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-- M o t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n --
Like most months in Motion Graphics, this was a turbulent month. This group is going through a lot of important changes right now, and most are for the better. We are like a family and anything that goes on is helping this group
become better and better. Although this months pack did not totally meet out internal expectations, we still tried our hardest as usual. As a president, this is 100 everything that I could ask out of the fantastic artists that we have.
I hate to use cruthes to mask the work that we present to
you, but as last month, there were a lot of artists that for
one reason or another, were unable to perform to their best ability. Blindman has been missing. Last reports spot him in a Swedish alley surrounded by cheap domestic beer and stale pretzels. Other artists have different, excuses but most are
as colourful. If we had all of our artists able to complete their started works, we would have such amazing packs, but
due to conditions, and people have lives and what not, this can not always be possible.
I myself have fell to the unfortunate wrath of the computer devils. : While trying to install a power source in my computer, something went wrong and it died an unfortunate death. So now Im computerless, and it really doesnt bother me, so you may see someone new running the show until I can
spare the cash to fix up my system.
Even though we didnt meet what we set out to do this month, we are still plugging, and this group is in no way ready to throw in the towel. What ever we have to do, well do it,
and well be here next month, so make sure that you pick up
our next pack, and hopefully next one will dazzle your eyes. To everyone in this group that worked their butt off this month, we thank you immensely. Without hard working guys in this group, we would be nothing. One other thing that was supposed to happen this month was the Awards Quarterly session for Motion Graphics. Due to the fact of my computer exploding, we were not able to do it. Next month well try and get around to it and well be able to reward all the
hard working artists, and everyone that deserves gratitude in this group. -proze motion president
well well well.. here we are for another month of motion graphics and as usual... we are disappointed.. the only
reason for this... is because we know the poential we have as a group and as a result of few unusual and unfortunate problems, we werent able to show the world the talent that
brews within.. two of our best artists have fell to different but always amusing stories... but as a member i am dedicated
you wont see me group hopping anytime soon.. and i hope that
the members reading this... try and stay faithful... it will+ pay off in the future when this group is at 100... well i suppose that is it from me.. im always happy to help out when certain members are unavailable... just about every senior
and ansi head has been inactive for one reason or another this
month... so keep that in mind when you decide what group to follow or be in.. well thanks for your time.. and im glad you even read this far.. -epidemic motion ascii head
epidemic@ifu.net epidemic greets go out to: cidica,jertex,lordnexus,proze,d0 assaylant,goomba,dataruckus,ironman,puppetmaster,aphextwin maestro,azrael,blindman,defiant,wizy,ippy,spear,coleslaw,
fractal,slickwillard,crimsontide,kamikazee,quasar and every one in motion graphics.. sorry if i missed anyone
- Greets - Ultragreets from Quasar goes out to the following doodz ...
LOGiC/TEA EUROPE DoZE/DEFLECT T.a.P,TPP,GaZZa/MYRiAD Proze,Fractal,Blindman,Double 0,Epidemic/MOTiON Graphics Gangstar/ACiD All the juicers on motion/ansi! -- Logo and layout by Quasar of Motion. E-Mail quasar@dataphone.se --
-- M o t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n --
Like most months in Motion Graphics, this was a turbulent month. This group is going through a lot of important changes right now, and most are for the better. We are like a family and anything that goes on is helping this group
become better and better. Although this months pack did not totally meet out internal expectations, we still tried our hardest as usual. As a president, this is 100 everything that I could ask out of the fantastic artists that we have.
I hate to use cruthes to mask the work that we present to
you, but as last month, there were a lot of artists that for
one reason or another, were unable to perform to their best ability. Blindman has been missing. Last reports spot him in a Swedish alley surrounded by cheap domestic beer and stale pretzels. Other artists have different, excuses but most are
as colourful. If we had all of our artists able to complete their started works, we would have such amazing packs, but
due to conditions, and people have lives and what not, this can not always be possible.
I myself have fell to the unfortunate wrath of the computer devils. : While trying to install a power source in my computer, something went wrong and it died an unfortunate death. So now Im computerless, and it really doesnt bother me, so you may see someone new running the show until I can
spare the cash to fix up my system.
Even though we didnt meet what we set out to do this month, we are still plugging, and this group is in no way ready to throw in the towel. What ever we have to do, well do it,
and well be here next month, so make sure that you pick up
our next pack, and hopefully next one will dazzle your eyes. To everyone in this group that worked their butt off this month, we thank you immensely. Without hard working guys in this group, we would be nothing. One other thing that was supposed to happen this month was the Awards Quarterly session for Motion Graphics. Due to the fact of my computer exploding, we were not able to do it. Next month well try and get around to it and well be able to reward all the
hard working artists, and everyone that deserves gratitude in this group. -proze motion president
well well well.. here we are for another month of motion graphics and as usual... we are disappointed.. the only
reason for this... is because we know the poential we have as a group and as a result of few unusual and unfortunate problems, we werent able to show the world the talent that
brews within.. two of our best artists have fell to different but always amusing stories... but as a member i am dedicated
you wont see me group hopping anytime soon.. and i hope that
the members reading this... try and stay faithful... it will+ pay off in the future when this group is at 100... well i suppose that is it from me.. im always happy to help out when certain members are unavailable... just about every senior
and ansi head has been inactive for one reason or another this
month... so keep that in mind when you decide what group to follow or be in.. well thanks for your time.. and im glad you even read this far.. -epidemic motion ascii head
epidemic@ifu.net epidemic greets go out to: cidica,jertex,lordnexus,proze,d0 assaylant,goomba,dataruckus,ironman,puppetmaster,aphextwin maestro,azrael,blindman,defiant,wizy,ippy,spear,coleslaw,
fractal,slickwillard,crimsontide,kamikazee,quasar and every one in motion graphics.. sorry if i missed anyone
- Greets - Ultragreets from Quasar goes out to the following doodz ...
LOGiC/TEA EUROPE DoZE/DEFLECT T.a.P,TPP,GaZZa/MYRiAD Proze,Fractal,Blindman,Double 0,Epidemic/MOTiON Graphics Gangstar/ACiD All the juicers on motion/ansi! -- Logo and layout by Quasar of Motion. E-Mail quasar@dataphone.se --
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