this image contains text
6ba,. 4ba,
.a!!a .a!!a. .a! 4b ,dP
4b ,dP
aaaa 4bdP
4 ,dP
ba,ad6 96,dP 4b
baaa ,dP 4b ,d
96 ,dP 4b,,d
9ba,ad6 9ba,. 96
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------epix, for some dude named rendor...
, aaaaa 4b, 4b, a
ba ,dP ,dba,a, .,a4b, b,
,dP 4 ,dP 4,.a!P4!a. ,a
,,dP .a!P4!a. ,dP .a!P4!a. P ,
96a, ,.a!P4!a. a,.,a ad
6a,...a!a.. P ba,ad db
P4a,.,a 4 P4 ,ad4
.,ad ,.,d db ba, .,ad b.,d P4a,P,d
4 , 4 ada ,d
69 694 .,ad P4a, 4 b,4 4 4a,,dP
P a,., ada 4ba,, 4a., a. ,ba,.db :
b 4ba.4a,,a 4P 4ba, 4P
a, 4P ,a 4P
,.,aP :
k a f k a e s k
+o mr. 4 tune cia
bobafett! a.
...,aa,.. .,,.
,adaa. ,a!P b, 4!a. ,aa!
d b, a aaa 4bba4a .aa,a,...
ad 4b aa db aaa ,aa a,
a. db aaa ,dP ba4ba, aaa db .,a
,d ,dP 4, aaaP4 ,dP a,
a, 4b 4b ..,a
P 4b aaa , 4b a,
ad dP , a 4 4b ,a
a. aa.,aa , , 4badP ,d a,
4a,a ,a4.,a .,a
a,. ,a
k a f k a e s k
+o mr. 4 tune cia
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------mr4tune buffer saved on Tue Dec 31 21:43:52 1996
hey man, I keep losing the damn log, what is
j00r bbs name?
mr4tune hehe KAFKAESK :
End of mr4tune buffer Tue Dec 31 21:43:52 1996
finally got the fucking name...G
t h e f r a y e d e n d s o f
.a!P 4!a. ,adb,
,a P b
4ba,. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. .a!aaaaa.a!
4ba,. !a.
,d b.a!P4
ad ,a 4
,, ba,...,ad 4 P ,d
P aP4PP P4bad
,a a..,dP
+o eletrik plAn 9
plAn 9 internet HQ!
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for elet to spice up the p9 nethq!
.,aa,a 4 a,. ,a
aa,. , , .adaa,d a,.adaaaa ,ad P a,.
b aaaa ., ,. a,.ad b .,a,..
P P 4badP 4a. 4b ba,
4ba. ,a,a P 4!a. 4b 4 a,.
aa,.a aP 4b 4 ba
ba , 4ba, 4ba,. .,a 4b 4 P
a,4 .,aa,. adba,. .,ad b,a,... ba 4b 4 .,d
ba,a a, P 4b ba a,
m o r t a l
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for this guy named elendil...
i n n o c e n t l i t t l e m a r y
S I o b SS
4 S 4s s ,,d bad P.SO2:::
::: P P b.,ad:::::::::
+ o morrison of plan 9!
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------a header cause morrison wanted one fr0m me to m0d up his obv/2 again...
Ill do some more for you when I get time...
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------aaaa 4P4P4SSP4SP4P4P4!a. .a!P4!a. 4!a.,aaaa ba ba.a!P4!a. a.4b dP P, , , ,4bdP a, 4 ., , ..,d :: ,dP4b : , 4!a.,,aP ,da : ,dP 4b P ,dab, P b ., ,dP 4b ., .,
ada,. P 4ba,.,adPP .,a 4ba,.,adP 4ba,.,adPbobafett!
ba,. . .. t w o .. . .,adP 4 c command c command c command c command c command c command c command c command : c command c command c command c command : c command c command c command c command c command c command c command c command ba,. . .. . . . .. . .,adP 4
ba,.time : menu :
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------The beginning of a very long line of work for nexus/2 considering I am drawing
all, most?, of the art for it...D
.,ad .,ad .a!P4a,aP4!a. .a!P 4!a.
