this image contains text
l .+, P.4 .,+4t. , . .
:t+ li. 4P .4t.+P + ls..4P t.
.i l dD 4P .+ DD . ll
:+. .4Pit. :t.. .l .4P.l .4:
k P.4l ll iss sSl : P+s,.
:s. P l: lP 4P
lP ..sds. . . tg.. ,. 4l. .dP
st. 4t. / dl. 4P 4ls..
4P + 4t+ 4P :lP
4 i PURG - 4 -spinsane
................................................................................: :: HOLY SHIT!?@ purg is still alive??? yeah, were alive.. just rested for ::a few months.. had to take a break after that 800k release.. we ditched ::alot of the non-releasing members and have gone on to better things,not bigger::but better.. we have gone from about 35 members to about 20 and the release ::seems to be even better than the last one... quality wise.....................:: : :initiated members : ::.................: :: - we picked up starlord and kitiara from RCA for some rip action and possibly:even some ansi pics... :: :: - cassius from a variety of groups turned on to purg as :an ascii member.. :: :: - CREEPING DEATH has decided to revive himself and do some :eReeT ansis for this release... :: :: - terrato kicked in edit.com to throw together some ascii... :: :: - neptun is working on some things that should be pretty killer for the :upcoming releases.. keep an eye out... :: :: - quab is supposedly working on the viewer and appgen for this pak.. well :see what happens.. we have some leet logos for him to code in.. :: :: - hellbeast is gonna try to get some stuff in for the paks as well... :: :: WHAT?!@ thats IT!?@ yes.. only 7 new members.. yup! as far as i can :remember.......................................................................:: : :deactivated members : ::...................: :: - jaguar is out of the scene.. no more art.. bummer. come back again :sometime... :: :: - fuck.. who else was there.. owell.. check the memberlist................::......................... :: : :where the hell are they! : ::........................: :: - static! music :: - spraggles! music :: - trebor! ansi/co-founder :: - anilog! ansi :: - headsoft! coder :: :: if i had there pics id find em.. if you see any of these people tell them :to email treaper@pla-net.net so we can get em in the next release... :: ::..............................................................................:: :: ysSysSSsysSSsysSysSSsssssyyysSSsysSSsS :: m e m b e r ,yyyssssyyy :: yyssssyy yy ssssyy s , :: y ss ssssyyss m@sms ss ::..............................................................................:: ::aNSI!@ :: :contempt/ansi - yet another rca member... ::::::::::::::::::: :creeping death/ansi - comes to purg from just about every group.. :drc/ansi - joins us from phylth for some straight up ansi/vga action! :elendil/ansi/html - comes from straight outta mortal!@ :infector/ansi - kickin in some mean action this month with some killer art! :khrono/ansi - some acid quality ansi! :: ::aSCII!@ :: :bizzach/ascii - from telepathy is here for some ascii action :cassius/ascii - also with gas...er..ummm, has gas er something.. :catastropic profit/ascii - has joined us from twisted for old skewl ascii! :dark entity/ascii - is in for some asskie!@ old skewl style! :ripper/ascii - nice logo style... nice overall colly for this month :terrato/ascii - just got here outta the blue! :the reaper/ascii/vga - also with cia. :trahma/ascii - has finally joined us for ascii! :: ::vGA!@ :: :bossman/vga - helped to build the foundation of purg :darksaint/vga - shacks up with purg for some biznatchin veegeeaye! :bludwulf/vga - is another one outta nowhere for some veegeeaya! :: ::rIP!@ :: :kitiara/rip - comes to us also from rca :satanic sly/rip - comes back to us along with being in ACiD for some rip!@ :starlord/rip - comes to us from rca :: ::mODS!@ :: :jandor/modding - another one to be in every group in the scene.. :: ::mUSIC!@ :: :spraggles/music - rejoining our music dept.. prolly heading it!@ :: ::cODES!@ :: :hellbeast/coder - is back for some better coding action.. :neptun/coder - hes workin on something... all the time.. :quab/coder - maybe he finished our appgen this time! :: ::wEBPAGE!@ :: :dreclipz/html - hes back this time to design our NEW webpage! :wizy/html - is around to give us our page space!