this image contains text
.............. .. . .. . .. . .. ...............:::::::::::::: :: : :: : :: : :: ::::::::::::::: ,,, yyy lllllllllll yy yyyyyyyy ,,, y yyyyyyyy ,,, yy llllllllllll11111111111 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyg 111111111111yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyS*.,P*S,.S.,gS*P g,.@SggS@.,g P . g,.g..g.,g . g. g. .g .g@. ,Pg.,db,.gP b. .,dP ,d.,g g,.Sb. S@g,m@P4b, .g.g .,gg,. g.g.
b .d.g .db. g.b.
b, ..d .,db,. b.b.
* .*g,. ** .,g*.dP
P .gS s. @g,.*s,. P .,*.,g@SP
.gP s. Sg,@ggg
dP .d b,. SbggggggdbggggggdP
ggP .dP 4b,. b.
P .dP ,dP,dSS* ,g,.
,dP .dP .,d.,g55555555555S*,.g@@m, d d .,gP4Sb ,d dP .dP .,m,db, dP .,g@Sgggggggggggggg,Sg.,dP gg@g,*SS,db.S Sg,,,g@p.*S PP.,d,@p. dP,d,P.d g.S d db.S db.Sb. d.g,..g.S db,b.S dSg.P.gg..gg.,P,g .d,gb.SP ,P dbbP,g b,g,d dbb P,dl Sb, Sg Sb, PP,PP P,g Sb,b.*bs,*,dP,dP, P.,dg,,g,ggP,gg .gg, gg.P,dgggggg .gb.P dP dP db g, ,db, .gg. b PP d d db b b ,dg, .dP4b.7 d,d b,b,dP b 7 d : P,PP b,,d,d,d.b *@ *,dP,Pbggdb.*gggg*,dg,*b,dP*,gg db gP,, yyy yyy yyy
:: www :: purg.kracked.com -/- ftp :: jac.cyberz.net -/- irc :: purg ::
art : teeare member listing listing : teeare
important people here more important people go here
founding members of purg productions
teeare pack ceo
jandor member ceo teeare jandor lint
diadem coding ceo
teeare cunt ceo guest work this month came from
lint web team ceo
nuclear dreamer
- new member X almost gone * wont be in next pack
dark entity ascii/web team de
destr0yer vga/web team dt
diadem coder dia
- euphorik ascii u4
- dj-lethal ascii djl
dritzan coder drt
flash ascii fl
frantic coder fr
grandmaster mojo ascii grm
iceman vga/web team ic
irie1 vga/web team i1
jandor ascii/vga/web team jd
lint web team ceo lt
lord coder ld
methane retired kl
midknight ansi/ascii mid
psycological warfare ansi psy
purplee ascii ppe
rumish ascii ru
sameyeam idle ceo sam
square ascii sqr
* sudiphed ascii sp
teeare ascii tr
tesla ascii ts
the warlord vga/web team tw
trance ascii/vga/web team ta
vlad ascii vl
wu36 vga/web team wu
zubfatal ascii zb
*** If anyone has not been placed on this list it is due to that fact that
*** the member coordinator is not doing his job. Please rag on his ass to
*** get him to do so. Or email teeare at jac@cyberz.net. -teeare
since the birth of purg, these are the artists who have contributed
sa still associated/still releasing ia inactive but associated
na no longer associated nr never released/not associated
-nick--------------------------------------since pak----------------left after
The Reaper ------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- sa
Bossmaniceman 1 sa
The Devils Pawn ------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- na
Exodus 1 na
Vapor ----------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Hellbeast 1 ia
Funky Buckles --------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Dark Leader 1 nr
The Green Trenchcoat -------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Demon Bane 1 nr
The Warlord ----------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- sa
Cold Fusion 2 nr
ZigZag ---------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Trebor 2 ia
Guido ----------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Jester 2 na
Creator --------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- nr
Headsoft 2 ia
Malevolent Terror empty---------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Static ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Deranged Fan 3 na
Jaguar ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- na
Ploffer 3 nr
Pothead --------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- nr
Mannequinn 3 nr
Spraggles ------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Mighty Mouse ---------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Prince of Darkness 4 ia
Inquisitor sameyeam ------------------------- 4 ------------------------- sa
Darkheart 4 ia
Satanic Sly ----------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Seige 4 nr
Whispering Death ------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Phylus 4 nr
Dark Force ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Anilog 4 ia
Messiah --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Jandor 4 sa
Hornet ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Cryptic 4 nr
Blizzard -------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Creeping Death 4 na
Trans Fighter --------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Tre Cool 4 nr
Raw Toxic ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Night Train 4 nr
Tech ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Bug 4 nr
Jinx ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Fatal Error 4 nr
Kindred --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Hotdeath 4 na
Dr Eclipz ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Quab 4 nr
Neptun ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Cassius 5 ia
Terrato --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Drc 5 ia
Elendil -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach 5 na
