this image contains text
..... f3pressed!d0nteventryt0t0uchyeresckey!
:....... y0 m8! dIz Iz ....
/ my. my name is... DiZz
/ d2.
:. 0f da outstandin Russian group ...
I d2. :
: feel da NRG!
: I
: i
:.... hm... s0, herez my firzt 0ldsch00l ...........
/ // ascii
! /d2. !
i / / i
: : colly
::...... hm... well, I guess its en0ugh f0r n0w. :
have y0u seen any 0ldsch00l l0g0s?
YEAH, Y0U HAVE! : ......
...... my pers0nal .................:
g / r e e t z
....::.... fly 0ut t0 ........
Dr. Dream, rippa, Starks, Slash, /
// Black Jack, HaRD, HeadCrasher, /
Polygon, Tribal,mUtANT, Bauddie,
GreenDrug, Mortimer McMire, LOiA
and others who loves me,knows me
and helps me with advices about
scene life. Peace in 99, dewdz!
? /
:....... y0 m8! dIz Iz ....
/ my. my name is... DiZz
/ d2.
:. 0f da outstandin Russian group ...
I d2. :
: feel da NRG!
: I
: i
:.... hm... s0, herez my firzt 0ldsch00l ...........
/ // ascii
! /d2. !
i / / i
: : colly
::...... hm... well, I guess its en0ugh f0r n0w. :
have y0u seen any 0ldsch00l l0g0s?
YEAH, Y0U HAVE! : ......
...... my pers0nal .................:
g / r e e t z
....::.... fly 0ut t0 ........
Dr. Dream, rippa, Starks, Slash, /
// Black Jack, HaRD, HeadCrasher, /
Polygon, Tribal,mUtANT, Bauddie,
GreenDrug, Mortimer McMire, LOiA
and others who loves me,knows me
and helps me with advices about
scene life. Peace in 99, dewdz!
? /
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