this image contains text
Before I go on and on about everything and nothing, I regret to announce
that KillRaven the Empire Ansi Coordinator, excellent artist, and all around
great guy is retiring from Empire after this pack is released. With his work
this month he disclosed the following comments, which I add below your your
reading displeasure...
-- KillRavens Comments ----------------------------------------------------
Well, as this is the last month that I occupy the ANSi coordinator
title, I would like to say some last words before I leave EMPiRE.
Since Ive met ShadowSorcerer in April/June of 1993, I think that I
can say that Ive progessed a lot, and I suppose that all that I had ever
really wanted was to do something great. I feel that I have
accomplished that, and now my work is getting progessively lesser in
quality as well as in quantity... Some personal reasons have also
caused me to get a little tired of all the going-ons...
I would like to continue making ANSiS... but I am out-gunned and
out-classed by people like Flick of the Switch, Primordial Chowder, etc.
that produce ANSiS of quality and in quantity which are far superior to
my own. Thats the truth. And, Ive set some expectations that I
cannot possibly achieve in the future...
Maybe I will continue to do ANSiS in the future but not
regularly... I cant even meet my own quota that I established for
EMPiRE, but they are rather time-consuming, and I would like to take a
long break to practice on my ANSiS, RIPs, poetry, and also on a myriad
of other ideas that I have floating about in my head.
I might do some artwork or articles or something for Premier
Magazine occasionally in the future...
Greets go out to:
Everyone in EMPiRE - Good work... in my opinion, this group shows a
lot of potential and is far better than a lot
of other groups... good luck in 94.
Doctor Stupid - Your RIPs are awesome... and your ANSiS
could be awesome if you took them seriously...
ShadowSorcerer - Everything that I have accomplished for the
past seven months I owe to you... thanks for
your faith in me... and no, I wont take some
of your credit...
ReDMaN - Youre too disgustingly young...!
Ender - Give me more advance notice when you are in my
Flick of the Switch - Your fonts are awesome... keep it kickin.
primordial chowder - I dont care what everyone thinks. I liked
AWoL. And your stuff is awesome also.
The Manifest Crew - I havent seen a pack yet, but so far you guys
look pretty good...
I can honestly say that every Empire veteran feels KRs loss, but we feel
that this is not only bad but also good. To stop now because of KRs retire-
ment would be silly, but I would like to commend everyone for their morale
on this subject. Seems only I was having doubts about his loss. I suppose it
probably hit me the hardest because I have the strongest bond to him the
most probability of being greatly effected. Anyhow, I would like to thank
KillRaven for all hes done for Empire and Illusion... and it has been alot,
James, even if you think it wasnt much. Ill miss your style addition to our
packs... have a well-deserved retirement.
We gained a few artists this month, many of which seem to have promise.
Dark Vision, who has drawn several interesting Ansi pictures, many of which
are disclosed in the pack, shows the most potential of them all... though I
really dont like to put anyone on a pedestal. DV has become the West Coast
Coordinator for Empire, and is doing a good job... we at Empire give him a
warm welcome, and wish him many comfortable months of growth in the group.
Hros, a very talented and productive artist, he came from Max where
apparently much of his work never saw release. This month were releasing
much of that work. There are also a few others I know I am neglecting to
mention, but I hope you guys know that even though I cant find words to say,
the rest of the group still greatly appreciates your contributions.
-Ss/Empire Founder
Da Greetz: yea boy!
Shattered Mind: First place... Spamtastic! Now about the merge thing...
Beastie: My board needs an ansi real bad... wink wink
Hannibal Lecter: Love the fonts... snicker
Flick: Hows things on Australia?
DiE: See Above...
Night Crawler: Hows the World Coordinating going?
PC: I abbreviated it so I didnt spell it wrong... you figure it out.
FotS!: Sorry man, had to do it!
iCE: Youll come back...
Devils Spawn: Thanks for all that help... make sure Skill kicks.
Cybernary: Whats the deal, man? Grouphopping like Shattered Mind, eh?
The Alchemist: An old friend of mine...
Marshall Law: We were on a conference, remember me? I didnt think so...
Its me! Shadowsorcerer! No? Oh well... Whens your ansi
ACiD: You guys are brutal...
Eternity: The second best...
Mind Rape and Final Chaos: Also second best...
RiOT: Awesome... I wanna be a site... guess that makes me a wannabe.
Tribe: Nevermind, I should really stop with the greets.