4 P4 S
P ba,.. ba,... b,,d P . .,dP
,a .,ad S ..,ad
P ,.S 4 4 P
.,ad ,d,.4ba,. ,dP ,d b, ,d
S .,d4ba,. ,ba, ,. .,d
4 P4 .d 4 P4a,. P4
,d, ... ,b,d , .,a4ba, , ,b,d
P 4 P P P 4ba, ,adP
+ 0 whatsa name?
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope this werks for you man, I am just slammed with requests...
p0d? ,aa, bobafett?!
aaa ., ,a!P4!a. , ,a!P4!a. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .44 a 4 a a 4b 4b ,
.,adb,., b,.,..4badP.
num?! infoform desc?! : type?! complete?!
ba,. .,adP
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------an info header for whoever wants it/needs it... you can edit it, just please
leave my sig...
bobafett! b
ba,.. .a!aaaaa!a. .a!!a.
,dP aaaaa P, P 4b,
dP daaaa aaaa b. 4!a. aad 4b
dP d : aaaa ad bad ba,adP b 4b4b 4 4 , 4 4 P dP 4b 4P,d a,. P ba,4,.baad 4P dP
4ba,.a a, 4 bada, a.,ad4
..,a .ad aadba,d ba 4P a. a,..
..,a 4aP :: P ..,aP 4a,...,a a,..
a,.. a,.. ba,. .., ..,aa,..
..,a a,... : :,.. .,aa,.
+ t h e f o u r t h d i m e n s i o n +
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for some guy who e-mailed me a request...
Damn, that was a fucking long colly... I wish I could
have gotten that ascii pic done for samurai, but what
are you gonna do? It should be done next month, and a
wh0rd out to ill vybe... I am doing that pic... It is
taking me a long time cause I suck at ansi pix and I
need werk... sorry man... kit is helping me, so ltz.
-boba fett!?
greetz out: Xypher Matryx, Dr. Freeze, HBK, Possum Killer, One D, Halaster,
Illusion X, Deeply D, Prison Breaker, Corinthian, Dystro, oUTKAST, Tsk, Sodium,
Lord Nemesis, and Magnus Dracul!?
b0b sez byE!
6ba,. 4ba,
.a!!a .a!!a. .a! 4b ,dP
4b ,dP
aaaa 4bdP
4 ,dP
ba,ad6 96,dP 4b
baaa ,dP 4b ,d
96 ,dP 4b,,d
9ba,ad6 9ba,. 96
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------epix, for some dude named rendor...
, aaaaa 4b, 4b, a
ba ,dP ,dba,a, .,a4b, b,
,dP 4 ,dP 4,.a!P4!a. ,a
,,dP .a!P4!a. ,dP .a!P4!a. P ,
96a, ,.a!P4!a. a,.,a ad
6a,...a!a.. P ba,ad db
P4a,.,a 4 P4 ,ad4
.,ad ,.,d db ba, .,ad b.,d P4a,P,d
4 , 4 ada ,d
69 694 .,ad P4a, 4 b,4 4 4a,,dP
P a,., ada 4ba,, 4a., a. ,ba,.db :
b 4ba.4a,,a 4P 4ba, 4P
a, 4P ,a 4P
,.,aP :
k a f k a e s k
+o mr. 4 tune cia
bobafett! a.
...,aa,.. .,,.
,adaa. ,a!P b, 4!a. ,aa!
d b, a aaa 4bba4a .aa,a,...
ad 4b aa db aaa ,aa a,
a. db aaa ,dP ba4ba, aaa db .,a
,d ,dP 4, aaaP4 ,dP a,
a, 4b 4b ..,a
P 4b aaa , 4b a,
ad dP , a 4 4b ,a
a. aa.,aa , , 4badP ,d a,
4a,a ,a4.,a .,a
a,. ,a
k a f k a e s k
+o mr. 4 tune cia
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------mr4tune buffer saved on Tue Dec 31 21:43:52 1996
hey man, I keep losing the damn log, what is
j00r bbs name?
mr4tune hehe KAFKAESK :
End of mr4tune buffer Tue Dec 31 21:43:52 1996
finally got the fucking name...G
t h e f r a y e d e n d s o f
.a!P 4!a. ,adb,
,a P b
4ba,. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. .a!aaaaa.a!
