this image contains text
no, no, no! not again! help! no! make it stop!.. colly 5
no, no, no! not again! help! no! make it stop!.. colly 5
no, no, no! not again! help! no! make it stop!.. colly 5
the ceremonial presentation of the collies.. heh, am i the only one
who watches letterman?
. n O s a n i t y /
presents... .... ... .. . .
// // tHe!
/,/ lOOse
// ,---// / CannOn
tdserial / colly by nOSaNitY...
mind set on one goal... nothing going to stop me...
things have been planned for a long time...
now action will be taken... the foundations of peace are gone...
is it just me or do you see the madness??? that cold fucking madness.
about time someone stepped in... planning on ending the mess were
in... no cost is to great for the cause... but do we really have one?
or do we shed the blood of enemies just for fun... out of a vision
the balance of world power seemed to tip... i see clearly now after my
sanity slipped... the madness the madness the madness... the madness th
e madness the madness... ... ...
dont forget to remind yourself
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
.// .: greetz and logo listing
:...:.. //ext :
.. / / : ...the madness
/ / // the madness
/ high // . / //the cold ...
expectations / / //.fucking madness
/low returns / .. / ------------ -- -
/ the lOOse cannOn
grEEt list : / nOSaNe!
: discofunk, prodigy, serial2n, : :if i forgot you it may be for a reason
: kresile, black jack, tango, : :like fuck you! or maybe i just forgot..
: speedfrk, shiveem, dkentity, ...:figure it out yourself...
. tek, tzeentch, biogen, eos, :.........
: sagramore, mmouse, palmore, .
revolve, nd, psyOnide, mrk, .
: timdrake, psykoholk, kminor,
. ewheat, seraphim, mess, .
.: nOS!
ascii :: req by : phOnt reads i :
: 1 : serial2n :: spfspoof .
. 2 . biogen mdmass dist :
3 sagittar too obvious
. 4 . c4nn . chaos ad
5 . spinsane : trance induced .
6 : speedfrk . sacred grounds . :
7 . rw : info . :
h 8 :: poison : chronic organism .::
9 : zodiac :: fusion ..:::
. 10 : revert : kolsche
11 . psyonide . blunt
: 12 timdrake kv .
. 13 : timdrake . timdrake
: 14 : palmore : cyberia .
: 15 . xavii sohsouth of heaven
16 ironghost : the 7th seal
. 17 ack . hepcat
: 18 . skatter drone
19 mhz . the savage land
. 20 . eside : session
21 mess . index
: 22 blkjack creed
: 23 nd redbox
: 24 p433r tcd
. 25 frgnfrooz bleak
. 26 . m7m purge . : : .
. 27 severed the bazaar . . :
: 28 pblank toke : ....
29 . djk-os deep waterz . .:..:
. 30 sargon ... serialgoodbye ....:
..:....: -- u ::...: . .. .. ...:......: :...: :
.// .: start the logo display
:...:.. //ext :
/ ascii : 1//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: serial2n ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: spoof
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the hatred hates me, like you
:.. .. : .. : spoof :
: ..nOS!/ / / / / . .
/ ascii : 2//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: biogen ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: mass dist
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ looking for souls..good cash
//-- mass dist // . :
-- / --------/,nOS! : .
/ ascii : 3//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: sagittar ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: too obvious
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ my head is full of your shit
. too obvious : /
:...... ./... +o sAGiTTAr /
/ ascii : 4//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: c4nn ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: chaos ad
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ when a guy ask for sex,girls. use
: your head, we like it better .
.:. nOS! . ../ . .
:/ chaos . .
. ad :
/ ascii : 5//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: spinsane ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: trance induced
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ these are the demons that own
: your children .
.t . // . / // //
-- -/ ./ . / ...: / nOS! / : /
. / . trance induced . / ,-- /....:.
/ .. : / --d
/ ascii : 6//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: speedfrk ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: sacred grounds
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ burn the books with their authors
/ / // / / / / nOS!
+o speedfrk : / // / / :
/ // / / / l. :
/ ascii : 7//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: rw ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: info
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we are waiting till the end
: . .:: . / 7
nOS! . : /
. / : -------------// / info : --------------/
/ ascii : 8//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: poison ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: chronic organism
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ my love is for your money
.----/ ,-/---,-/--/ /-/----,/ /-------/----/-c
/----,/-/ // ,-/--,/ / /-------/----/ sm
. chrOnicorganisM . .
/ /. nOS!
/ ascii : 9//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: zodiac ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: fusion
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ more ideas that will actually
: help .
/ nOS! /
/ ascii : 1o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: revert ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: kolsche
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we are failing ourselves
/ . . kolsche / : : / .
