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September 1997 OutWorld Arts Pack
Sorry this is late. I actually forgot to do it this month!
I have a new and permanent email address:
This should keep the lost emails at a minimum and will allow
me to send larger files to people.
If anyone is interested, I am running a poll on my web site to
see which graphics formats are most in demand. Here are the stats
so far:
62 want more Ansi
5 want more RIP 1.54
13 want more RIP 2
20 want more Web Graphics
I will be conducting this poll until the end of the year. The number
of people looking for RIP 2 graphics really surprised me. I will try
to include some RIP 2 in the next artpack. I have already included
a .zip of web graphics in this file. But the bottom line is that it
looks like the artpacks will remain mostly ansi.
There isnt too much in this months file, but I continually run
out of time. My husband keeps getting me local jobs that HAVE TO
BE DONE NOW and I get side-tracked by them. Of course, Im glad to
have the money, but these artpack files keep getting smaller.
There were no RIP files this month, but the only reason for that
was time contraints. I dont plan to stop doing RIPs or any other
format. I havent used RIPaint 2 much and really have to sit
down and work with it more. Thanks in advance for your patience.
Thats it here, thanks for reading! :
Vote on the future of the Artpacks!!!!!
At http://www.outworldarts.com/index.htmlpoll
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free request!
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
email: graphics@outworldarts.com
IRC -- outworldarts irc.dal.net -or- spider.dal.net
Chatroom -- http://www.outworldarts.com/parachat.html
Sorry this is late. I actually forgot to do it this month!
I have a new and permanent email address:
This should keep the lost emails at a minimum and will allow
me to send larger files to people.
If anyone is interested, I am running a poll on my web site to
see which graphics formats are most in demand. Here are the stats
so far:
62 want more Ansi
5 want more RIP 1.54
13 want more RIP 2
20 want more Web Graphics
I will be conducting this poll until the end of the year. The number
of people looking for RIP 2 graphics really surprised me. I will try
to include some RIP 2 in the next artpack. I have already included
a .zip of web graphics in this file. But the bottom line is that it
looks like the artpacks will remain mostly ansi.
There isnt too much in this months file, but I continually run
out of time. My husband keeps getting me local jobs that HAVE TO
BE DONE NOW and I get side-tracked by them. Of course, Im glad to
have the money, but these artpack files keep getting smaller.
There were no RIP files this month, but the only reason for that
was time contraints. I dont plan to stop doing RIPs or any other
format. I havent used RIPaint 2 much and really have to sit
down and work with it more. Thanks in advance for your patience.
Thats it here, thanks for reading! :
Vote on the future of the Artpacks!!!!!
At http://www.outworldarts.com/index.htmlpoll
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free request!
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
email: graphics@outworldarts.com
IRC -- outworldarts irc.dal.net -or- spider.dal.net
Chatroom -- http://www.outworldarts.com/parachat.html
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