this image contains text
.,yQ .
i7*!: !i. .,,. ,. ,.
!: :i : .dSiQy,.Qy,.
:i : .d7 :*S:*S:
y i.dyiQ i 4i
!7*: !7*Q l
:i i :l .d7yQ
:y, l: .d7i*S
!: i7!S ,i .d7 ! ,.
:i :7 j j ::
l *S ! iy!
:. phaze zero.. ::.,7*!:
i7 i7* 7
ok this is for someone.. cant remember for who but this is an older ascii i
touched up and am releasing it under purg.. so if your board is called phaze
zero your more than welcome to use it.. bye
i7*!: !i. .,,. ,. ,.
!: :i : .dSiQy,.Qy,.
:i : .d7 :*S:*S:
y i.dyiQ i 4i
!7*: !7*Q l
:i i :l .d7yQ
:y, l: .d7i*S
!: i7!S ,i .d7 ! ,.
:i :7 j j ::
l *S ! iy!
:. phaze zero.. ::.,7*!:
i7 i7* 7
ok this is for someone.. cant remember for who but this is an older ascii i
touched up and am releasing it under purg.. so if your board is called phaze
zero your more than welcome to use it.. bye
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