this image contains text
treb//by trebleODL
ill probably be releasing as treble for a while
dont really know why, diggit?
. l,. .@88@. .@88@. @88@.
: SP7SSSSP .dP7b .7P7b. P7b. :
l lSP d88: 78888P d88 7bS7, 7bP .,,. 7P. l
8 :S: 788P :SS!Sl 888: MS: :SSS:SSSS 8
8b ?b..dPS7S 8888888: :b. .dP7b..dP d8
88b.7S@@SP 7P 7888888P .7S@@SP 7S@@SP d88
78b.**.,db,. ** .@@. **.,d8888
..d8888S@@.. :888888: ...@@88888888
-empower- hi im guessing you proabably dont need anymore art anyway, but I was
messing around one day, and this is what happened, so if you can use it for may be a generic menu header, like, for some of the ones you kept default or what-
ever, go for it p
e l d o r a d o
,,,, .@88@. SSSS8 ,,,, .@88@S888P SSSP SSSSSSSP.d888P7888P. S888S SSSP.d888P7S888P SSSb.. te 7SSP ?8888P 78888P?8888l SSSS S888b?8888P 7S888S SSSSSSSSb.
SSSSSSSb .@S@. .d8888P?8888b,,d8888P?8888b. .d8888P dSSSSSSSSS:
7SSSSSSSb 78888b@@S8888P. 78888S@@S8888P. 7888S@@S8888P dSSSSSSSSP
7SSSSB * .dSSb.* .dSSb. * .dSSSSSP ODL
ill probably be releasing as treble for a while
dont really know why, diggit?
. l,. .@88@. .@88@. @88@.
: SP7SSSSP .dP7b .7P7b. P7b. :
l lSP d88: 78888P d88 7bS7, 7bP .,,. 7P. l
8 :S: 788P :SS!Sl 888: MS: :SSS:SSSS 8
8b ?b..dPS7S 8888888: :b. .dP7b..dP d8
88b.7S@@SP 7P 7888888P .7S@@SP 7S@@SP d88
78b.**.,db,. ** .@@. **.,d8888
..d8888S@@.. :888888: ...@@88888888
-empower- hi im guessing you proabably dont need anymore art anyway, but I was
messing around one day, and this is what happened, so if you can use it for may be a generic menu header, like, for some of the ones you kept default or what-
ever, go for it p
e l d o r a d o
,,,, .@88@. SSSS8 ,,,, .@88@S888P SSSP SSSSSSSP.d888P7888P. S888S SSSP.d888P7S888P SSSb.. te 7SSP ?8888P 78888P?8888l SSSS S888b?8888P 7S888S SSSSSSSSb.
SSSSSSSb .@S@. .d8888P?8888b,,d8888P?8888b. .d8888P dSSSSSSSSS:
7SSSSSSSb 78888b@@S8888P. 78888S@@S8888P. 7888S@@S8888P dSSSSSSSSP
7SSSSB * .dSSb.* .dSSb. * .dSSSSSP ODL
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