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here in sweden we have a
special tradtion, we take
a piece of bulle, and dpp
it in a kpp of kffe. And
we call it.. dppa. instruktion fr dppning
lses med grov gteborska 1. koka 1l kaffe.
2. baka 1 st bulle.
3. fr bulle mot kaffe.
4. doppa bulle i kaffe.
5. t bulle.
here in sweden we have a
special tradtion, we take
a piece of bulle, and dpp
it in a kpp of kffe. And
we call it.. dppa. instruktion fr dppning
lses med grov gteborska 1. koka 1l kaffe.
2. baka 1 st bulle.
3. fr bulle mot kaffe.
4. doppa bulle i kaffe.
5. t bulle.
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