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rd.panic Panic January Pack 1 Group Info Hey yall.. Scorpion here with my next new creation.. Panic. We originaly started as a modding/ansi/ascii group called PAiN... But one day on IRC.., I realized that there already was a group out there called PAiN... I didnt want to look bad.... So me and my Vice Prez Rayden thought up of a new group... Any yes Night Stalker came up with the name... I knew he would be pissed if i didnt plug him.. But back to the subject.. We plan on slowly taking over the world! Oops .. I mean slowly taking over the bbs community! sp?.. hehe.. I feel that we already have a hell of a lot of talent but I plan on getting a little more after the pack goes out... Ohh yeah .. sorry bout the app.. My coders have been lazy lattly and... ya know... We should have a good app gen by next month... Join Panic If you would like to join us in the fight to take over the... ahh.. bbs community... Fill out that shitty app.. and give it to me on IRC or upload it to me on my bbs Inferno... Greetz TmS, Ice, Shiver, Acid, Firm, and all those other groups!
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