. : o0 . : / /-----, :
: ..,. : : / nOS! :
/ ascii : 11//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: psyonide ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: blunt
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ she does so much to hide herself
/ / nOS! / / nOS!
bluntblun::. / bluntblun::. /
tbluntblu::. / tbluntblu::. /
ntbluntbl::. / ntbluntbl::. /
untbluntb::. / untbluntb::. /
luntblunt::. / luntblunt::. /
bluntblun::. / bluntblun::. /
tbluntblu::/ tbluntblu::/
/ ascii : 12//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: tim drake ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: kv
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ judging before you know
. /-------/ :: /----------------/ nOS! :
: kay. vee. : .
. . . .:: kontinental vereinigung ::.. . : . .
. .: - --colly by tim drake-- - ::
/ ascii : 13//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: tim drake ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: tim drake
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we eliminated opposition making
: the nation more positive .
. nOS! // . :: / :
: tim drake :: :: /
/ ascii : 14//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: palmore ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: cyberia
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ freedom died in the courts
// ::: //ia
nOSaNe! :::. .
cyberia emag numbah 1 : from Palmore and crew
/ ascii : 15//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: xavii ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: south of heaven
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ earth is one of the nicer points
: of hell .
. / nOS! / /
/ // /------------------/ /. , . .south .of .heaven
/ ascii : 16//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: ironghost ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: the 7th seal
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the tribulation hour is apon us
: adn who can stand against it? .
: the /
. .::::::::.... . // // : . :nOS!
. :: , / 7th . . : /
:when the Lamb broke open the 7th seal - .seal :
there was silence in heaven for about half an hour./ /
--revelation 8:1 TEV / /- -
/ ascii : 17//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: aCk ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: HepCat
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the saver of one human is the
: saver of all man kind .
nOS!/ // / / / - / //
::: hepcat! // //
/ ascii : 18//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by:skatter ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says:drone
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ if the truth sets you free then
: the state has put us in bondage .
: . / . nOS! :
/ ascii : 19//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by:mhz ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: the savage land
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ everything just crumbles and there
: is nothing left... .
:-- -- - the . .. .... : .
.:: savage /---- : /--- / /----- /
nOS! .: lands : +o mHz +o Gunthar .:
/ ascii : 2o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: eside ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: session
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ steps have been taken to reduce
: resistance to control .
/ / / / / / ion
: :session /
. : . : . nOS!
/ ascii : 21//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: mess ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: index
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ these walls were made to confine,
: but they have become the cornerstone .
: of a legacy and a revolution
index /-- ----- --------:-/
. / :..... -- --- nOS! .
l :..... ... .. . :
/ ascii : 22//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: blkjack ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: creed
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ what is it like on the bottom?
: nosAne! . creed versiOn /
. //--- - - by black jack /
/ ascii : 23//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: nd joint ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: redbox
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ becoming what we are told to become
. . .. : redbOx-- . . . . .. . .
/ ascii : 24//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: p433r ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: tcd
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ regret what you didnt do and
: should have, not what you did do .
. / nOS! :
: tee see dee .
/ ascii : 25//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: frgnfrooz ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: bleak
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ fend for yourself
- -- --- ------------ --/ , nOS! /
/ ascii : 26//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: m7m ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: purge
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
.: . . / nOS! : :
/ ascii : 27//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: the ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says:
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ here lie the weak, here stand the
: strong, and there isnt anything wrong.
: :......:the :... / :.. ... :...
:.. , bazaar / - nOS!
/ ascii : 28//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: pblank ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: toke
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
/ nOS! . .. ...:.......::
. : / . / tOke :: . . . .
/ ascii : 29//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: dj k-os ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: deep waterz
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ in their quest for superiority,
: women have shown their inferiority.
.:::.......::: nOS! . ..::: :.
deep . ..::::.............. .. .
waterz , .:::.......::: ::: .
deeper than the sea / ::
/ ascii : 3o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: sargon ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: serial
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ often ones death is more important
: and than their life .
nOSaNe!:----- ------ ---/ / -- ---/-----//
:: . .. ...good-bye serial!... . ::
:: ..its gone, and its not going to be alright.. ::
:: not for me its not... . . ::
end of logos
.// .: in closing
:...:.. //ext :
:i take all email u send me, death threats, coupons for a 5 blowjob,
.flyers, complements, requests, telling me offs.. whatever.. so if
u want/need an ascii or whatever email me at spire@ionsys.com
.--nOSaNitY oDELAY.cOMIC ... stay turned for colly 6
:: colly 1 Mad , size : 62380
:: colly 2 Slide, size : 63000 .
:: colly 3 taNk , size : 64286 :
.. colly 4 ite , size : 56804
.. colly 5 tlC , size : 91051
total --- , size : 337545
the lOOse by nOSaNitY
/ : can nOn
colly 5.. : --
line 1500, .-------the bOttOm line.
no, no, no! not again! help! no! make it stop!.. colly 5
no, no, no! not again! help! no! make it stop!.. colly 5
the ceremonial presentation of the collies.. heh, am i the only one
who watches letterman?