This is Empire... 1994
FileName Ext Size Creator Description
MPIR0194 LTR 6916 ShadowSorcerer Empire 01/94 Newsletter
MPIR0194 MEM 9988 ShadowSorcerer Empire 01/94 Member Listing
MPIR-MUS NFO 1058 Fluorescent Darkness Empire Music Division Info
MPIR0194 NFO 6728 ShadowSorcerer Empire General Information
MPIRAPP! ZIP 34705 ShadowSorcerer Empire Application
DV-ADC1 ANS 18671 Dark Vision After Dark Club Ansi
DV-MAIN ANS 3602 Dark Vision PCExpress Main Menu
DV-NSA ANS 17948 Dark Vision National Security Agency Ad
DV-PWA1 ANS 1630 Dark Vision Pirates With Attitudes Logo
DV-TRBE1 ANS 1899 Dark Vision Tribe Logo
FS-BGR ANS 4514 Flick of the Switch BGR Logo
FS-EST ANS 4031 Flick of the Switch Estranged Logo
FS-QUEST ANS 4259 Flick of the Switch ConquestNet Logo
FS-SURF ANS 16088 Flick of the Switch Surfboard 80x50 Ansi
FS-TERM ANS 7428 Flick of the Switch Terminate Logo
FS-FUSNM ANS 12667 Flick of the Switch Fusion Couriering Memberlist
KR-PREM1 ANS 2613 KillRaven Premier Logo
PC-CP1 ANS 10135 Primordial Chowder Corrosive Poison Ansi
PC-CZ1 ANS 125054 Primordial Chowder Channel Zer0 Animation
PC-CZ2 ANS 6659 Primordial Chowder Channel Zer0 Quickansi
PC-DMZ1 ANS 15379 Primordial Chowder Downtown Militarized Zone Ad
PC-EMP3 ANS 155481 Primordial Chowder Empire Intro Animation
PC-EMP4 ANS 5233 Primordial Chowder Empire Logo
PC-SS1 ANS 14878 Primordial Chowder Splendor Solis Ansi
RL-CZ01A ANS 23484 RePlay Channel Zer0 Ansi
RL-EMP1A ANS 2643 RePlay Empire Logo
RL-IR01 ANS 25406 RePlay Infinite Ragnarok Ansi
SS-MPIR3 ANS 1954 ShadowSorcerer Empire Logo
CM-ABYSS LIT 1612 Cyber-Mage The Abyss
CM-COMA LIT 588 Cyber-Mage Comatose
CM-DR LIT 1647 Cyber-Mage Death Row
CM-HOP LIT 1738 Cyber-Mage House of Pain
CM-KIL LIT 2285 Cyber-Mage Ork War Song
CM-MAL LIT 1509 Cyber-Mage Malpractice
CM-SWORD LIT 1312 Cyber-Mage A Warriors Sword
CM-TOWER LIT 1137 Cyber-Mage The Wizards Tower
CM-VI LIT 1933 Cyber-Mage Virtual Insanity
CM-VTX LIT 828 Cyber-Mage The Vortex
FL-AJR LIT 3260 FlatLine A Jealous Rage
FL-RAD LIT 1023 FlatLine Reality and Deception
TF-DEPRT LIT 1649 The Fugitive Departures
TF-LOST LIT 749 The Fugitive Lost Love
WF-1DAY LIT 3835 Wire Fashion One Day
WF-567 LIT 1245 Wire Fashion Five, Six, Seven
WF-CHANC LIT 2486 Wire Fashion A Chance
WF-ICU LIT 1334 Wire Fashion ICU
WF-KISS LIT 1088 Wire Fashion A Kiss
WF-TOGET LIT 1136 Wire Fashion Together
KR-TDS1 RIP 1714 KillRaven The Dark Society
HR-APOC EXE 33710 Hros Apocrypha
HR-FATE EXE 32762 Hros Predestined Fate
HR-MORT EXE 30745 Hros Mortal Wish
HR-PENT EXE 25260 Hros Pentagram Loader
HR-PENT2 EXE 34396 Hros Pentagram Loader
HR-QUANT EXE 41200 Hros Quantum Traders Loader
HR-SPE EXE 23373 Hros SpetzNas Loader
HR-PSYCH EXE 35858 Hros Psychotic Explosions
HR-EMP1 GIF 40977 Hros Empire Logo
HR-EMP2 GIF 12978 Hros Empire Logo
HR-EMP3 GIF 20303 Hros Empire Logo
HR-SOD2 GIF 39724 Hros Symphony II
HR-SPS GIF 28097 Hros SPS Logo
HR-EMP ZIP 162744 Hros Empire .FLI
HR-EMP2 ZIP 234148 Hros Empire .FLI
FD-CMAJ 669 119435 Fluorescent Darkness Unattained Dreams, in C Majr
PC-OBV2 ZIP 11544 Primordial Chowder Oblivion/2 Smoke Menus
Approximately 1200000 bytes total
that KillRaven the Empire Ansi Coordinator, excellent artist, and all around
great guy is retiring from Empire after this pack is released. With his work
this month he disclosed the following comments, which I add below your your
reading displeasure...
