this image contains text
I n f o r m a t i o n
Crow was founded in the late 1995. Crow is bbs-util group that tries to
bring beatiful, easy-to-install and easy-to-customize doors. Our policy
is to listen to the SysOps and make the doors after their suggestions.
So all SysOps mail us, and well make the door that you always have
dream of : Thats all...nough of bullshit and start the darn door :
M e m b e r - l i s t
- - L e a d e r F o u n d e r - -
- - C o d e r s - -
Chastisement, Freejack, Razzler
Rezaad The Big A
- - A n s i A r t i s t - -
High Quality Art From Opium Gfx
Noosebone Sniper
Available Positions
Crow needs:
Ansi Artists, Distros and Beta sites
How to become a member: Call one of our HQs and run the apply door!
R e a l e a s e s
Current releases:
Kiwi v1.0 ..... This was our first release, its a wall, a cool wall
Space v1.0 .... A program that shows how many bytes your drives has
Space v1.1 .... BugfixedI had forgot to change a thing in the doc.
LastCall ...... A lastcaller door for RA, Have Todays, Yesterdays,
Baud Statistics And Caller Statistics
Apply ......... Application program
RaQuest v2.0 .. A fine requester
I n t e r n e t
Make a visit on the Crow homepage on the World Wide Web:
C r o w D i s t r o s
Board Open SysOp Number HQ/Dist/Mb/Beta
Cyber Station 24h Rezaad +46-226-20119 WHQ/MemberBoard
RsW BBS 24h Chastisement +46-63-86286 Swedish HQ/Mb
Solstice 24h Scott +1-604-472-8950 Canadian HQ
The Marines BBS 24h MAF +49-6824-91294 German HQ
Global Interface 24h Razzler +46-498-34226 MemberBoard
Virtual Light 22-06 Freejack +46-495-20662 Memberboard
CodeCastle 24h The Big A +46-08-7528658 MemberBoard
Side of Sun 23-06 Obducted +46-573-771056 Dist/BetaSite
Atomica 24h Dexter +46-143-12203 Dist/BetaSite
FunZone 24h Cyberia +46-510-20876 Dist/BetaSite
Tha Dark Frontier 24h Mike Mc +46-470-15740 DistroSite
I n f o r m a t i o n
Crow was founded in the late 1995. Crow is bbs-util group that tries to
bring beatiful, easy-to-install and easy-to-customize doors. Our policy
is to listen to the SysOps and make the doors after their suggestions.
So all SysOps mail us, and well make the door that you always have
dream of : Thats all...nough of bullshit and start the darn door :
M e m b e r - l i s t
- - L e a d e r F o u n d e r - -
- - C o d e r s - -
Chastisement, Freejack, Razzler
Rezaad The Big A
- - A n s i A r t i s t - -
High Quality Art From Opium Gfx
Noosebone Sniper
Available Positions
Crow needs:
Ansi Artists, Distros and Beta sites
How to become a member: Call one of our HQs and run the apply door!
R e a l e a s e s
Current releases:
Kiwi v1.0 ..... This was our first release, its a wall, a cool wall
Space v1.0 .... A program that shows how many bytes your drives has
Space v1.1 .... BugfixedI had forgot to change a thing in the doc.
LastCall ...... A lastcaller door for RA, Have Todays, Yesterdays,
Baud Statistics And Caller Statistics
Apply ......... Application program
RaQuest v2.0 .. A fine requester
I n t e r n e t
Make a visit on the Crow homepage on the World Wide Web:
C r o w D i s t r o s
Board Open SysOp Number HQ/Dist/Mb/Beta
Cyber Station 24h Rezaad +46-226-20119 WHQ/MemberBoard
RsW BBS 24h Chastisement +46-63-86286 Swedish HQ/Mb
Solstice 24h Scott +1-604-472-8950 Canadian HQ
The Marines BBS 24h MAF +49-6824-91294 German HQ
Global Interface 24h Razzler +46-498-34226 MemberBoard
Virtual Light 22-06 Freejack +46-495-20662 Memberboard
CodeCastle 24h The Big A +46-08-7528658 MemberBoard
Side of Sun 23-06 Obducted +46-573-771056 Dist/BetaSite
Atomica 24h Dexter +46-143-12203 Dist/BetaSite
FunZone 24h Cyberia +46-510-20876 Dist/BetaSite
Tha Dark Frontier 24h Mike Mc +46-470-15740 DistroSite
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