this image contains text
i ONly Releas My AnSiS because Ah like To
once in mAh LiFetimE have Rle-. Somtn!
So Here ArE ThEse picS ah Done Since Tha lAst
FIre SkuLL ReLeas! bloddy good ol dayz!
The only Use of these ansis is to look at em!
so donT dO anythn otHer wiTh thEm okay?
so now ahm outa the scene...and bye!
grts/thnx :
Best greetings to : SCOUT for beein a friend
ZaReK for beein khl etc.
Kaana for ever readin This!
Fugu for beein a nice guy
Thorax for beein patricino!
Black P for giving me the 2nd
Jaguar joypad
Norm Greetings to : Synoptic for beein HC
Carcass for giving me hope!
ROger wilcOn for trying
tryx for beein patient
mig for coding the mtpII
chatoic to etc!
Defact for drawin the pain ansi!
your really getin better!
Mucho fuckings to : QUBE !! for havin 23 disks of mine
etc etc etc..all of you guys know
the problems with him!
medium FuckINgs to : AnUBiS for dont payin!
signed MiCK THE PUNiSHER of!
Alle tippfehler sind beab-
sichtigt etc blabla !.@*
i ONly Releas My AnSiS because Ah like To
once in mAh LiFetimE have Rle-. Somtn!
So Here ArE ThEse picS ah Done Since Tha lAst
FIre SkuLL ReLeas! bloddy good ol dayz!
The only Use of these ansis is to look at em!
so donT dO anythn otHer wiTh thEm okay?
so now ahm outa the scene...and bye!
grts/thnx :
Best greetings to : SCOUT for beein a friend
ZaReK for beein khl etc.
Kaana for ever readin This!
Fugu for beein a nice guy
Thorax for beein patricino!
Black P for giving me the 2nd
Jaguar joypad
Norm Greetings to : Synoptic for beein HC
Carcass for giving me hope!
ROger wilcOn for trying
tryx for beein patient
mig for coding the mtpII
chatoic to etc!
Defact for drawin the pain ansi!
your really getin better!
Mucho fuckings to : QUBE !! for havin 23 disks of mine
etc etc etc..all of you guys know
the problems with him!
medium FuckINgs to : AnUBiS for dont payin!
signed MiCK THE PUNiSHER of!
Alle tippfehler sind beab-
sichtigt etc blabla !.@*
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