this image contains text
saving private bob. --
rated pg 13 due to excessive nudity.
A story about a young ... --
follow the line or just
press pgdn if youre to
, ,.,d
, ,., , ,., , l.,d , ,.,d , ,.,
P P l P P
4 , 4
b, l ,
4b, *4 l d b,d
, , , - d 4 , 4
d, b, b,d b,d
*4 *4 *4 4 *4 * 4
-o alkanineSOLDIER --
...who became enlisted in the army. after joining, he was the center of much abuse. so, using his military skills even though he was a computer
nerd, he gave them an ass whoopin. that was, of course, before he was
lost in the... i have the words OCEAN and POLLUTION left. guess which one is next..
bottom of the
, ,., , ,., , ,.,d , ,., , ,.,d
. P P P P P
4 4
, l
d, d b,d l
. , , 4 , 4
b, b, b,d
o *4 *4 *4 * 4 * 4
/ alkanineif you thought this was gunna be pollution yer a dumb
fuck.. unless youre judging this.. then youre a
CREATIVE dumb fuck
then he settled into a nice little musician
job and helped beck make the song new pollution
phear my originality.
o -- drummer from beck
o -- . .o
guitar -- --/ , -- -- our hero
b/ /
--/ oO oO . .......... :
i wont even attempt to draw that
in a newschool.
now i know theres two things youre saying.
1 * ..what the fuck? this is a total piece of shit!
2 * ..you said thered be nudity!@ where is it!@?
1 well, the guy ended up masturbating 20 times per day, and calling himself
offset on irc.
2 uh.. i can draw a stick chick wiggling tits P /
/ use your imagination
this piece has officially recieved LAST PLACE
in whatever compo i was doing.. not sure anymore
but uh.. i made a typo phear
rated pg 13 due to excessive nudity.
A story about a young ... --
follow the line or just
press pgdn if youre to
, ,.,d
, ,., , ,., , l.,d , ,.,d , ,.,
P P l P P
4 , 4
b, l ,
4b, *4 l d b,d
, , , - d 4 , 4
d, b, b,d b,d
*4 *4 *4 4 *4 * 4
-o alkanineSOLDIER --
...who became enlisted in the army. after joining, he was the center of much abuse. so, using his military skills even though he was a computer
nerd, he gave them an ass whoopin. that was, of course, before he was
lost in the... i have the words OCEAN and POLLUTION left. guess which one is next..
bottom of the
, ,., , ,., , ,.,d , ,., , ,.,d
. P P P P P
4 4
, l
d, d b,d l
. , , 4 , 4
b, b, b,d
o *4 *4 *4 * 4 * 4
/ alkanineif you thought this was gunna be pollution yer a dumb
fuck.. unless youre judging this.. then youre a
CREATIVE dumb fuck
then he settled into a nice little musician
job and helped beck make the song new pollution
phear my originality.
o -- drummer from beck
o -- . .o
guitar -- --/ , -- -- our hero
b/ /
--/ oO oO . .......... :
i wont even attempt to draw that
in a newschool.
now i know theres two things youre saying.
1 * ..what the fuck? this is a total piece of shit!
2 * ..you said thered be nudity!@ where is it!@?
1 well, the guy ended up masturbating 20 times per day, and calling himself
offset on irc.
2 uh.. i can draw a stick chick wiggling tits P /
/ use your imagination
this piece has officially recieved LAST PLACE
in whatever compo i was doing.. not sure anymore
but uh.. i made a typo phear
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