this image contains text
,dSSb, ,SSb, ,db, ,dSb, ,db, !gf Y 7 * Y yyyy : : : : : : Y
: : : yyyy : :y: : : y7,
7 7 ,y Y Y Yy 7.,y 7 d y Y , Y Y b Y !gf 7 byd ,db yyy,Y b,Y Y byd d ,d YP y Yy y Yy Yy7 y
lethal vengeance // azZkee for mardukk // by grifter
... and then grifter was heard talkin some trash : hey, grifter here, i didntreally have time to like, formaly introduce myself in the last pack cuz well,Creator just kinda grabbed me three days before the release and said Hey,join Pursuit, but HURRY UP : so I just tossed whatever ascii i had his way andthat was that. But anywayZ, i used to be in sOap ascii, but was i was kicked outthanks to their fine quality control division... surprisingly enough, only 3short days later, Pursuit picked me up and well, storytimes the fuck over
@?! greets : everybody in pursuit, especially Creator, wARp- and mardukk
everybody from 2o4, especially all you fools from Altered Reality
Chr0me, Banshee, Nailz, Tri-Fixion, Viper, and anybody else I know
on the irc...
@?! fuck offZ : matthew -buttrake-nice-fucking-try-loser- barton dont you
think its time to grow up and get some real friends outside
of the irc and teleconferences?
... if you want an ascii or a vga done, contact me on the irc, look for GrifteRor sometimes Grift3R, or slap me some email at sadams@escape.ca ...
wOohAW! i gOtZ you aLL iN cheCK!
: : : yyyy : :y: : : y7,
7 7 ,y Y Y Yy 7.,y 7 d y Y , Y Y b Y !gf 7 byd ,db yyy,Y b,Y Y byd d ,d YP y Yy y Yy Yy7 y
lethal vengeance // azZkee for mardukk // by grifter
... and then grifter was heard talkin some trash : hey, grifter here, i didntreally have time to like, formaly introduce myself in the last pack cuz well,Creator just kinda grabbed me three days before the release and said Hey,join Pursuit, but HURRY UP : so I just tossed whatever ascii i had his way andthat was that. But anywayZ, i used to be in sOap ascii, but was i was kicked outthanks to their fine quality control division... surprisingly enough, only 3short days later, Pursuit picked me up and well, storytimes the fuck over
@?! greets : everybody in pursuit, especially Creator, wARp- and mardukk
everybody from 2o4, especially all you fools from Altered Reality
Chr0me, Banshee, Nailz, Tri-Fixion, Viper, and anybody else I know
on the irc...
@?! fuck offZ : matthew -buttrake-nice-fucking-try-loser- barton dont you
think its time to grow up and get some real friends outside
of the irc and teleconferences?
... if you want an ascii or a vga done, contact me on the irc, look for GrifteRor sometimes Grift3R, or slap me some email at sadams@escape.ca ...
wOohAW! i gOtZ you aLL iN cheCK!
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