@!@ :: ::cOMMUNICATIONS!@ :: :spasm/communications - wtf is communications?! nothing! he does nothing.. ::..............................................................................::.xcxrca :: :: :: :: ::.name... .number.::name...:...........affil...........sawp...............................:.number:: :::the reapers realm WHQ the reaper 219.pri.vate ::apocolypse ushq napalm 201.934.5613 :gates of doom ehq sportz 516.859.3116 :testament whq ripper 619.738.9918 :: :mozka brazilian hq satanic sly + :impure canadian hq jeepee 514.441.5540 :the missing link swedish hq sensei +46.491.62234 :gehenna australian hq fruitcake +61.2.894.5093 :ironyx european hq radical +31.715.896391 :hazard finland hq mice +358.9.8754104 :: :the private club member bossman 219.pri.vate :the sixth sense member dark entity 715.pri.vate :higher force member creeping death 860.567.1763 :the jolly trout member jandor 215.536.3110 :solace member dreclipz 330.638.0117 :digital blob member cassius 403.pri.vate :primal scream member terrato 401.231.3169 :shatter zone member starlord 864.pri.vate :liquid amber member neptun 916.4te.lnet :misc. debris member contempt 610.285.6623 :wiimeinen fanfaari member drc +358-016.pri.vate ::..............................................................................:-//-oTHER-wAYZ-oF-cONTACTING-pURG-mEMBERS-//-------------
the purg webpage .... http://wizy.uit.net/purg .... webmasters may vary!@
the purg irc channel .... purg .... bot: schlock botmasters: bM/tR!
the purg email address .... treaper@pla-net.net .... email master tR!
the purg ftp address .... ftp.wizy.uit.net/incoming/purg .... maintainer: tR!
-------------//-oTHER-wAYZ-oF-cONTACTING-pURG-mEMBERS-//:CougLegend :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: ::..............................................................................:: a word from our maker.. : ::...............................: :: :: Boy does it feel good to be outta there! well, after a few months of rest::it looks like were ready to release again... between working 2 jobs, taking ::over black with wizy and spawn from cia i guess i decided to actually get ::everyone together and get another pak released.. haha, bout time i know..weve::changed alot in the past few months.. we hope you notice it in the pak... so::this month we feature some new and improved this... some joints and some new ::artists.. lots of new shit this month... for instance check out this info- ::file.. yeah, the borders blow.. but we got some kickin artists to do shit for::it... and these logos look fuckin killer.. like the purg logo on top! tell me::that spinsane isnt a badass muthah fuckah... and that coug didnt do a kick-::ass logo for the info file... how about that mice from samsara? that fucker ::did a killer one... but on to more important shit... :: The members just dont stop from coming in.. we got like 12 members and ::they all kick aRSE?! ::Bossman has been with us modding from the start, but has moved more to a vga ::division... keep an eye out for his shit.. hes got a way wiff pixels... ::Starlord joined us last month for some killer RIP along with running his group::RCA with Kitiara who also does RIP... ::Hornet and Contempt join us from RCA, Hornet was with us last month and we had::a tiny dual-releasing error.. wont happen twice with one member.. while ::Contempt, who did the sites logo for us, has some beyatchin styleees for us ::to get out in this pak.. ::Creeping Death is one we havent been able to reach ever since the TANG merger::but i sent some more email notifying members of an upcoming release and there ::he was! good to see you with us cD! get some more pics out in the next pak::pal, or eyell have ta shred yer balls in muh blender.. ::Jandor is stickin around for another month.. this time as a modder. from what::he tells me he is quite happy with some of his other affils such as BLADE and ::CODINE... so get us some killer mods, h0MER! ::Cassius is with us.. he joined up about 2 months ago to skibby up some ascii ::for this pak.. he is also with GAS, which is one of the