-- KillRavens Comments ----------------------------------------------------
Well, as this is the last month that I occupy the ANSi coordinator
title, I would like to say some last words before I leave EMPiRE.
Since Ive met ShadowSorcerer in April/June of 1993, I think that I
can say that Ive progessed a lot, and I suppose that all that I had ever
really wanted was to do something great. I feel that I have
accomplished that, and now my work is getting progessively lesser in
quality as well as in quantity... Some personal reasons have also
caused me to get a little tired of all the going-ons...
I would like to continue making ANSiS... but I am out-gunned and
out-classed by people like Flick of the Switch, Primordial Chowder, etc.
that produce ANSiS of quality and in quantity which are far superior to
my own. Thats the truth. And, Ive set some expectations that I
cannot possibly achieve in the future...
Maybe I will continue to do ANSiS in the future but not
regularly... I cant even meet my own quota that I established for
EMPiRE, but they are rather time-consuming, and I would like to take a
long break to practice on my ANSiS, RIPs, poetry, and also on a myriad
of other ideas that I have floating about in my head.
I might do some artwork or articles or something for Premier
Magazine occasionally in the future...
Greets go out to:
Everyone in EMPiRE - Good work... in my opinion, this group shows a
lot of potential and is far better than a lot
of other groups... good luck in 94.
Doctor Stupid - Your RIPs are awesome... and your ANSiS
could be awesome if you took them seriously...
ShadowSorcerer - Everything that I have accomplished for the
past seven months I owe to you... thanks for
your faith in me... and no, I wont take some
of your credit...
ReDMaN - Youre too disgustingly young...!
Ender - Give me more advance notice when you are in my
Flick of the Switch - Your fonts are awesome... keep it kickin.
primordial chowder - I dont care what everyone thinks. I liked
AWoL. And your stuff is awesome also.
The Manifest Crew - I havent seen a pack yet, but so far you guys
look pretty good...
I can honestly say that every Empire veteran feels KRs loss, but we feel
that this is not only bad but also good. To stop now because of KRs retire-
ment would be silly, but I would like to commend everyone for their morale
on this subject. Seems only I was having doubts about his loss. I suppose it
probably hit me the hardest because I have the strongest bond to him the
most probability of being greatly effected. Anyhow, I would like to thank
KillRaven for all hes done for Empire and Illusion... and it has been alot,
James, even if you think it wasnt much. Ill miss your style addition to our
packs... have a well-deserved retirement.
We gained a few artists this month, many of which seem to have promise.
Dark Vision, who has drawn several interesting Ansi pictures, many of which
are disclosed in the pack, shows the most potential of them all... though I
really dont like to put anyone on a pedestal. DV has become the West Coast
Coordinator for Empire, and is doing a good job... we at Empire give him a
warm welcome, and wish him many comfortable months of growth in the group.
Hros, a very talented and productive artist, he came from Max where
apparently much of his work never saw release. This month were releasing
much of that work. There are also a few others I know I am neglecting to
mention, but I hope you guys know that even though I cant find words to say,
the rest of the group still greatly appreciates your contributions.
-Ss/Empire Founder
Da Greetz: yea boy!
Shattered Mind: First place... Spamtastic! Now about the merge thing...
Beastie: My board needs an ansi real bad... wink wink
Hannibal Lecter: Love the fonts... snicker
Flick: Hows things on Australia?
DiE: See Above...
Night Crawler: Hows the World Coordinating going?
PC: I abbreviated it so I didnt spell it wrong... you figure it out.
FotS!: Sorry man, had to do it!
iCE: Youll come back...
Devils Spawn: Thanks for all that help... make sure Skill kicks.
Cybernary: Whats the deal, man? Grouphopping like Shattered Mind, eh?
The Alchemist: An old friend of mine...
Marshall Law: We were on a conference, remember me? I didnt think so...
Its me! Shadowsorcerer! No? Oh well... Whens your ansi
ACiD: You guys are brutal...
Eternity: The second best...
Mind Rape and Final Chaos: Also second best...
RiOT: Awesome... I wanna be a site... guess that makes me a wannabe.
Tribe: Nevermind, I should really stop with the greets.