. n O s a n i t y /
presents... .... ... .. . .
// // tHe!
/,/ lOOse
// ,---// / CannOn
tdserial / colly by nOSaNitY...
mind set on one goal... nothing going to stop me...
things have been planned for a long time...
now action will be taken... the foundations of peace are gone...
is it just me or do you see the madness??? that cold fucking madness.
about time someone stepped in... planning on ending the mess were
in... no cost is to great for the cause... but do we really have one?
or do we shed the blood of enemies just for fun... out of a vision
the balance of world power seemed to tip... i see clearly now after my
sanity slipped... the madness the madness the madness... the madness th
e madness the madness... ... ...
dont forget to remind yourself
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly... //
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
...its just a colly... ...its just a colly...
.// .: greetz and logo listing
:...:.. //ext :
.. / / : ...the madness
/ / // the madness
/ high // . / //the cold ...
expectations / / //.fucking madness
/low returns / .. / ------------ -- -
/ the lOOse cannOn
grEEt list : / nOSaNe!
: discofunk, prodigy, serial2n, : :if i forgot you it may be for a reason
: kresile, black jack, tango, : :like fuck you! or maybe i just forgot..
: speedfrk, shiveem, dkentity, ...:figure it out yourself...
. tek, tzeentch, biogen, eos, :.........
: sagramore, mmouse, palmore, .
revolve, nd, psyOnide, mrk, .
: timdrake, psykoholk, kminor,
. ewheat, seraphim, mess, .
.: nOS!
ascii :: req by : phOnt reads i :
: 1 : serial2n :: spfspoof .
. 2 . biogen mdmass dist :
3 sagittar too obvious
. 4 . c4nn . chaos ad
5 . spinsane : trance induced .
6 : speedfrk . sacred grounds . :
7 . rw : info . :
h 8 :: poison : chronic organism .::
9 : zodiac :: fusion ..:::
. 10 : revert : kolsche
11 . psyonide . blunt
: 12 timdrake kv .
. 13 : timdrake . timdrake
: 14 : palmore : cyberia .
: 15 . xavii sohsouth of heaven
16 ironghost : the 7th seal
. 17 ack . hepcat
: 18 . skatter drone
19 mhz . the savage land
. 20 . eside : session
21 mess . index
: 22 blkjack creed
: 23 nd redbox
: 24 p433r tcd
. 25 frgnfrooz bleak
. 26 . m7m purge . : : .
. 27 severed the bazaar . . :
: 28 pblank toke : ....
29 . djk-os deep waterz . .:..:
. 30 sargon ... serialgoodbye ....:
..:....: -- u ::...: . .. .. ...:......: :...: :
.// .: start the logo display
:...:.. //ext :
/ ascii : 1//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: serial2n ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: spoof
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the hatred hates me, like you
:.. .. : .. : spoof :
: ..nOS!/ / / / / . .
/ ascii : 2//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: biogen ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: mass dist
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ looking for souls..good cash
//-- mass dist // . :
-- / --------/,nOS! : .
/ ascii : 3//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: sagittar ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: too obvious
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ my head is full of your shit
. too obvious : /
:...... ./... +o sAGiTTAr /
/ ascii : 4//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: c4nn ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: chaos ad
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ when a guy ask for sex,girls. use
: your head, we like it better .
.:. nOS! . ../ . .
:/ chaos . .
. ad :
/ ascii : 5//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: spinsane ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: trance induced
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ these are the demons that own
: your children .
.t . // . / // //
-- -/ ./ . / ...: / nOS! / : /
. / . trance induced . / ,-- /....:.
/ .. : / --d
/ ascii : 6//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: speedfrk ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: sacred grounds
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ burn the books with their authors
/ / // / / / / nOS!
+o speedfrk : / // / / :
/ // / / / l. :
/ ascii : 7//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: rw ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: info
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we are waiting till the end
: . .:: . / 7
nOS! . : /
. / : -------------// / info : --------------/
/ ascii : 8//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: poison ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: chronic organism
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ my love is for your money
.----/ ,-/---,-/--/ /-/----,/ /-------/----/-c
/----,/-/ // ,-/--,/ / /-------/----/ sm
. chrOnicorganisM . .
/ /. nOS!
/ ascii : 9//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: zodiac ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: fusion
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ more ideas that will actually
: help .
/ nOS! /
/ ascii : 1o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: revert ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: kolsche
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we are failing ourselves
/ . . kolsche / : : / .
