this image contains text
the noname official kwestphunk stylee font tutorial..
compiled by cain, and doodled by cain..
for.. umm, tripomatic fairytales.. by board.. yay.
*** yay..
this is the way i start my fonts, ill do my first letter, and seeing as how
tripomatic fairytales is a little long, so ill make this font for trip .. a
small acronym very elite of tripomatic fairytales. Ok, first letter, a t..
its quite simple to start .. start with a pretty little shape.. like this:
ok boring, and no shaping to it.. no smooth shaping anyway.
so lets fix that ..
: take and add some ls and :s
l they make a smooth line, what we like
l to call kwestphunk, and thats the first 7 :: part of it, there is a few other tricks 7 l but this is the first .. ok, now
l that the t shape looks cool, lets a
:: the next steps..
okely dokely.. no you can prolly s
sssss, see the next step.. s
: s -- this funky stuff - s
l s -- s
l s
l s
l s this is a kewstphunk link.
:: s with these little gadgets, its
l s really ezee to form other letters
:7 youll see, cuz we have an r to do n
. *l, s ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l s l,
l s ,d * s :l
l .l s
:: :: s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s, ,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s ok, you see 7:
l s how everything is 7l
:7 connected?.. sPIFFY .. but *,
l7 theres still more,
,7 but this part was to show you how kwestphunk step 2
* works out.. now, the kwestphunk shape step..
and i did the i and the p too..
. *l, ,s Ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l s l,
l s ,d * s :l
l .l s
:: :: s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s, ,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s 7:
l s 7l
:7 *,
shaping a kwestphunk font is EASY .. mainly using ls and :s..
just make riged edges, and shape the ls and :s into them .. like
s 7bs,
s ll see what i mean now?..
s ll
*** ok, back the font .. it looks cool.. but it needs a background..
. *l, ,s Ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l ,s l,
l s ,d * ,s :l
l .l ,s
:: s, :: ,s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s,,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s 7:
l s 7l
:7 back ground styling *
l7 all depends in the artist who is drawing
,7 the logo.. some like to link the back ground into the
* ascii.. and some like to build it around.. with my
kwestphunk stylee, i do both .. check it out..
,sSSs, ,sSSs, . *l, ,s Ss,
sssss,7b ?7 ,s ,s : b,
: 7 s , ,d7 ,l ,s l,
:,l s ,sd ,d * ,s :l
l l,s, ,7 .l ,s
:: b, s, :: ,s ,sSSs, ,dP
:: l lbsss,ll* s,,s, ,*
ll l :7 ,7 s 7*
l :: P s ,s s 7:
: l s ,ss7 s 7l
:7,ssd7 s *
l l7,sd s anyways i think you get what im
:,7l7b,. ,s getting at.. be funky, and let
* 7S: :7 it flow.. ill finish the ascii now..
with some extra pointers at the
--- --- - --- - -,ssss,77 -- -
,sSSs, ,sSSs, . *lb,,s Ss,
sssss,7b ?7 ,s ,s : b,*
: 7 s , ,d7 ,l ,s l,
:,l s ,sd ,d, * ,s ,ssss, :l
l l,s, ,7 .l ,s ,sdl
:: b, s, :: ,s ,sSSs,?7,dP,
:: l lbsss,ll* s,,s,,*,sd
ll l :7 ,7 s 7* ,sdl
l :: P s ,s s 7: d:
: l s ,ss7 s 7l 77
:7,ssd7 s * 77
l l7,sd-- - - s-- -- - -- -
:,7l7b,. ,s
* 7S: :7 tripomatic fairytales
compiled by cain, and doodled by cain..
for.. umm, tripomatic fairytales.. by board.. yay.
*** yay..
this is the way i start my fonts, ill do my first letter, and seeing as how
tripomatic fairytales is a little long, so ill make this font for trip .. a
small acronym very elite of tripomatic fairytales. Ok, first letter, a t..
its quite simple to start .. start with a pretty little shape.. like this:
ok boring, and no shaping to it.. no smooth shaping anyway.
so lets fix that ..
: take and add some ls and :s
l they make a smooth line, what we like
l to call kwestphunk, and thats the first 7 :: part of it, there is a few other tricks 7 l but this is the first .. ok, now
l that the t shape looks cool, lets a
:: the next steps..
okely dokely.. no you can prolly s
sssss, see the next step.. s
: s -- this funky stuff - s
l s -- s
l s
l s
l s this is a kewstphunk link.
:: s with these little gadgets, its
l s really ezee to form other letters
:7 youll see, cuz we have an r to do n
. *l, s ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l s l,
l s ,d * s :l
l .l s
:: :: s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s, ,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s ok, you see 7:
l s how everything is 7l
:7 connected?.. sPIFFY .. but *,
l7 theres still more,
,7 but this part was to show you how kwestphunk step 2
* works out.. now, the kwestphunk shape step..
and i did the i and the p too..
. *l, ,s Ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l s l,
l s ,d * s :l
l .l s
:: :: s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s, ,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s 7:
l s 7l
:7 *,
shaping a kwestphunk font is EASY .. mainly using ls and :s..
just make riged edges, and shape the ls and :s into them .. like
s 7bs,
s ll see what i mean now?..
s ll
*** ok, back the font .. it looks cool.. but it needs a background..
. *l, ,s Ss,
sssss, ,s ,s : b,
: s ,d7 ,l ,s l,
l s ,d * ,s :l
l .l ,s
:: s, :: ,s ,sSSs, ,dP
l ll* s,,s, ,*
l ,7 7*
:: s 7:
l s 7l
:7 back ground styling *
l7 all depends in the artist who is drawing
,7 the logo.. some like to link the back ground into the
* ascii.. and some like to build it around.. with my
kwestphunk stylee, i do both .. check it out..
,sSSs, ,sSSs, . *l, ,s Ss,
sssss,7b ?7 ,s ,s : b,
: 7 s , ,d7 ,l ,s l,
:,l s ,sd ,d * ,s :l
l l,s, ,7 .l ,s
:: b, s, :: ,s ,sSSs, ,dP
:: l lbsss,ll* s,,s, ,*
ll l :7 ,7 s 7*
l :: P s ,s s 7:
: l s ,ss7 s 7l
:7,ssd7 s *
l l7,sd s anyways i think you get what im
:,7l7b,. ,s getting at.. be funky, and let
* 7S: :7 it flow.. ill finish the ascii now..
with some extra pointers at the
--- --- - --- - -,ssss,77 -- -
,sSSs, ,sSSs, . *lb,,s Ss,
sssss,7b ?7 ,s ,s : b,*
: 7 s , ,d7 ,l ,s l,
:,l s ,sd ,d, * ,s ,ssss, :l
l l,s, ,7 .l ,s ,sdl
:: b, s, :: ,s ,sSSs,?7,dP,
:: l lbsss,ll* s,,s,,*,sd
ll l :7 ,7 s 7* ,sdl
l :: P s ,s s 7: d:
: l s ,ss7 s 7l 77
:7,ssd7 s * 77
l l7,sd-- - - s-- -- - -- -
:,7l7b,. ,s
* 7S: :7 tripomatic fairytales
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