this image contains text
ggggggggggggggggggggggggg. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
r e b e l a r t i n f o
ggggggggggggg ggggggg gggggggggggggggggggg i ggggggg
gggggggggggggg mggmg ,gggggggggggmmmgggggggggg,*SSP.gggggggg
88888888888888. 48888888P *8888mnnb888888888
llllllllllllllll: lllllllll l llllllllllllllll
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :iiiiiiii rebel art ,,,,,. iiiiiiii::::iiii
ggggg i r e b e l a r t history
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / h i s t o r y
rebelart jan 15, 98 to dec 30 98.. damn that was a long fucken time...
well it is to me newayz.. lazy artists.. and a few wars... but we had some
good times, big names thatd ud recognize n shit... from pack 1 u could
even map my progress n shit.. newayz it was a long year and i think its about
time i closed this chapter once n for all, ill continue thriving in the scene
: and improove my mad skillz and once i get enuf experience ill open up another
grup and itll own the scene... neayz thassit... some of u wondering why is RA
1 year and only 10 packs ? cuz there was 2 month gap between pack 1 n 2 ...
ggggg i r e b e l a r t newz
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / n e w z
ahh... final pack its about time... well im sure u know the obvious reason im
closing is cuz i gots lazy artist but i cant kill my own grup just like that
oh no... i aint goin down like that.. so i bugged ALL my scene buddies , all
past members and pretty much ne1 who can draw a decent pic or font a favor,
to guest in rebelarts final pack and i want to thank them for helping
me out and putting up with my constant nagging.. cuz thats how i am :
: newayz no need to announce new members or kick out ne1.. cuz really most
of them were gonna get kicked out for inactivity sooner or l8r.. so really
there really isnt nething special i just ask u all to bid rebelart farewell
also i wish everyone in the scene... merry christmas and happy new year
ps: all hirez guests are with the rest of vga in the hirez pak, rahirez2.zip . also visit the RA web site... www.rebelart.home.ml.org u wont regret it !
ggggg i r e b e l a r t memberz
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / m e m b e r z
.RG. rage .asc.lit.vga rage!@hempseed.com
.??. suicide .lit suicide@hempseed.com
.JY. jytd .vga jytd@hotmail.com
.GF. ghostface .ans.asc.vga gfk@hempseed.com
: .KS. king sting .ans knuckles@gotnet.net
.VS. vissago .vga kosh@cts.com
.IN. indecent .asc indecent@mindless.com
.CD. cat-dog .asc.cod adoran@hotmail.com
.AB. acid burn .asc 2acidburn@hehe.com
.BC. bc .asc bc@waystation.com
.KM. kandyman .vga slavik2@hotmail.com
.CP. cyberphreak .ans phuman@icon.co.za
.PO. pogue .ans.asc.cod pogue@thuglife.org
ggggg i r e b e l a r t guests
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / g u e s t s
.SR. spirit of rage sr-reba.ans
.FZ. frozen fz-rebel.ans
.XZ. xzip xz-rebel.asc
.TR. tee-are tr-ra.asc us-dope.asc
.IPH. inphamiliar this info !!!
: .RET. retribution ret-rbl.lgo ret-ra.asc
.BD. bluedevil bd-rebart.jpg
.PPE. purplee fileid.diz
.WT. whitey wt-db.ans
.NO. noktor no-cyarb.ans
.ZV. zero vision zv-ra.ans
.TNT. tainted X tnt-rebl.ans
.ZF0. zfact0r zf0-reba.ans
.DRM. dorm drm-rbla.ans
.ZB. zubfatal zb!rbel1.asc
.KLU. klumzee klu-h2.ans
: .DS. dyingsoul us-rebel.ans
ggggg i r e b e l a r t distros
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / d i s t r o s
rebelart web site .http://rebelart.home.ml.org. world wide website
thom underground .514 284-9123. world headquarters
kinetic karma .+61 8-94511673. distro board
blood runs cold .209 527-7855. distro board
the dream factory .+61 2-96862615. distro board
: underground nation .450 973-1826. distro board
q u o t e s :
rage: as a famous pig once said a bdi a bdi thats all folks !!!