This is Empire... 1994
FileName Ext Size Creator Description
MPIR0194 LTR 6916 ShadowSorcerer Empire 01/94 Newsletter
MPIR0194 MEM 9988 ShadowSorcerer Empire 01/94 Member Listing
MPIR-MUS NFO 1058 Fluorescent Darkness Empire Music Division Info
MPIR0194 NFO 6728 ShadowSorcerer Empire General Information
MPIRAPP! ZIP 34705 ShadowSorcerer Empire Application
DV-ADC1 ANS 18671 Dark Vision After Dark Club Ansi
DV-MAIN ANS 3602 Dark Vision PCExpress Main Menu
DV-NSA ANS 17948 Dark Vision National Security Agency Ad
DV-PWA1 ANS 1630 Dark Vision Pirates With Attitudes Logo
DV-TRBE1 ANS 1899 Dark Vision Tribe Logo
FS-BGR ANS 4514 Flick of the Switch BGR Logo
FS-EST ANS 4031 Flick of the Switch Estranged Logo
FS-QUEST ANS 4259 Flick of the Switch ConquestNet Logo
FS-SURF ANS 16088 Flick of the Switch Surfboard 80x50 Ansi
FS-TERM ANS 7428 Flick of the Switch Terminate Logo
FS-FUSNM ANS 12667 Flick of the Switch Fusion Couriering Memberlist
KR-PREM1 ANS 2613 KillRaven Premier Logo
PC-CP1 ANS 10135 Primordial Chowder Corrosive Poison Ansi
PC-CZ1 ANS 125054 Primordial Chowder Channel Zer0 Animation
PC-CZ2 ANS 6659 Primordial Chowder Channel Zer0 Quickansi
PC-DMZ1 ANS 15379 Primordial Chowder Downtown Militarized Zone Ad
PC-EMP3 ANS 155481 Primordial Chowder Empire Intro Animation
PC-EMP4 ANS 5233 Primordial Chowder Empire Logo
PC-SS1 ANS 14878 Primordial Chowder Splendor Solis Ansi
RL-CZ01A ANS 23484 RePlay Channel Zer0 Ansi
RL-EMP1A ANS 2643 RePlay Empire Logo
RL-IR01 ANS 25406 RePlay Infinite Ragnarok Ansi
SS-MPIR3 ANS 1954 ShadowSorcerer Empire Logo
CM-ABYSS LIT 1612 Cyber-Mage The Abyss
CM-COMA LIT 588 Cyber-Mage Comatose
CM-DR LIT 1647 Cyber-Mage Death Row
CM-HOP LIT 1738 Cyber-Mage House of Pain
CM-KIL LIT 2285 Cyber-Mage Ork War Song
CM-MAL LIT 1509 Cyber-Mage Malpractice
CM-SWORD LIT 1312 Cyber-Mage A Warriors Sword
CM-TOWER LIT 1137 Cyber-Mage The Wizards Tower
CM-VI LIT 1933 Cyber-Mage Virtual Insanity
CM-VTX LIT 828 Cyber-Mage The Vortex
FL-AJR LIT 3260 FlatLine A Jealous Rage
FL-RAD LIT 1023 FlatLine Reality and Deception
TF-DEPRT LIT 1649 The Fugitive Departures
TF-LOST LIT 749 The Fugitive Lost Love
WF-1DAY LIT 3835 Wire Fashion One Day
WF-567 LIT 1245 Wire Fashion Five, Six, Seven
WF-CHANC LIT 2486 Wire Fashion A Chance
WF-ICU LIT 1334 Wire Fashion ICU
WF-KISS LIT 1088 Wire Fashion A Kiss
WF-TOGET LIT 1136 Wire Fashion Together
KR-TDS1 RIP 1714 KillRaven The Dark Society
HR-APOC EXE 33710 Hros Apocrypha
HR-FATE EXE 32762 Hros Predestined Fate
HR-MORT EXE 30745 Hros Mortal Wish
HR-PENT EXE 25260 Hros Pentagram Loader
HR-PENT2 EXE 34396 Hros Pentagram Loader
HR-QUANT EXE 41200 Hros Quantum Traders Loader
HR-SPE EXE 23373 Hros SpetzNas Loader
HR-PSYCH EXE 35858 Hros Psychotic Explosions
HR-EMP1 GIF 40977 Hros Empire Logo
HR-EMP2 GIF 12978 Hros Empire Logo
HR-EMP3 GIF 20303 Hros Empire Logo
HR-SOD2 GIF 39724 Hros Symphony II
HR-SPS GIF 28097 Hros SPS Logo
HR-EMP ZIP 162744 Hros Empire .FLI
HR-EMP2 ZIP 234148 Hros Empire .FLI
FD-CMAJ 669 119435 Fluorescent Darkness Unattained Dreams, in C Majr
PC-OBV2 ZIP 11544 Primordial Chowder Oblivion/2 Smoke Menus
Approximately 1200000 bytes total
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