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P O i S O N N E W Z L E T T E R 07/15/94 Welcome to POiSON release 5. We are delighted that you have downloaded this pack and hope that you enjoy it. The release should include a SVGA animated slideshow, a MOD, 2 VGA loaders, 14 ANSIs, a FLI, a members listing, a primitive ansi viewer, an application generator and this newsletter. We are rapidly improving and growing, but we are still looking for more artists. If you are interested in becoming a contributor to POiSON, and perhaps a member, then check out the application in this release and be sure to download our next pack, scheduled for early September. Until then! New Faces we would like to publicly welcome our new members. New Member Boards Sysop Status Digital Fluid Bum Us North Hq/Application Center DNA Narcissus Distrobution Site Technological Meltdown Culture Vain Distrobution Site New Members Area Digital Raper Courier Umbro ANSI artist Lord Pridkett Coder History and Other Information POiSON is an art group based in 612. The group took off in October 1993 and has had five art releases since then. The first release consisted primarily of VGA and ANSI pictures. Now, only eight months later, we have grown to include SVGA graphics and MODS, have our own programming team, and have doubled the size of our membership. We are currently working on adding RIP, PHOTOGRAPHY, and some forms of written art work. Again, if you are interested in becoming a member, fill out the application enclosed in this release and upload it to Digital Fluid BBS @ 612.431.2770. NEWZLETTER CREATED BY BUM THE BLACK WIDOW c 1994 POiSON PRODUCTIONS
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