this image contains text
if you have the time, please leave a little feedback for the entire group or
even a particular artist.. thanks.. catch me on irc dieznyik, or at my email:
netzach@idirect.com.. thanks a bunch..
your alias:
your email address:
i am providing feedback on...
the entire pack.
a particular artist:
if providing feedback on the entire pack...
the pack was excellent. i have no complaints.
the pack needed more:
the pack needed less:
general comments on the pack...
if providing feedback on a particular artist...
artists name:
there is nothing wrong with this artist
artist should improve their shading
artist should improve their shaping
artist should draw more
please add some specific comments here...
even a particular artist.. thanks.. catch me on irc dieznyik, or at my email:
netzach@idirect.com.. thanks a bunch..
your alias:
your email address:
i am providing feedback on...
the entire pack.
a particular artist:
if providing feedback on the entire pack...
the pack was excellent. i have no complaints.
the pack needed more:
the pack needed less:
general comments on the pack...
if providing feedback on a particular artist...
artists name:
there is nothing wrong with this artist
artist should improve their shading
artist should improve their shaping
artist should draw more
please add some specific comments here...
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