this image contains text
: : /d // :
/ / / / / / f / / / /:
::::::::::::::::::::: darkfires stuff :::::::::::::::::::::::::
c h r o m i u m
c h r o m i u m .
uupload nnew files rread mail xexpert
ddownload eenter msg ffiles on-line ilogon screen
ttransfer protl ooperator page llocate file ggoodbye
zzippy search ccomment to staff kkill msg aabandon conf
jjoin conf wuser config tstext search messgs bbulletins
qquick msg. scan useruser list qquick message scan vview stats
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
: : : :df .
u..upload files e..enter message r..read mail who..who
d..download file v..view statistics l..locate file n..new files
t..transfer protl o..operator page p..page length k..kill msg
z..zippy search c..comment to staff w..user Editor b..bulletins
j..join conference r s u..scan mail f..files onlinechat..chat
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
.-- : / / --.df
----- critical deception ----------------------------
c r y s t a l m e t h
c r y s t a l :. // / // . . // m e t h
- - -------------- : //: //d -------------- - -
d a r i u s
: D A R I U S W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S :
/ / / / / // .df
:. D A R I U S W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S .:
f e m a l e 9
.:::: /. / / / / : : ./ / d::..
:::/. .: // : f::.
.: f e m a l e n i n e :.
xpert files readmail upload goodbye //
d.download n.new filesn s u l.locate file
t.transfer protl e.enter msg k.kill msg
z.zippy search v.view stats b.bulletins
j.join conf o.operator page fr.file reverse
sent.sent by line c.comment to staff olm.message
chat.chat multinode w.user editor who.whos online
user.user listings la.last caller bbs.board list
f e m a l e n i n e
p r o p h e c y
// / / df.
: p r o p h e c y .
s o n i c t e m p l e
. // df:
. : !? s o n i c t e m p l e !? : . .
/ / / / / / f / / / /:
::::::::::::::::::::: darkfires stuff :::::::::::::::::::::::::
c h r o m i u m
c h r o m i u m .
uupload nnew files rread mail xexpert
ddownload eenter msg ffiles on-line ilogon screen
ttransfer protl ooperator page llocate file ggoodbye
zzippy search ccomment to staff kkill msg aabandon conf
jjoin conf wuser config tstext search messgs bbulletins
qquick msg. scan useruser list qquick message scan vview stats
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
: : : :df .
u..upload files e..enter message r..read mail who..who
d..download file v..view statistics l..locate file n..new files
t..transfer protl o..operator page p..page length k..kill msg
z..zippy search c..comment to staff w..user Editor b..bulletins
j..join conference r s u..scan mail f..files onlinechat..chat
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
c r i t i c a l d e c e p t i o n
.-- : / / --.df
----- critical deception ----------------------------
c r y s t a l m e t h
c r y s t a l :. // / // . . // m e t h
- - -------------- : //: //d -------------- - -
d a r i u s
: D A R I U S W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S :
/ / / / / // .df
:. D A R I U S W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S .:
f e m a l e 9
.:::: /. / / / / : : ./ / d::..
:::/. .: // : f::.
.: f e m a l e n i n e :.
xpert files readmail upload goodbye //
d.download n.new filesn s u l.locate file
t.transfer protl e.enter msg k.kill msg
z.zippy search v.view stats b.bulletins
j.join conf o.operator page fr.file reverse
sent.sent by line c.comment to staff olm.message
chat.chat multinode w.user editor who.whos online
user.user listings la.last caller bbs.board list
f e m a l e n i n e
p r o p h e c y
// / / df.
: p r o p h e c y .
s o n i c t e m p l e
. // df:
. : !? s o n i c t e m p l e !? : . .
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