this image contains text
Date: 1:09 am Mon Feb 12, 1996 Number : 105 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
wTo : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 2
Stat: Sent Origin : 29 Jan 96 19:41:37
H i like mercuri, hes really cool.
mercuri and i used to get along really well, but then like when slinky
came out, he and i have just been having a little problem. its nothing big,
but like... there seems to be some kind of tension. dunno. i like mercuri
too, hes pretty cool.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 11:57 pm Thu Feb 22, 1996 Number : 203 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 2
Stat: Sent Origin : 20 Feb 96 19:50:45
H oh. cerkit i think is that guy that hates me one of many on irc.
ive come to the conclusion, that besides my obvious friends, im not very
well liked on irc either. it appears that my good friend, mercuri, has turned
all of them against me.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 11:57 pm Thu Feb 22, 1996 Number : 207 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Big Hurt Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 20 Feb 96 19:57:01
BH well, okay, then what is in the zines. mostly stuff of non-sense, non-sense
BH stories. right. not all, but the most of them i read. im not dising zines
BH zines, because i like zines and i enjoy hanging out in zines when i can,
BH i havent for about a week know, since of baseball.
zines are great, zines used to be great however, it is getting better
once again., and the entire zine scene is great. recently, it has gone
through some trouble, it is in a transitional state. a whole new group of
zines are coming in and changing things - or as mogel said it
revolutionizing the zine scene. then you have butt-faces like mercuri who
are instigating fights between the different zines, which i believe sucks.
none of it is non-sense - at least not the stuff coming from the people
who care about it. you need to experience it first hand to understand what
it is all about.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 12:07 am Fri Feb 23, 1996 Number : 222 of 318
From: Hooch Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Belial Refer : 203
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : Local
07,oOo. .oO subj: 15Re: idea 07Oo.
07OoO .oO from: 15Belial 07to: 15Hooch 07Oo.
B ive come to the conclusion, that besides my obvious friends, im not ve
B well liked on irc either. it appears that my good friend, mercuri, has turn
B all of them against me.
i like mercuri.
erebus 201-762-1373 acid/y0lk
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
* Origin: erebus! 201-762-1373 y0lk/acid two nodes 23:40/0
Date: 3:01 am Fri Feb 23, 1996 Number : 239 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 23 Feb 96 01:12:55
H i like mercuri.
doesnt suprise me, really.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 7:38 pm Sun Feb 18, 1996 Number : 229 of 321
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Creed Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 1
Stat: Sent Origin : 15 Feb 96 01:03:39
C well you seem to be his main competition or something... i see slinky, rad,
C and chemchoc as like-- exactly the same level. i dunno. that could be the
C reason.
perhaps... but i dont think slinky is at the same level of those zines.
they are all good zines, but... i think slinky has an edge on them. dont
get me wrong, it is just something that i feel.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
I thought I was paranoid. Instigating fights? You know damn well
the most I have ever done to you belial is given you a review on slinky01.
And you took that review as an attack to your writing ability or something,
Im not sure why you took offense. WAR. and for dislexixs: .RAW
I dont understand you man, Im here like everyone else. Youre
acting like tell cerkit that you called him a LaMeR, and I told you that
cerkit called you a Big Kiss Ass. This has just gone one step too far, you
have dealth the last hand, I dont feel like apoligizing for things i havnt
done anymore.
Lifes sucks, get a fucking helmet.
Date: 7:38 pm Sun Feb 18, 1996 Number : 231 of 321
From: Edicius Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Belial Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 1
Stat: Sent Origin : 15 Feb 96 18:14:00
B perhaps... but i dont think slinky is at the same level of those zines
B they are all good zines, but... i think slinky has an edge on them. dont
B get me wrong, it is just something that i feel.
It all fits into my pyramid of Zines -
DTO - Slinky
RAD - Chemical Chocolate - y0lk
Dogma - Other Ansi Zines like Superflu
See? Youre a whole tier above RAD and Chemical Chocolate! You have
straight edge!
edicius + jonas head editor - blade literary guru
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Does this chart seem just a BIT inbalanced?
In short, your acting like a baby. grow up.
Oh, and i have yet to talk to someone that thinks slinky is better
than rad. Or even someone who thinks its as good as your editors think.
Then this whole thing about the zine scene getting out of control...
yeah.. okay.. sure.. whatever. things about the zine scene losing its
quality... think about it... why does it suck all-of-a-sudden? does it even
suck? and as far as revolutionizing... what is changing, ? all these ansi
zines that started? jonas was an ansi zine, and it SUCKED, just nothing
but a bunch of quotes from irc in the first issues, programmed in Qbasic.
But look at it now... definetly one of the better zines. so all of you,
this goes to everyone... just relax,.. let everyone do what they want to do,
your pointless bitches rants dont help the zine scene at all. me? im
just getting a damn point across.
