![April 1996 inf0. by #28](/pack/mop-9604/x1/0496-NFO.ANS.png)
this image contains text
mOp -- april 1996
Okay, umm, hi. its me...
28. I kinda came back a
little bit this month, and
did some ansi / rip all
that crap. Last month, I read bEdlAMs fruit-assed i
and was inspired to take up this task myself, in order to sa
ve all of you from
his rampant gayness. So here goes: Im not sure what exactly
happened this
month, except for the following: We got a lot of new members
, our pack kicked
ass, and bEdlAM began the first stage of his sex cha
nge. Right now, hes
getting 2 powerful, potent hormone injections each day. We p
romise to keep you
updated as his medical procedure advances into its further
new members: Please refer to the key below.
This month, we gained a whole shitload of new members. Offer
ing us
some truly awesome, unique style of , comes
. Were greatly
looking forward to having some of that superb
showcased in the mOP thING
each month. So welcome to the team, .
* icto / infernal flames / night blade /
pixel pusher / rusty / tabaqui
the hooded one / tung lo / unsane / xedgex / hac
k / spear / intensity
* ansi / rip / vga / internet savvy / co
ding / ascii / lap dancing
departing members:
ckily, we didnt lose too many members this month.
Illusion X
left in the begi
nning of the month for some reason, and after
this months pack, Trip has decided to leave mO
P. Yeah, it sucks
but we can always displace our anger and sorrow onto bEd
lAM. Speaking of,
bEdlAM wishes to confess that he has a crush on th
e charismatic RaDMaN
of ACiD. We urged him to go on Ricki Lake, but he was too em
barassed to
go through with it. What a stroke! Just like wed figured, n
o balls at all.
Welp, at least not until next month, thanks to modern medici
ne, and an ashamed,
wealthy family.
tHANks greets:
First of all, thanks to all the mOP members for
such kick ass stuff thi
s month, except for Tweed who was
extremely busy with what, big guy?, and bEdlAM
, whose
inabilty to do anything g
ood hindered him. Also, bEdlAM
spent a good p
ortion of this month 2 weeks, were told
grieving over the loss of his only pubic hair. We wish
just get over it and realize it was just a really clingy st
rand of lint...
MOp acronym o dA month: Molested by O
ur Pediatricians - brought to us
by 28
quote 0 dA mONth: So like, does Michael
Jackson ever say mOP in any of his
songs? No. Damn
- Tweed, when brainstorming to f
ind a good quote for this month.
clOSing notes:
I guess that about covers i
t. So, well continue our ass
whooping conquest of the scene
with next months pack.
So, in closing, Id like
to take this oppurtunity to
remind you of th
e following: If you join mOP, your dick
grow. As hypothesized by Popular Science Edidor
James Toolio.
1,2,3,4, get j0 m0P on dA fl0or!
Okay, umm, hi. its me...
28. I kinda came back a
little bit this month, and
did some ansi / rip all
that crap. Last month, I read bEdlAMs fruit-assed i
and was inspired to take up this task myself, in order to sa
ve all of you from
his rampant gayness. So here goes: Im not sure what exactly
happened this
month, except for the following: We got a lot of new members
, our pack kicked
ass, and bEdlAM began the first stage of his sex cha
nge. Right now, hes
getting 2 powerful, potent hormone injections each day. We p
romise to keep you
updated as his medical procedure advances into its further
new members: Please refer to the key below.
This month, we gained a whole shitload of new members. Offer
ing us
some truly awesome, unique style of , comes
. Were greatly
looking forward to having some of that superb
showcased in the mOP thING
each month. So welcome to the team, .
* icto / infernal flames / night blade /
pixel pusher / rusty / tabaqui
the hooded one / tung lo / unsane / xedgex / hac
k / spear / intensity
* ansi / rip / vga / internet savvy / co
ding / ascii / lap dancing
departing members:
ckily, we didnt lose too many members this month.
Illusion X
left in the begi
nning of the month for some reason, and after
this months pack, Trip has decided to leave mO
P. Yeah, it sucks
but we can always displace our anger and sorrow onto bEd
lAM. Speaking of,
bEdlAM wishes to confess that he has a crush on th
e charismatic RaDMaN
of ACiD. We urged him to go on Ricki Lake, but he was too em
barassed to
go through with it. What a stroke! Just like wed figured, n
o balls at all.
Welp, at least not until next month, thanks to modern medici
ne, and an ashamed,
wealthy family.
tHANks greets:
First of all, thanks to all the mOP members for
such kick ass stuff thi
s month, except for Tweed who was
extremely busy with what, big guy?, and bEdlAM
, whose
inabilty to do anything g
ood hindered him. Also, bEdlAM
spent a good p
ortion of this month 2 weeks, were told
grieving over the loss of his only pubic hair. We wish
just get over it and realize it was just a really clingy st
rand of lint...
MOp acronym o dA month: Molested by O
ur Pediatricians - brought to us
by 28
quote 0 dA mONth: So like, does Michael
Jackson ever say mOP in any of his
songs? No. Damn
- Tweed, when brainstorming to f
ind a good quote for this month.
clOSing notes:
I guess that about covers i
t. So, well continue our ass
whooping conquest of the scene
with next months pack.
So, in closing, Id like
to take this oppurtunity to
remind you of th
e following: If you join mOP, your dick
grow. As hypothesized by Popular Science Edidor
James Toolio.
1,2,3,4, get j0 m0P on dA fl0or!
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