. : o0 . : / /-----, :
: ..,. : : / nOS! :
/ ascii : 11//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: psyonide ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: blunt
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ she does so much to hide herself
/ / nOS! / / nOS!
bluntblun::. / bluntblun::. /
tbluntblu::. / tbluntblu::. /
ntbluntbl::. / ntbluntbl::. /
untbluntb::. / untbluntb::. /
luntblunt::. / luntblunt::. /
bluntblun::. / bluntblun::. /
tbluntblu::/ tbluntblu::/
/ ascii : 12//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: tim drake ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: kv
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ judging before you know
. /-------/ :: /----------------/ nOS! :
: kay. vee. : .
. . . .:: kontinental vereinigung ::.. . : . .
. .: - --colly by tim drake-- - ::
/ ascii : 13//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: tim drake ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: tim drake
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ we eliminated opposition making
: the nation more positive .
. nOS! // . :: / :
: tim drake :: :: /
/ ascii : 14//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: palmore ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: cyberia
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ freedom died in the courts
// ::: //ia
nOSaNe! :::. .
cyberia emag numbah 1 : from Palmore and crew
/ ascii : 15//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: xavii ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: south of heaven
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ earth is one of the nicer points
: of hell .
. / nOS! / /
/ // /------------------/ /. , . .south .of .heaven
/ ascii : 16//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: ironghost ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: the 7th seal
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the tribulation hour is apon us
: adn who can stand against it? .
: the /
. .::::::::.... . // // : . :nOS!
. :: , / 7th . . : /
:when the Lamb broke open the 7th seal - .seal :
there was silence in heaven for about half an hour./ /
--revelation 8:1 TEV / /- -
/ ascii : 17//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: aCk ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: HepCat
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ the saver of one human is the
: saver of all man kind .
nOS!/ // / / / - / //
::: hepcat! // //
/ ascii : 18//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by:skatter ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says:drone
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ if the truth sets you free then
: the state has put us in bondage .
: . / . nOS! :
/ ascii : 19//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by:mhz ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: the savage land
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ everything just crumbles and there
: is nothing left... .
:-- -- - the . .. .... : .
.:: savage /---- : /--- / /----- /
nOS! .: lands : +o mHz +o Gunthar .:
/ ascii : 2o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: eside ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: session
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ steps have been taken to reduce
: resistance to control .
/ / / / / / ion
: :session /
. : . : . nOS!
/ ascii : 21//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: mess ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: index
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ these walls were made to confine,
: but they have become the cornerstone .
: of a legacy and a revolution
index /-- ----- --------:-/
. / :..... -- --- nOS! .
l :..... ... .. . :
/ ascii : 22//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: blkjack ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: creed
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ what is it like on the bottom?
: nosAne! . creed versiOn /
. //--- - - by black jack /
/ ascii : 23//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: nd joint ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: redbox
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ becoming what we are told to become
. . .. : redbOx-- . . . . .. . .
/ ascii : 24//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: p433r ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: tcd
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ regret what you didnt do and
: should have, not what you did do .
. / nOS! :
: tee see dee .
/ ascii : 25//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: frgnfrooz ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: bleak
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ fend for yourself
- -- --- ------------ --/ , nOS! /
/ ascii : 26//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: m7m ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: purge
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
.: . . / nOS! : :
/ ascii : 27//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: the ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says:
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ here lie the weak, here stand the
: strong, and there isnt anything wrong.
: :......:the :... / :.. ... :...
:.. , bazaar / - nOS!
/ ascii : 28//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: pblank ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: toke
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
/ nOS! . .. ...:.......::
. : / . / tOke :: . . . .
/ ascii : 29//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: dj k-os ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: deep waterz
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ in their quest for superiority,
: women have shown their inferiority.
.:::.......::: nOS! . ..::: :.
deep . ..::::.............. .. .
waterz , .:::.......::: ::: .
deeper than the sea / ::
/ ascii : 3o//3o - --/----: /-- -
nOSaNe!/ // /.
: / /-/ req by: sargon ..
:.. the / //: cannOn/ says: serial
.. / lOOse. // .-- -- -
/ : : .. o .
- --/ often ones death is more important
: and than their life .
nOSaNe!:----- ------ ---/ / -- ---/-----//
:: . .. ...good-bye serial!... . ::
:: ..its gone, and its not going to be alright.. ::
:: not for me its not... . . ::
end of logos
.// .: in closing
:...:.. //ext :
:i take all email u send me, death threats, coupons for a 5 blowjob,
.flyers, complements, requests, telling me offs.. whatever.. so if
u want/need an ascii or whatever email me at spire@ionsys.com
.--nOSaNitY oDELAY.cOMIC ... stay turned for colly 6
:: colly 1 Mad , size : 62380
:: colly 2 Slide, size : 63000 .
:: colly 3 taNk , size : 64286 :
.. colly 4 ite , size : 56804
.. colly 5 tlC , size : 91051
total --- , size : 337545
the lOOse by nOSaNitY
/ : can nOn
colly 5.. : --
line 1500, .-------the bOttOm line.
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