badest groups around!::so keep yer eye out for gas-04, cuz eye yam... ::Terrato applied out of the blue a couple of weeks ago.. he has no affils, but::i dug his stylez right away.. its kind of like a clear pic style.. real nice ::and clean artist.. not many of those around.. ::Neptun is still with us.. working on a secret PROJECT that we are hoping to ::have in this next pak... hopefully i can get him to do some of his ansis for ::the next pak as well.. ::Quab FINALLY coded an appgen and a viewer for us! excellent... we had some ::of the best artists to do work for us.. so a HUGE thanks to quab! ::DrEclipz is back, after leaving, to work on the webpage.. if you can do some::vga for the page, email treaper@pla-net.net so that we can get this on the way::to completion... ::Hellbeast is here again to do some coding or ansis or something. keep an eye ::out and youll find out... ::Infector!@ I finally found Infector@! so keep ahold of our release dates! ::he has some sweet shit going in this pak! ::Satanic Sly is another one that i JUST found! he is now in ACiD for rip and ::will be doing some incredible rip action for us as well! ::Catastropic Profit came up to me the other day on irc and said, need some ::ascii artists? and i said sure! so hez in.. ::..............................................................................:: :: yes! we are on irc! just join purg :: and do the following: :: /msg schlock hello :: /msg schlock pass password :: /msg schlock info info :: :: and youre set! just chill out :: in the channel and we will be :: there eventually! no one joins?:: dS! you just havent stuck around :: long enough! just relax! we do :: join and babble! :: ::..............................................................................:
Blah Do you work for the CIA
tRcia ummm, leave me alone..
Blah do you?
tRcia NO!@?
hahaha, so i should have played along.. i was in the middle of trying
to get an acid pic for my board.. killah!
jeepee i dont fuckin understand why he have ops
tRcia who knows man..
aight.. thats the deal! ansi.. this is the convo going on everywhere
why is it that most of the @s in ansi, dont draw??! its fuckin un-fuckin-
believable.. but wtf.. owell..
Jaguar nah, im not doing art anymore
what?!@??!@? lemme know next time
this is an example of bad communication...
spinsaneHN - purg ascii header
micetrank - member ascii header
contemptrca - sites ansi header
couglegend - info ansi header
dark shadowplain - irc ansi header
credits ansi header
:t+ li. 4P .4t.+P + ls..4P t.
.i l dD 4P .+ DD . ll
:+. .4Pit. :t.. .l .4P.l .4:
k P.4l ll iss sSl : P+s,.
:s. P l: lP 4P
lP ..sds. . . tg.. ,. 4l. .dP
st. 4t. / dl. 4P 4ls..
4P + 4t+ 4P :lP
4 i PURG - 4 -spinsane
................................................................................: :: HOLY SHIT!?@ purg is still alive??? yeah, were alive.. just rested for ::a few months.. had to take a break after that 800k release.. we ditched ::alot of the non-releasing members and have gone on to better things,not bigger::but better.. we have gone from about 35 members to about 20 and the release ::seems to be even better than the last one... quality wise.....................:: : :initiated members : ::.................: :: - we picked up starlord and kitiara from RCA for some rip action and possibly:even some ansi pics... :: :: - cassius from a variety of groups turned on to purg as :an ascii member.. :: :: - CREEPING DEATH has decided to revive himself and do some :eReeT ansis for this release... :: :: - terrato kicked in edit.com to throw together some ascii... :: :: - neptun is working on some things that should be pretty killer for the :upcoming releases.. keep an eye out... :: :: - quab is supposedly working on the viewer and appgen for this pak.. well :see what happens.. we have some leet logos for him to code in.. :: :: - hellbeast is gonna try to get some stuff in for the paks as well... :: :: WHAT?!@ thats IT!?