this image contains text
the od
ium march 1996 information file
o d i u
mok this is going to be quick, i feel s
ick, and the pack is already late, sohere it goes. this month
went by pretty slow, we lost alot of our top artistswhich put
a little gap into our memberlist, but we still managed to put out
a pretty nice pack this month. along with vagina going on, odium has be
en sort
of put off this month while i tried to get that released, but ill try a
nd put
more time into the pack next month.
this month we say goodbye to the following artists... burps,
who was accepted
into the ranks of acid. its good to know that odium can be acid quality
7degrees left this month for the same reason that alot of peo
ple quit, just
not enough time, he is going to be concentrating on one group from now o
n, and
odium obviously wasnt it. scribble left this month, after a
VERY short stay,
because of the same reason, and finally holocaust, our leadin
g ascii artists
decided that it was time to leave, he went on to concentrate more on his
ascii affiliations.
this month we did get something in return, we picked up scratch
who will be
drawing for our ansi division, pinhead who will be doing literat
ure for us,
and outkast, a vga artist who is also picking up some ansi.
well, thats about it, sorry this month was so rushed, i just didnt seem
have as much time left as i thought...and if you havent already, check o
vagina01 and vagina02, both issues are out now.
ium march 1996 information file
o d i u
mok this is going to be quick, i feel s
ick, and the pack is already late, sohere it goes. this month
went by pretty slow, we lost alot of our top artistswhich put
a little gap into our memberlist, but we still managed to put out
a pretty nice pack this month. along with vagina going on, odium has be
en sort
of put off this month while i tried to get that released, but ill try a
nd put
more time into the pack next month.
this month we say goodbye to the following artists... burps,
who was accepted
into the ranks of acid. its good to know that odium can be acid quality
7degrees left this month for the same reason that alot of peo
ple quit, just
not enough time, he is going to be concentrating on one group from now o
n, and
odium obviously wasnt it. scribble left this month, after a
VERY short stay,
because of the same reason, and finally holocaust, our leadin
g ascii artists
decided that it was time to leave, he went on to concentrate more on his
ascii affiliations.
this month we did get something in return, we picked up scratch
who will be
drawing for our ansi division, pinhead who will be doing literat
ure for us,
and outkast, a vga artist who is also picking up some ansi.
well, thats about it, sorry this month was so rushed, i just didnt seem
have as much time left as i thought...and if you havent already, check o
vagina01 and vagina02, both issues are out now.
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