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Pang Nfo
. ..,,..::: -- Pangs info -- :::..,,.. .
: Well, pang people is a bunch of dudes, which were too damn
scared from the dying scene in israel, so they decided
. to open a sickenin group, called pAng,foo releasing artpacks
and nice cOdes here and there... 01/03/98
01/04/98 :: those bunch of dudes are hitting again.
welcome to pangs second art pack. we are way happy to
present this pack , full of great art from the group members.
03/05/98 // yes, we are hitting it again. this release
is a little late/un-full because OUR DEAR MEMBERS, didnt
feel like giving me submittions such as REPTICAL who didnt
release with us for 2 packs already, and some other members.
hope you are enjoying this pack. it was a drag to do :
i insist repeating this again - do not rip any ansi from our
packs, do not use it in anyway as long as the artist didnt
mention the ansi is free.
: as chrOnic mentioned, dont RIP us .. but he somehow didnt
: listen to himself, and ripped me.. but leave that for later.
news :: skin has joined as ansi artist. :
radnitro left us. :
: yours.. well mine, but ill let you use me
: n4tureb0y
-- Pang People, Browsing the 1998 --
. ..,,..::: -- Pangs info -- :::..,,.. .
: Well, pang people is a bunch of dudes, which were too damn
scared from the dying scene in israel, so they decided
. to open a sickenin group, called pAng,foo releasing artpacks
and nice cOdes here and there... 01/03/98
01/04/98 :: those bunch of dudes are hitting again.
welcome to pangs second art pack. we are way happy to
present this pack , full of great art from the group members.
03/05/98 // yes, we are hitting it again. this release
is a little late/un-full because OUR DEAR MEMBERS, didnt
feel like giving me submittions such as REPTICAL who didnt
release with us for 2 packs already, and some other members.
hope you are enjoying this pack. it was a drag to do :
i insist repeating this again - do not rip any ansi from our
packs, do not use it in anyway as long as the artist didnt
mention the ansi is free.
: as chrOnic mentioned, dont RIP us .. but he somehow didnt
: listen to himself, and ripped me.. but leave that for later.
news :: skin has joined as ansi artist. :
radnitro left us. :
: yours.. well mine, but ill let you use me
: n4tureb0y
-- Pang People, Browsing the 1998 --
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