@ yes.. only 7 new members.. yup! as far as i can :remember.......................................................................:: : :deactivated members : ::...................: :: - jaguar is out of the scene.. no more art.. bummer. come back again :sometime... :: :: - fuck.. who else was there.. owell.. check the memberlist................::......................... :: : :where the hell are they! : ::........................: :: - static! music :: - spraggles! music :: - trebor! ansi/co-founder :: - anilog! ansi :: - headsoft! coder :: :: if i had there pics id find em.. if you see any of these people tell them :to email treaper@pla-net.net so we can get em in the next release... :: ::..............................................................................:: :: ysSysSSsysSSsysSysSSsssssyyysSSsysSSsS :: m e m b e r ,yyyssssyyy :: yyssssyy yy ssssyy s , :: y ss ssssyyss m@sms ss ::..............................................................................:: ::aNSI!@ :: :contempt/ansi - yet another rca member... ::::::::::::::::::: :creeping death/ansi - comes to purg from just about every group.. :drc/ansi - joins us from phylth for some straight up ansi/vga action! :elendil/ansi/html - comes from straight outta mortal!@ :infector/ansi - kickin in some mean action this month with some killer art! :khrono/ansi - some acid quality ansi! :: ::aSCII!@ :: :bizzach/ascii - from telepathy is here for some ascii action :cassius/ascii - also with gas...er..ummm, has gas er something.. :catastropic profit/ascii - has joined us from twisted for old skewl ascii! :dark entity/ascii - is in for some asskie!@ old skewl style! :ripper/ascii - nice logo style... nice overall colly for this month :terrato/ascii - just got here outta the blue! :the reaper/ascii/vga - also with cia. :trahma/ascii - has finally joined us for ascii! :: ::vGA!@ :: :bossman/vga - helped to build the foundation of purg :darksaint/vga - shacks up with purg for some biznatchin veegeeaye! :bludwulf/vga - is another one outta nowhere for some veegeeaya! :: ::rIP!@ :: :kitiara/rip - comes to us also from rca :satanic sly/rip - comes back to us along with being in ACiD for some rip!@ :starlord/rip - comes to us from rca :: ::mODS!@ :: :jandor/modding - another one to be in every group in the scene.. :: ::mUSIC!@ :: :spraggles/music - rejoining our music dept.. prolly heading it!@ :: ::cODES!@ :: :hellbeast/coder - is back for some better coding action.. :neptun/coder - hes workin on something... all the time.. :quab/coder - maybe he finished our appgen this time! :: ::wEBPAGE!@ :: :dreclipz/html - hes back this time to design our NEW webpage! :wizy/html - is around to give us our page space!@!@ :: ::cOMMUNICATIONS!@ :: :spasm/communications - wtf is communications?! nothing! he does nothing.. ::..............................................................................::.xcxrca :: :: :: :: ::.name... .number.::name...:...........affil...........sawp...............................:.number:: :::the reapers realm WHQ the reaper 219.pri.vate ::apocolypse ushq napalm 201.934.5613 :gates of doom ehq sportz 516.859.3116 :testament whq ripper 619.738.9918 :: :mozka brazilian hq satanic sly + :impure canadian hq jeepee 514.441.5540 :the missing link swedish hq sensei +46.491.62234 :gehenna australian hq fruitcake +61.2.894.5093 :ironyx european hq radical +31.715.896391 :hazard finland hq mice +358.9.8754104 :: :the private club member bossman 219.pri.vate :the sixth sense member dark entity 715.pri.vate :higher force member creeping death 860.567.1763 :the jolly trout member jandor 215.536.3110 :solace member dreclipz 330.638.0117 :digital blob member cassius 403.pri.vate :primal scream member terrato 401.231.3169 :shatter zone member starlord 864.pri.vate :liquid amber member neptun 916.4te.lnet :misc. debris member contempt 610.285.6623 :wiimeinen fanfaari member drc +358-016.pri.vate ::..............................................................................:-//-oTHER-wAYZ-oF-cONTACTING-pURG-mEMBERS-//-------------
the purg webpage .... http://wizy.uit.net/purg .... webmasters may vary!@
the purg irc channel .... purg .... bot: schlock botmasters: bM/tR!
the purg email address .... treaper@pla-net.net .... email master tR!
the purg ftp address .... ftp.wizy.uit.net/incoming/purg .... maintainer: tR!
