this image contains text
ll7 47 4 ..
7 .s. 4 ..
7 .db. 4 ll
ll .
b. 4b. 4b.b
. b. 4
llb. ll l
dig your own hole - odelay
info :: 0497
Odelay ascii invites you to take p
art in a most unusual scam.
Ahoy hoy. The Prodigy here, bringing you the eighth ins
tallment of the epic we
know and love as Odelay. Discofunks HD went on the fr
itz, and I havent been
able to get on my ISP since last wednesday. I have to
give props to Seraphim,
cause hes been my eyes and ears for the last little bi
t. Discofunks computer
is working now, so if you have to get anything to me, t
alk to them.
Turn off the sun, pull the sta
rs from the sky.
Was a pretty fucked up month for members. Three members
EGZA, Putrid Carcass,
The Ruiner stopped doing ascii in favor of ansi. I wis
h em the best of luck.
Amoeba rejoins. Its great to have him back with us. Da
rklord of Bamboosh fame
brings his many talents to the Odelay squad. He went to
like Africa, I think..
Groove from Argentina hooks up. Discofunks HD nuked h
is stuff, but he showed
up at the last minute to bring us his work, so isall g
ood. Krezileonce known
as TDA joins. Hes got some really cool original style
s. Mice hops, skips, n
jumps to Odelay territory. Heh heh, that was cool. Vol
atile brings some great
skills to our small yet talented oldschool division. L
ast AND least I always
felt an obligation to say that somewhere, whether or n
ot it made any sense.,
Zero hour, resident ascii scary guy, brings his fine n
ewschool talent.
Did you ever get the feeling you were b
eing swindled?
Polymorph joined, then left the next day. Hey, its co
ol. He has a nice guest
submission. Mass Murderer also has a hip guest piece t
his month. It was nice
to have someone doing massm style who was actually mass
The dodgiest scam in a lifetim
e of dodgy scams.
On a bit of a housekeeping note, if you run an Odelay s
ite, be it an HQ, dist,
or member board, email me to confirm its existance. Th
ose who dont will have
their sites removed by pack 9.
He who pulls the
Thats about it. Theres no real deep insight into thos
e quotes. Trainspotting
is a really good movie... Its stuck in my grey matter.
shrug. Uh, later.
Carpe purgatorio assis,
The Prodigy .. ODELAY
PS: Id like to apologize to Volatile, D2MAC n Ville
cause i never completed the ascii trades i was s
upposed to have for the pack. It was a mess this
and i assure you that you will have them by pack 9 at
the latest.
7 .s. 4 ..
7 .db. 4 ll
ll .
b. 4b. 4b.b
. b. 4
llb. ll l
dig your own hole - odelay
info :: 0497
Odelay ascii invites you to take p
art in a most unusual scam.
Ahoy hoy. The Prodigy here, bringing you the eighth ins
tallment of the epic we
know and love as Odelay. Discofunks HD went on the fr
itz, and I havent been
able to get on my ISP since last wednesday. I have to
give props to Seraphim,
cause hes been my eyes and ears for the last little bi
t. Discofunks computer
is working now, so if you have to get anything to me, t
alk to them.
Turn off the sun, pull the sta
rs from the sky.
Was a pretty fucked up month for members. Three members
EGZA, Putrid Carcass,
The Ruiner stopped doing ascii in favor of ansi. I wis
h em the best of luck.
Amoeba rejoins. Its great to have him back with us. Da
rklord of Bamboosh fame
brings his many talents to the Odelay squad. He went to
like Africa, I think..
Groove from Argentina hooks up. Discofunks HD nuked h
is stuff, but he showed
up at the last minute to bring us his work, so isall g
ood. Krezileonce known
as TDA joins. Hes got some really cool original style
s. Mice hops, skips, n
jumps to Odelay territory. Heh heh, that was cool. Vol
atile brings some great
skills to our small yet talented oldschool division. L
ast AND least I always
felt an obligation to say that somewhere, whether or n
ot it made any sense.,
Zero hour, resident ascii scary guy, brings his fine n
ewschool talent.
Did you ever get the feeling you were b
eing swindled?
Polymorph joined, then left the next day. Hey, its co
ol. He has a nice guest
submission. Mass Murderer also has a hip guest piece t
his month. It was nice
to have someone doing massm style who was actually mass
The dodgiest scam in a lifetim
e of dodgy scams.
On a bit of a housekeeping note, if you run an Odelay s
ite, be it an HQ, dist,
or member board, email me to confirm its existance. Th
ose who dont will have
their sites removed by pack 9.
He who pulls the
Thats about it. Theres no real deep insight into thos
e quotes. Trainspotting
is a really good movie... Its stuck in my grey matter.
shrug. Uh, later.
Carpe purgatorio assis,
The Prodigy .. ODELAY
PS: Id like to apologize to Volatile, D2MAC n Ville
cause i never completed the ascii trades i was s
upposed to have for the pack. It was a mess this
and i assure you that you will have them by pack 9 at
the latest.
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