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Pursuit Pack 3 - June 1, 1994 - June 30, 1994
File Name Bytes Flg Subject Artist Date
1 AH-DIMX ASC 2904 Dimension-X Ash 4-28-94
2 AH-DIST ASC 1615 Distorted Reality Ash 6-27-94
3 AH-I2I PUR 19178 + Insight 2 Insanity Ash 4-23-94
4 AH-PUR ASC 687 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
5 AH-PUR PUR 3197 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
6 AH-PUR2 PUR 2693 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
7 AR-DISR1 PUR 23365 + Distorted Reality Argon 6-21-94
8 AR-PURS2 PUR 33716 + Pursuit Logo Argon 6-17-94
9 AR-PURS3 PUR 5264 + Pursuit Logo Argon 6-10-94
10 GN-CAOS2 PUR 4632 Chaos Net Gnome 6-25-94
11 GN-COE PUR 27292 + Crypts of Eternity Gnome 6-24-94
12 GN-DAMAJ PUR 3167 Damaj Logo Gnome 6-24-94
13 GN-DISF PUR 6828 + Distorted Reality Gnome 6-26-94
14 GN-FUNK PUR 4436 Pursuit Logo Gnome 6-24-94
15 GN-PLOGO PUR 4605 Pursuit Logo Gnome 6-27-94
16 PS-DMJIF PUR 3954 Damaj Interface Psyber 6-08-94
17 PS-MENU PUR 5229 Main Menu Psyber 6-25-94
18 PS-PROMO PUR 11283 + Pursuit Promo Psyber 6-30-94
18 files 164045 bytes
Sound Effects/Music
M Multiple Artists
X HiRes
+ Scrolling
File Name Bytes Flg Subject Artist Date
1 AH-DIMX ASC 2904 Dimension-X Ash 4-28-94
2 AH-DIST ASC 1615 Distorted Reality Ash 6-27-94
3 AH-I2I PUR 19178 + Insight 2 Insanity Ash 4-23-94
4 AH-PUR ASC 687 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
5 AH-PUR PUR 3197 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
6 AH-PUR2 PUR 2693 Pursuit Logo Ash 6-27-94
7 AR-DISR1 PUR 23365 + Distorted Reality Argon 6-21-94
8 AR-PURS2 PUR 33716 + Pursuit Logo Argon 6-17-94
9 AR-PURS3 PUR 5264 + Pursuit Logo Argon 6-10-94
10 GN-CAOS2 PUR 4632 Chaos Net Gnome 6-25-94
11 GN-COE PUR 27292 + Crypts of Eternity Gnome 6-24-94
12 GN-DAMAJ PUR 3167 Damaj Logo Gnome 6-24-94
13 GN-DISF PUR 6828 + Distorted Reality Gnome 6-26-94
14 GN-FUNK PUR 4436 Pursuit Logo Gnome 6-24-94
15 GN-PLOGO PUR 4605 Pursuit Logo Gnome 6-27-94
16 PS-DMJIF PUR 3954 Damaj Interface Psyber 6-08-94
17 PS-MENU PUR 5229 Main Menu Psyber 6-25-94
18 PS-PROMO PUR 11283 + Pursuit Promo Psyber 6-30-94
18 files 164045 bytes
Sound Effects/Music
M Multiple Artists
X HiRes
+ Scrolling
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