Catastropic Profit ---------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Dark Entity 5 ia
Ripper ---------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Dark Saint 5 ia
Bludwulf -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Kitiara 5 na
Starlord -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Wizy 5 nr
Spasm ----------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
N Tegrity 6 ia
Death Jdstn ----------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
Kriss 6 ia
Napalm Death ---------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Wuyang 7 ia
Narcolept ------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- nr
Chang0 7 ia
Digital Overdose ------------------------------ 7 ------------------------- nr
Internal 7 nr
Propane --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Schtroumpf 7 ia
R3ptile --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ nr
Frizzle 7 ia
Deadpool -------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Hysteric 7 ia
Adya ------------------------------------------ 7 ------------------------ ia
Cytral Skunk 7 na
Remenis --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Death Incarnate 7 nr
midknight ------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
xOr 9 na
dabulld0g-------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- na
jack phlash 9 ia
sudiphed -------------------------------------- 10 ------------------------ ia
wu36 10 sa
deadly sinz ----------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ na
imodium --------------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ na
lint 11 ia
lord ------------------------------------------ 11 ------------------------ ia
prodiac 11 na
rumish ---------------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ sa
tesla 11 sa
methane --------------------------------------- 12 ------------------------ ia
zubfatal 12 sa
xzip ------------------------------------------ 12 ------------------------ na
flash 12 sa
dark entity ----------------------------------- 12 ------------------------ sa
diadem 12 sa
vlad ------------------------------------------ 13 ------------------------ sa
purplee 13 sa
escape ---------------------------------------- 13 ------------------------ ia
dark stalker 13 ia
grandmaster mojo ------------------------------ 13 ------------------------ sa
dorm 13 na
trance ---------------------------------------- 14 ------------------------ sa
destr0yer 14 sa
frantic --------------------------------------- 14 ------------------------ sa
square 14 sa
euphoric -------------------------------------- 15 ------------------------ sa
dj-lethal 15 sa
* as you can see.. many of the scenes top artists either started out, or have
been through purg... tell me it sucks?
b .d.g .db. g.b.
b, ..d .,db,. b.b.
* .*g,. ** .,g*.dP
P .gS s. @g,.*s,. P .,*.,g@SP
.gP s. Sg,@ggg
dP .d b,. SbggggggdbggggggdP
ggP .dP 4b,. b.
P .dP ,dP,dSS* ,g,.
,dP .dP .,d.,g55555555555S*,.g@@m, d d .,gP4Sb ,d dP .dP .,m,db, dP .,g@Sgggggggggggggg,Sg.,dP gg@g,*SS,db.S Sg,,,g@p.*S PP.,d,@p. dP,d,P.d g.S d db.S db.Sb. d.g,..g.S db,b.S dSg.P.gg..gg.,P,g .d,gb.SP ,P dbbP,g b,g,d dbb P,dl Sb, Sg Sb, PP,PP P,g Sb,b.*bs,*,dP,dP, P.,dg,,g,ggP,gg .gg, gg.P,dgggggg .gb.P dP dP db g, ,db, .gg. b PP d d db b b ,dg, .dP4b.7 d,d b,b,dP b 7 d : P,PP b,,d,d,d.b *@ *,dP,Pbggdb.*gggg*,dg,*b,dP*,gg db gP,, yyy yyy yyy
:: www :: purg.kracked.com -/- ftp :: jac.cyberz.net -/- irc :: purg ::
art : teeare member listing listing : teeare
important people here more important people go here
founding members of purg productions
teeare pack ceo
jandor member ceo teeare jandor lint
diadem coding ceo
teeare cunt ceo guest work this month came from
lint web team ceo
nuclear dreamer
- new member X almost gone * wont be in next pack
dark entity ascii/web team de
destr0yer vga/web team dt
diadem coder dia
- euphorik ascii u4
- dj-lethal ascii djl
dritzan coder drt
flash ascii fl
frantic coder fr
grandmaster mojo ascii grm
iceman vga/web team ic
irie1 vga/web team i1
jandor ascii/vga/web team jd
lint web team ceo lt
lord coder ld
methane retired kl
midknight ansi/ascii mid
psycological warfare ansi psy
purplee ascii ppe
rumish ascii ru
sameyeam idle ceo sam
square ascii sqr
* sudiphed ascii sp
teeare ascii tr
tesla ascii ts
the warlord vga/web team tw
trance ascii/vga/web team ta
vlad ascii vl
wu36 vga/web team wu
zubfatal ascii zb
*** If anyone has not been placed on this list it is due to that fact that
*** the member coordinator is not doing his job. Please rag on his ass to
*** get him to do so. Or email teeare at jac@cyberz.net. -teeare
since the birth of purg, these are the artists who have contributed
sa still associated/still releasing ia inactive but associated
na no longer associated nr never released/not associated
-nick--------------------------------------since pak----------------left after
The Reaper ------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- sa
Bossmaniceman 1 sa
The Devils Pawn ------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- na
Exodus 1 na
Vapor ----------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Hellbeast 1 ia