-------------//-oTHER-wAYZ-oF-cONTACTING-pURG-mEMBERS-//:CougLegend :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: ::..............................................................................:: a word from our maker.. : ::...............................: :: :: Boy does it feel good to be outta there! well, after a few months of rest::it looks like were ready to release again... between working 2 jobs, taking ::over black with wizy and spawn from cia i guess i decided to actually get ::everyone together and get another pak released.. haha, bout time i know..weve::changed alot in the past few months.. we hope you notice it in the pak... so::this month we feature some new and improved this... some joints and some new ::artists.. lots of new shit this month... for instance check out this info- ::file.. yeah, the borders blow.. but we got some kickin artists to do shit for::it... and these logos look fuckin killer.. like the purg logo on top! tell me::that spinsane isnt a badass muthah fuckah... and that coug didnt do a kick-::ass logo for the info file... how about that mice from samsara? that fucker ::did a killer one... but on to more important shit... :: The members just dont stop from coming in.. we got like 12 members and ::they all kick aRSE?! ::Bossman has been with us modding from the start, but has moved more to a vga ::division... keep an eye out for his shit.. hes got a way wiff pixels... ::Starlord joined us last month for some killer RIP along with running his group::RCA with Kitiara who also does RIP... ::Hornet and Contempt join us from RCA, Hornet was with us last month and we had::a tiny dual-releasing error.. wont happen twice with one member.. while ::Contempt, who did the sites logo for us, has some beyatchin styleees for us ::to get out in this pak.. ::Creeping Death is one we havent been able to reach ever since the TANG merger::but i sent some more email notifying members of an upcoming release and there ::he was! good to see you with us cD! get some more pics out in the next pak::pal, or eyell have ta shred yer balls in muh blender.. ::Jandor is stickin around for another month.. this time as a modder. from what::he tells me he is quite happy with some of his other affils such as BLADE and ::CODINE... so get us some killer mods, h0MER! ::Cassius is with us.. he joined up about 2 months ago to skibby up some ascii ::for this pak.. he is also with GAS, which is one of the badest groups around!::so keep yer eye out for gas-04, cuz eye yam... ::Terrato applied out of the blue a couple of weeks ago.. he has no affils, but::i dug his stylez right away.. its kind of like a clear pic style.. real nice ::and clean artist.. not many of those around.. ::Neptun is still with us.. working on a secret PROJECT that we are hoping to ::have in this next pak... hopefully i can get him to do some of his ansis for ::the next pak as well.. ::Quab FINALLY coded an appgen and a viewer for us! excellent... we had some ::of the best artists to do work for us.. so a HUGE thanks to quab! ::DrEclipz is back, after leaving, to work on the webpage.. if you can do some::vga for the page, email treaper@pla-net.net so that we can get this on the way::to completion... ::Hellbeast is here again to do some coding or ansis or something. keep an eye ::out and youll find out... ::Infector!@ I finally found Infector@! so keep ahold of our release dates! ::he has some sweet shit going in this pak! ::Satanic Sly is another one that i JUST found! he is now in ACiD for rip and ::will be doing some incredible rip action for us as well! ::Catastropic Profit came up to me the other day on irc and said, need some ::ascii artists? and i said sure! so hez in.. ::..............................................................................:: :: yes! we are on irc! just join purg :: and do the following: :: /msg schlock hello :: /msg schlock pass password :: /msg schlock info info :: :: and youre set! just chill out :: in the channel and we will be :: there eventually! no one joins?:: dS! you just havent stuck around :: long enough! just relax! we do :: join and babble! :: ::..............................................................................:
Blah Do you work for the CIA
tRcia ummm, leave me alone..
Blah do you?
tRcia NO!@?
hahaha, so i should have played along.. i was in the middle of trying
to get an acid pic for my board.. killah!
jeepee i dont fuckin understand why he have ops
tRcia who knows man..
aight.. thats the deal! ansi.. this is the convo going on everywhere
why is it that most of the @s in ansi, dont draw??! its fuckin un-fuckin-
believable.. but wtf.. owell..
Jaguar nah, im not doing art anymore
what?!@??!@? lemme know next time
this is an example of bad communication...
spinsaneHN - purg ascii header
micetrank - member ascii header
contemptrca - sites ansi header
couglegend - info ansi header
dark shadowplain - irc ansi header
credits ansi header
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