4ba,. !a.
,d b.a!P4
ad ,a 4
,, ba,...,ad 4 P ,d
P aP4PP P4bad
,a a..,dP
+o eletrik plAn 9
plAn 9 internet HQ!
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for elet to spice up the p9 nethq!
.,aa,a 4 a,. ,a
aa,. , , .adaa,d a,.adaaaa ,ad P a,.
b aaaa ., ,. a,.ad b .,a,..
P P 4badP 4a. 4b ba,
4ba. ,a,a P 4!a. 4b 4 a,.
aa,.a aP 4b 4 ba
ba , 4ba, 4ba,. .,a 4b 4 P
a,4 .,aa,. adba,. .,ad b,a,... ba 4b 4 .,d
ba,a a, P 4b ba a,
m o r t a l
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for this guy named elendil...
i n n o c e n t l i t t l e m a r y
S I o b SS
4 S 4s s ,,d bad P.SO2:::
::: P P b.,ad:::::::::
+ o morrison of plan 9!
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------a header cause morrison wanted one fr0m me to m0d up his obv/2 again...
Ill do some more for you when I get time...
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------aaaa 4P4P4SSP4SP4P4P4!a. .a!P4!a. 4!a.,aaaa ba ba.a!P4!a. a.4b dP P, , , ,4bdP a, 4 ., , ..,d :: ,dP4b : , 4!a.,,aP ,da : ,dP 4b P ,dab, P b ., ,dP 4b ., .,
ada,. P 4ba,.,adPP .,a 4ba,.,adP 4ba,.,adPbobafett!
ba,. . .. t w o .. . .,adP 4 c command c command c command c command c command c command c command c command : c command c command c command c command : c command c command c command c command c command c command c command c command ba,. . .. . . . .. . .,adP 4
ba,.time : menu :
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------The beginning of a very long line of work for nexus/2 considering I am drawing
all, most?, of the art for it...D
.,ad .,ad .a!P4a,aP4!a. .a!P 4!a.
4 P4 S
P ba,.. ba,... b,,d P . .,dP
,a .,ad S ..,ad
P ,.S 4 4 P
.,ad ,d,.4ba,. ,dP ,d b, ,d
S .,d4ba,. ,ba, ,. .,d
4 P4 .d 4 P4a,. P4
,d, ... ,b,d , .,a4ba, , ,b,d
P 4 P P P 4ba, ,adP
+ 0 whatsa name?
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope this werks for you man, I am just slammed with requests...
p0d? ,aa, bobafett?!
aaa ., ,a!P4!a. , ,a!P4!a. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .44 a 4 a a 4b 4b ,
.,adb,., b,.,..4badP.
num?! infoform desc?! : type?! complete?!
ba,. .,adP
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------an info header for whoever wants it/needs it... you can edit it, just please
leave my sig...
bobafett! b
ba,.. .a!aaaaa!a. .a!!a.
,dP aaaaa P, P 4b,
dP daaaa aaaa b. 4!a. aad 4b
dP d : aaaa ad bad ba,adP b 4b4b 4 4 , 4 4 P dP 4b 4P,d a,. P ba,4,.baad 4P dP
4ba,.a a, 4 bada, a.,ad4
..,a .ad aadba,d ba 4P a. a,..
..,a 4aP :: P ..,aP 4a,...,a a,..
a,.. a,.. ba,. .., ..,aa,..
..,a a,... : :,.. .,aa,.
+ t h e f o u r t h d i m e n s i o n +
cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------for some guy who e-mailed me a request...
Damn, that was a fucking long colly... I wish I could
have gotten that ascii pic done for samurai, but what
are you gonna do? It should be done next month, and a
wh0rd out to ill vybe... I am doing that pic... It is
taking me a long time cause I suck at ansi pix and I
need werk... sorry man... kit is helping me, so ltz.
-boba fett!?
greetz out: Xypher Matryx, Dr. Freeze, HBK, Possum Killer, One D, Halaster,
Illusion X, Deeply D, Prison Breaker, Corinthian, Dystro, oUTKAST, Tsk, Sodium,
Lord Nemesis, and Magnus Dracul!?
b0b sez byE!
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