Funky Buckles --------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Dark Leader 1 nr
The Green Trenchcoat -------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Demon Bane 1 nr
The Warlord ----------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- sa
Cold Fusion 2 nr
ZigZag ---------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Trebor 2 ia
Guido ----------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Jester 2 na
Creator --------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- nr
Headsoft 2 ia
Malevolent Terror empty---------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Static ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Deranged Fan 3 na
Jaguar ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- na
Ploffer 3 nr
Pothead --------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- nr
Mannequinn 3 nr
Spraggles ------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Mighty Mouse ---------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Prince of Darkness 4 ia
Inquisitor sameyeam ------------------------- 4 ------------------------- sa
Darkheart 4 ia
Satanic Sly ----------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Seige 4 nr
Whispering Death ------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Phylus 4 nr
Dark Force ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Anilog 4 ia
Messiah --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Jandor 4 sa
Hornet ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Cryptic 4 nr
Blizzard -------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Creeping Death 4 na
Trans Fighter --------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Tre Cool 4 nr
Raw Toxic ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Night Train 4 nr
Tech ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Bug 4 nr
Jinx ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Fatal Error 4 nr
Kindred --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Hotdeath 4 na
Dr Eclipz ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Quab 4 nr
Neptun ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Cassius 5 ia
Terrato --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Drc 5 ia
Elendil -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach 5 na
Catastropic Profit ---------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Dark Entity 5 ia
Ripper ---------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Dark Saint 5 ia
Bludwulf -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Kitiara 5 na
Starlord -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Wizy 5 nr
Spasm ----------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
N Tegrity 6 ia
Death Jdstn ----------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
Kriss 6 ia
Napalm Death ---------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Wuyang 7 ia
Narcolept ------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- nr
Chang0 7 ia
Digital Overdose ------------------------------ 7 ------------------------- nr
Internal 7 nr
Propane --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Schtroumpf 7 ia
R3ptile --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ nr
Frizzle 7 ia
Deadpool -------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Hysteric 7 ia
Adya ------------------------------------------ 7 ------------------------ ia
Cytral Skunk 7 na
Remenis --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Death Incarnate 7 nr
midknight ------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
xOr 9 na
dabulld0g-------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- na
jack phlash 9 ia
sudiphed -------------------------------------- 10 ------------------------ ia
wu36 10 sa
deadly sinz ----------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ na
imodium --------------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ na
lint 11 ia
lord ------------------------------------------ 11 ------------------------ ia
prodiac 11 na
rumish ---------------------------------------- 11 ------------------------ sa
tesla 11 sa
methane --------------------------------------- 12 ------------------------ ia
zubfatal 12 sa
xzip ------------------------------------------ 12 ------------------------ na
flash 12 sa
dark entity ----------------------------------- 12 ------------------------ sa
diadem 12 sa
vlad ------------------------------------------ 13 ------------------------ sa
purplee 13 sa
escape ---------------------------------------- 13 ------------------------ ia
dark stalker 13 ia
grandmaster mojo ------------------------------ 13 ------------------------ sa
dorm 13 na
trance ---------------------------------------- 14 ------------------------ sa
destr0yer 14 sa
frantic --------------------------------------- 14 ------------------------ sa
square 14 sa
euphoric -------------------------------------- 15 ------------------------ sa
dj-lethal 15 sa
* as you can see.. many of the scenes top artists either started out, or have
been through purg... tell me it sucks?
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