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
wTo : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 2
Stat: Sent Origin : 29 Jan 96 19:41:37
H i like mercuri, hes really cool.
mercuri and i used to get along really well, but then like when slinky
came out, he and i have just been having a little problem. its nothing big,
but like... there seems to be some kind of tension. dunno. i like mercuri
too, hes pretty cool.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 11:57 pm Thu Feb 22, 1996 Number : 203 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 2
Stat: Sent Origin : 20 Feb 96 19:50:45
H oh. cerkit i think is that guy that hates me one of many on irc.
ive come to the conclusion, that besides my obvious friends, im not very
well liked on irc either. it appears that my good friend, mercuri, has turned
all of them against me.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 11:57 pm Thu Feb 22, 1996 Number : 207 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Big Hurt Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 20 Feb 96 19:57:01
BH well, okay, then what is in the zines. mostly stuff of non-sense, non-sense
BH stories. right. not all, but the most of them i read. im not dising zines
BH zines, because i like zines and i enjoy hanging out in zines when i can,
BH i havent for about a week know, since of baseball.
zines are great, zines used to be great however, it is getting better
once again., and the entire zine scene is great. recently, it has gone
through some trouble, it is in a transitional state. a whole new group of
zines are coming in and changing things - or as mogel said it
revolutionizing the zine scene. then you have butt-faces like mercuri who
are instigating fights between the different zines, which i believe sucks.
none of it is non-sense - at least not the stuff coming from the people
who care about it. you need to experience it first hand to understand what
it is all about.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: a v a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 12:07 am Fri Feb 23, 1996 Number : 222 of 318
From: Hooch Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Belial Refer : 203
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : Local
07,oOo. .oO subj: 15Re: idea 07Oo.
07OoO .oO from: 15Belial 07to: 15Hooch 07Oo.
B ive come to the conclusion, that besides my obvious friends, im not ve
B well liked on irc either. it appears that my good friend, mercuri, has turn
B all of them against me.
i like mercuri.
erebus 201-762-1373 acid/y0lk
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
* Origin: erebus! 201-762-1373 y0lk/acid two nodes 23:40/0
Date: 3:01 am Fri Feb 23, 1996 Number : 239 of 318
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Hooch Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 23 Feb 96 01:12:55
H i like mercuri.
doesnt suprise me, really.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Date: 7:38 pm Sun Feb 18, 1996 Number : 229 of 321
From: Belial Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Creed Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 1
Stat: Sent Origin : 15 Feb 96 01:03:39
C well you seem to be his main competition or something... i see slinky, rad,
C and chemchoc as like-- exactly the same level. i dunno. that could be the
C reason.
perhaps... but i dont think slinky is at the same level of those zines.
they are all good zines, but... i think slinky has an edge on them. dont
get me wrong, it is just something that i feel.
o O
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
I thought I was paranoid. Instigating fights? You know damn well
the most I have ever done to you belial is given you a review on slinky01.
And you took that review as an attack to your writing ability or something,
Im not sure why you took offense. WAR. and for dislexixs: .RAW
I dont understand you man, Im here like everyone else. Youre
acting like tell cerkit that you called him a LaMeR, and I told you that
cerkit called you a Big Kiss Ass. This has just gone one step too far, you
have dealth the last hand, I dont feel like apoligizing for things i havnt
done anymore.
Lifes sucks, get a fucking helmet.
Date: 7:38 pm Sun Feb 18, 1996 Number : 231 of 321
From: Edicius Base : y0lk y0lk chat
To : Belial Refer : None
Subj: Re: idea Replies: 1
Stat: Sent Origin : 15 Feb 96 18:14:00
B perhaps... but i dont think slinky is at the same level of those zines
B they are all good zines, but... i think slinky has an edge on them. dont
B get me wrong, it is just something that i feel.
It all fits into my pyramid of Zines -
DTO - Slinky
RAD - Chemical Chocolate - y0lk
Dogma - Other Ansi Zines like Superflu
See? Youre a whole tier above RAD and Chemical Chocolate! You have
straight edge!
edicius + jonas head editor - blade literary guru
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: 11a 03v 08a l o n . . . 908.739.4274 23:40/7
Does this chart seem just a BIT inbalanced?
In short, your acting like a baby. grow up.
Oh, and i have yet to talk to someone that thinks slinky is better
than rad. Or even someone who thinks its as good as your editors think.
Then this whole thing about the zine scene getting out of control...
yeah.. okay.. sure.. whatever. things about the zine scene losing its
quality... think about it... why does it suck all-of-a-sudden? does it even
suck? and as far as revolutionizing... what is changing, ? all these ansi
zines that started? jonas was an ansi zine, and it SUCKED, just nothing
but a bunch of quotes from irc in the first issues, programmed in Qbasic.
But look at it now... definetly one of the better zines. so all of you,
this goes to everyone... just relax,.. let everyone do what they want to do,
your pointless bitches rants dont help the zine scene at all. me? im
just getting a damn point across.
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