this image contains text
January 1999 OutWorld Arts Pack
Hello! This artpack has quite a few RIPs that were originally
for Avalon and Realm of Kisom. These were doorgames from
Blazing Fire Software that were acquired by others. I was
told that Avalon was not going to support RIP and that
someone else is creating the RIP for Realm of Kisom. I
decided to release them so they dont sit here uselessly.
Use them as you see fit, feel free to add text or buttons
to anything in the artpack that you want to use.
I know I should have done a few Valentines Day screens, but
I guess Im not very romantic.
There is also a .zip file from Mike Collard this month. Ill
bet you thought Id forget, didnt you Mike!! :
Take care and see you next month.
OutWorld Arts
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- graphics@outworldarts.com
- - Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697
Hello! This artpack has quite a few RIPs that were originally
for Avalon and Realm of Kisom. These were doorgames from
Blazing Fire Software that were acquired by others. I was
told that Avalon was not going to support RIP and that
someone else is creating the RIP for Realm of Kisom. I
decided to release them so they dont sit here uselessly.
Use them as you see fit, feel free to add text or buttons
to anything in the artpack that you want to use.
I know I should have done a few Valentines Day screens, but
I guess Im not very romantic.
There is also a .zip file from Mike Collard this month. Ill
bet you thought Id forget, didnt you Mike!! :
Take care and see you next month.
OutWorld Arts
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- graphics@outworldarts.com
- - Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697
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