this image contains text
lb sensei is..
s ss ssss :b s the@
lP ,sY@s, ,l
s,..,dP jl Yb ss@P
.,,ss, l P
j l @ms, Y@m, dP ,s@PY
lmmmmm mmmmmml , ssss PY@s,7l
: l :s: Y@s,s,.l lb
: m@s, l: lb : : :b l:
lyyl Ybl l fear :l :b mmmml
: l : : j: ,dy l lP :l
db jP ,s2..,s@P YP dP :l
dP YP ..,s YP :
j@ms,.Y: ,sP
: Y: P ,ss,Yl : jl
l ,d: , sd lb : lP Y,
background : ls :b ss7ss,
would been :l l :: b Yb
cool S: Y: l : lb
l l: l lP j
:l l jP YP
ok. i guess this was my last ascii ever.
it took hours to draw, still i think it
sucks bigtime.
greets: L. Ron Hubbard, for showing me
and the rest of the world how stupid
people are, and how easy they are to
fool. Wanna get rich? Religion is the
way to go.
greets also to: sensei and opium*.*
reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away
s ss ssss :b s the@
lP ,sY@s, ,l
s,..,dP jl Yb ss@P
.,,ss, l P
j l @ms, Y@m, dP ,s@PY
lmmmmm mmmmmml , ssss PY@s,7l
: l :s: Y@s,s,.l lb
: m@s, l: lb : : :b l:
lyyl Ybl l fear :l :b mmmml
: l : : j: ,dy l lP :l
db jP ,s2..,s@P YP dP :l
dP YP ..,s YP :
j@ms,.Y: ,sP
: Y: P ,ss,Yl : jl
l ,d: , sd lb : lP Y,
background : ls :b ss7ss,
would been :l l :: b Yb
cool S: Y: l : lb
l l: l lP j
:l l jP YP
ok. i guess this was my last ascii ever.
it took hours to draw, still i think it
sucks bigtime.
greets: L. Ron Hubbard, for showing me
and the rest of the world how stupid
people are, and how easy they are to
fool. Wanna get rich? Religion is the
way to go.
greets also to: sensei and opium*.*
reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away
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