![News and Information by Prisoner#1](/pack/p1-art/x1/NEWS.ANS.png)
this image contains text
Hello! Nothing fancy for this news file, just th
e plain facts. I decided
to put together a complete collection of Prisoner1 artw
ork simply for
posterity and nostalgia purposes. The quality of the 11
0+ files ranges from
mediocre to mediocre, though some are more mediocre than
others. In either
case I had fun drawing each and every piece.
Shouts to everyone that I have met over the years for ad
vice Eerie, opinions
RadMan, and an occasional kick in t
he ass Halaster. I would also like to
thank everyone for the tremendous amount of email sent t
o me from places as
far away as Chil, Finland, France, Brazil, Thailand, Au
strailia, and too many
other places to list. Its been inte
resting getting emails that simply say,
ansi... good. and end at that because the sender know
s no English.
It hardly matters... Art has its own language, and I tha
nk you for the kind
sentiments. So, grab a soda, turn out the lights, and e
- Prisoner1 AKA Jim Morley
SF Bay Area, California USA
e plain facts. I decided
to put together a complete collection of Prisoner1 artw
ork simply for
posterity and nostalgia purposes. The quality of the 11
0+ files ranges from
mediocre to mediocre, though some are more mediocre than
others. In either
case I had fun drawing each and every piece.
Shouts to everyone that I have met over the years for ad
vice Eerie, opinions
RadMan, and an occasional kick in t
he ass Halaster. I would also like to
thank everyone for the tremendous amount of email sent t
o me from places as
far away as Chil, Finland, France, Brazil, Thailand, Au
strailia, and too many
other places to list. Its been inte
resting getting emails that simply say,
ansi... good. and end at that because the sender know
s no English.
It hardly matters... Art has its own language, and I tha
nk you for the kind
sentiments. So, grab a soda, turn out the lights, and e
- Prisoner1 AKA Jim Morley
SF Bay Area, California USA
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