iph: thanks and goodbye, btw... H A P P Y c r i s t m a s
ggggggggggggggggggggggggg. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
r e b e l a r t i n f o
ggggggggggggg ggggggg gggggggggggggggggggg i ggggggg
gggggggggggggg mggmg ,gggggggggggmmmgggggggggg,*SSP.gggggggg
88888888888888. 48888888P *8888mnnb888888888
llllllllllllllll: lllllllll l llllllllllllllll
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :iiiiiiii rebel art ,,,,,. iiiiiiii::::iiii
ggggg i r e b e l a r t history
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / h i s t o r y
rebelart jan 15, 98 to dec 30 98.. damn that was a long fucken time...
well it is to me newayz.. lazy artists.. and a few wars... but we had some
good times, big names thatd ud recognize n shit... from pack 1 u could
even map my progress n shit.. newayz it was a long year and i think its about
time i closed this chapter once n for all, ill continue thriving in the scene
: and improove my mad skillz and once i get enuf experience ill open up another
grup and itll own the scene... neayz thassit... some of u wondering why is RA
1 year and only 10 packs ? cuz there was 2 month gap between pack 1 n 2 ...
ggggg i r e b e l a r t newz
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / n e w z
ahh... final pack its about time... well im sure u know the obvious reason im
closing is cuz i gots lazy artist but i cant kill my own grup just like that
oh no... i aint goin down like that.. so i bugged ALL my scene buddies , all
past members and pretty much ne1 who can draw a decent pic or font a favor,
to guest in rebelarts final pack and i want to thank them for helping
me out and putting up with my constant nagging.. cuz thats how i am :
: newayz no need to announce new members or kick out ne1.. cuz really most
of them were gonna get kicked out for inactivity sooner or l8r.. so really
there really isnt nething special i just ask u all to bid rebelart farewell
also i wish everyone in the scene... merry christmas and happy new year
ps: all hirez guests are with the rest of vga in the hirez pak, rahirez2.zip . also visit the RA web site... www.rebelart.home.ml.org u wont regret it !
ggggg i r e b e l a r t memberz
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / m e m b e r z
.RG. rage .asc.lit.vga rage!@hempseed.com
.??. suicide .lit suicide@hempseed.com
.JY. jytd .vga jytd@hotmail.com
.GF. ghostface .ans.asc.vga gfk@hempseed.com
: .KS. king sting .ans knuckles@gotnet.net
.VS. vissago .vga kosh@cts.com
.IN. indecent .asc indecent@mindless.com
.CD. cat-dog .asc.cod adoran@hotmail.com
.AB. acid burn .asc 2acidburn@hehe.com
.BC. bc .asc bc@waystation.com
.KM. kandyman .vga slavik2@hotmail.com
.CP. cyberphreak .ans phuman@icon.co.za
.PO. pogue .ans.asc.cod pogue@thuglife.org
ggggg i r e b e l a r t guests
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / g u e s t s
.SR. spirit of rage sr-reba.ans
.FZ. frozen fz-rebel.ans
.XZ. xzip xz-rebel.asc
.TR. tee-are tr-ra.asc us-dope.asc
.IPH. inphamiliar this info !!!
: .RET. retribution ret-rbl.lgo ret-ra.asc
.BD. bluedevil bd-rebart.jpg
.PPE. purplee fileid.diz
.WT. whitey wt-db.ans
.NO. noktor no-cyarb.ans
.ZV. zero vision zv-ra.ans
.TNT. tainted X tnt-rebl.ans
.ZF0. zfact0r zf0-reba.ans
.DRM. dorm drm-rbla.ans
.ZB. zubfatal zb!rbel1.asc
.KLU. klumzee klu-h2.ans
: .DS. dyingsoul us-rebel.ans
ggggg i r e b e l a r t distros
--------------- ii -------- ------------------- i ---------- ggggggggggggg i ggggggg ,ggggggggg g g g i
i ,P PSS*
--------------- ---- .d ---------- --- --- - -
section!ra / d i s t r o s
rebelart web site .http://rebelart.home.ml.org. world wide website
thom underground .514 284-9123. world headquarters
kinetic karma .+61 8-94511673. distro board
blood runs cold .209 527-7855. distro board
the dream factory .+61 2-96862615. distro board
: underground nation .450 973-1826. distro board
q u o t e s :
rage: as a famous pig once said a bdi a bdi thats all folks !!!
iph: thanks and goodbye, btw... H A P P Y c r i s t m a s
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