this image contains text
/ /: // frOm thE bItchEs At
/ / / p!i.. /June 97 OpIUm rAIdErs
...:...........: . wErE nOt :.....: . clEAnIng crEw hErE tO clEAn .. wE hErE tO . : jUst sOmE pUnk :.....: Up whAt d38 dOnt wAnt!??! : shArE whAt :.........:........ ...:........ ........:
:..... thEy gOt... ..:.........: :..................:
- Pirate -- If your wondering Does the freak always talk like that? the answeris No i dont, i just felt like doing some other than normal writing up there in the ascii. First thing i want to point out, i DO NOT think o-r is better
than d38, although if you guys give a chance and get over the fact that d38 is
bigger than most of the groups in NZ, then maybe well get to where they are at
the moment. I have alot of respect going out to Blind Sniper and the crew at d38
Just before i go...I wanna give some shoutouts, so i dont have to do it in the
pack...D38, Frost aka Quantum, Plague longest running NZ group, and all the
other New Zealand groups out there, whether you be Art/Code/whatever.
- Calvin Klein -- Before i go waffling on about nothing at all, just to point
something out : Pirate wrote that and did most of his ascii/ansi quite awhile
ago, hes been abit out of it for awhile but we all have..Okay here i go :
Opium Raiders was formed about 1-2 months ago, its a merger of 2 groups.
Timewalk Leading at the time was Satan
Frost Leading at the time was Enzyme
Now the two groups have come together under one banner of Opium Raiders. Hurray!Plus im leading at the moment, although i dont have that much time anymore.
Anyway, im way too tired to talk about anything.. If you have any questions
that dont get answered in this pack, then ring one of the HQ boards and get a
message to me or a senior member : Also, anyone out there who is interested in
joining us, theres an Opium Raider app-gen so like go use it or something ?
Last thing, Filter made us a ans/asc viewer, in time its gonna get modified so
it can view gif/jpg and anything else, maybe even play music? so yeah.. i hope
your fecking using that to view this?!?! Well yeah bye..
- Calvin Klein -- Its me again : Just a little update from the members, Xide
has recently thought of something called AC, which is basically 1 big colly allmerged and combined together. Filter has taken over most of the work of Satan,
because Satan is working on something special for us at the moment. Were still
and always looking for more members or anyone that can help us out. We also haveout own viewer and an app-gen if anyone wants to join, you can upload that to
any Distro board we have. And thats about it, im gonna go put the pack togethernow.
/ / / p!i.. /June 97 OpIUm rAIdErs
...:...........: . wErE nOt :.....: . clEAnIng crEw hErE tO clEAn .. wE hErE tO . : jUst sOmE pUnk :.....: Up whAt d38 dOnt wAnt!??! : shArE whAt :.........:........ ...:........ ........:
:..... thEy gOt... ..:.........: :..................:
- Pirate -- If your wondering Does the freak always talk like that? the answeris No i dont, i just felt like doing some other than normal writing up there in the ascii. First thing i want to point out, i DO NOT think o-r is better
than d38, although if you guys give a chance and get over the fact that d38 is
bigger than most of the groups in NZ, then maybe well get to where they are at
the moment. I have alot of respect going out to Blind Sniper and the crew at d38
Just before i go...I wanna give some shoutouts, so i dont have to do it in the
pack...D38, Frost aka Quantum, Plague longest running NZ group, and all the
other New Zealand groups out there, whether you be Art/Code/whatever.
- Calvin Klein -- Before i go waffling on about nothing at all, just to point
something out : Pirate wrote that and did most of his ascii/ansi quite awhile
ago, hes been abit out of it for awhile but we all have..Okay here i go :
Opium Raiders was formed about 1-2 months ago, its a merger of 2 groups.
Timewalk Leading at the time was Satan
Frost Leading at the time was Enzyme
Now the two groups have come together under one banner of Opium Raiders. Hurray!Plus im leading at the moment, although i dont have that much time anymore.
Anyway, im way too tired to talk about anything.. If you have any questions
that dont get answered in this pack, then ring one of the HQ boards and get a
message to me or a senior member : Also, anyone out there who is interested in
joining us, theres an Opium Raider app-gen so like go use it or something ?
Last thing, Filter made us a ans/asc viewer, in time its gonna get modified so
it can view gif/jpg and anything else, maybe even play music? so yeah.. i hope
your fecking using that to view this?!?! Well yeah bye..
- Calvin Klein -- Its me again : Just a little update from the members, Xide
has recently thought of something called AC, which is basically 1 big colly allmerged and combined together. Filter has taken over most of the work of Satan,
because Satan is working on something special for us at the moment. Were still
and always looking for more members or anyone that can help us out. We also haveout own viewer and an app-gen if anyone wants to join, you can upload that to
any Distro board we have. And thats about it, im gonna go put the pack togethernow.
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