![-[ lOGO cOLLY ]- by -[ dARkY' ]-](/pack/nph-04/x1/DKY%5ECOLL.ANS.png)
this image contains text
- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- dkycolly. heya dud3z. as you certainly have noticed, ive been quite busy
lately, so i wuznt very active these monthzz. as i still have
a lotta othah thingz ta do, i wont be as active as b4..
anyway ll try to draw stuff as much as i kan.. dont worry
- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- begincol.
tHEpIRATE menu logo..
drawn for rADIO24s great board.. keep up trading dude!
t H E p I R A T E
+o radio24 - eleet trading board
tRAPsIDE login logo..
drawn for bubsys brand new board.. oldiez kickarshez!
tHEcIA menu logo..
requested by kURT.. kall his board, its loaded w/ warez! +33-O3-8195455O..
- -- t h e c i a b b s -- -
.dkycolly --------------------------------------------------------------- -- - k.. thats it phreakz.. if u wanna contact me 4 sum reazon..
bettah kall my board.. datacrawleR.. +33-03-80780508..
you kan also try to catch me on IRCnet nph, but u bettah
run phast cu
.enditnow --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
lately, so i wuznt very active these monthzz. as i still have
a lotta othah thingz ta do, i wont be as active as b4..
anyway ll try to draw stuff as much as i kan.. dont worry
- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- begincol.
tHEpIRATE menu logo..
drawn for rADIO24s great board.. keep up trading dude!
t H E p I R A T E
+o radio24 - eleet trading board
tRAPsIDE login logo..
drawn for bubsys brand new board.. oldiez kickarshez!
tHEcIA menu logo..
requested by kURT.. kall his board, its loaded w/ warez! +33-O3-8195455O..
- -- t h e c i a b b s -- -
.dkycolly --------------------------------------------------------------- -- - k.. thats it phreakz.. if u wanna contact me 4 sum reazon..
bettah kall my board.. datacrawleR.. +33-03-80780508..
you kan also try to catch me on IRCnet nph, but u bettah
run phast cu
.enditnow --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
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