow: our very own official acronym thinker upper. mo
re on
that in 2..
2. The creative minds at mop have decided that the mop
is to change monthly. The acronym of the month will be
in the information file.
3. The mop resarch department is now in operation. The on
member is Psion, our wonderfull mascot. Its purpose i
s to
find strange, obsolite and once-trendy 80s pop..Um, don
4. Our last thing included a zip of mods by Cyber Demon
, and
before we released it a few people stated he ripped most
his ansi art. He then assured us his mods, at least, were
orignal. Trusting him we released them in the pack, but d
to the accusations we had to ask him to leave mop. Later
learned that Cyber Demons mods were ripped. We were unawa
of this, and apologize to any who may have been offended.
5. Where is mopview?! Our coder vital chaos is workin dil
upon it this very instant. Be on the lookout....
T h i s m o n t h s a c r y n y
m :
The official mOp acrynym for july comes to us from iodine
.. monkeys ordering pizza ..
P s i o n s p i c k :
Mop mascot Psion brings you Psions Pick, where he choo
his favorite picture from this months superb mop pack.
.. and Psions Picks for July are: vga: bm-ga
rip: btj-egod.rip
ans: om-ii1.ans
C l o s i n g n o t e s :
++ The mOp information file: written by Bob the Janitor,
edited by Tweed, Psions Pick Picked by Psion
++ Hope you enjoy the pack, and have a great 4th of July!
mOps sALute to the 4th 0f jUly!
l y n i n t y f i v e
N e w s :
1. This month we aquired up a few new members...omega red
, a very
talented ansi artist, slyder, a font doodler, and stone t
crow: our very own official acronym thinker upper. mo
re on
that in 2..
2. The creative minds at mop have decided that the mop
is to change monthly. The acronym of the month will be
in the information file.
3. The mop resarch department is now in operation. The on
member is Psion, our wonderfull mascot. Its purpose i
s to
find strange, obsolite and once-trendy 80s pop..Um, don
4. Our last thing included a zip of mods by Cyber Demon
, and
before we released it a few people stated he ripped most
his ansi art. He then assured us his mods, at least, were
orignal. Trusting him we released them in the pack, but d
to the accusations we had to ask him to leave mop. Later
learned that Cyber Demons mods were ripped. We were unawa
of this, and apologize to any who may have been offended.
5. Where is mopview?! Our coder vital chaos is workin dil
upon it this very instant. Be on the lookout....
T h i s m o n t h s a c r y n y
m :
The official mOp acrynym for july comes to us from iodine
.. monkeys ordering pizza ..
P s i o n s p i c k :
Mop mascot Psion brings you Psions Pick, where he choo
his favorite picture from this months superb mop pack.
.. and Psions Picks for July are: vga: bm-ga
rip: btj-egod.rip
ans: om-ii1.ans
C l o s i n g n o t e s :
++ The mOp information file: written by Bob the Janitor,
edited by Tweed, Psions Pick Picked by Psion
++ Hope you enjoy the pack, and have a great 4th of July!
mOps sALute to the 4th 0f jUly!
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