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t h e p r e m i e r i s s u e o f r a i n n e w s
RAiN welcomes you to our premier pack!
First of all, Im sure youre thinking to yourself, RAiN? huh?
Well, you might have known that their was a couriering group named
RAiN, but they are not around any more.
Back to the question, RAiN? huh? Ill explain who we are, and
where we came from.
RAiN is an art group based in the minneapolisland area. RAiN
arose from the art group POiSON. POiSON, another art group based
in Minneapolis, was starting to have problems, so I Bum and Irq5
already POiSON seniors ourselves agreed on starting a new group
together. RAiN has evolved into a quality group in a very short
amount of time. I was even impressed at the amount of quality
members we gained in the last few weeks. Anyways, I dont want to
go into a long boring story about the hairy details of our group,
so lets move on, shall we? you: yeah
New Members
RAiN has merged with 4 members of CRANiUM. CRANiUM itself will
still stay as a group though I beleive. Clorox Cowboy, Xten
and Jimmy Top have joined us from that group. Welcome aboard.
We have 2 couriers from sweden joining us, Stimpy and Dreadfull.
Former POiSON artists joining RAiN, are Pepsi, Epson, Virus, Irq5
, Bum, and Mind Bender. Other local artists joining RAiN are, Ci,
Trifixion, Rapid Fire, and Cryptic Insanity different than Ci.
Black Guard, an excellent ripper has joined us from ROC. Pale,
an ansi artist from VOiD/JUSTiCE has joined us as well. Saturn-32
an ansi artist, from the dis-banded group TRiP, has joined us.
Cyber Demon, Reptile, Sector Slayer, and Lupus Yonderboy have
joined as well.
New sites
Again, since RAiN is a new group, all of our sites are new too.
Digital Fluid is the world headquarters and the network world
headquarters. Black Morpheus is now the Us headquarters, cause
of the merger with CRANiUM. The Sunny Bbs, in Israel, remains
a site from POiSON. Two boards in Sweden join RAiN, System 1
and Goldmine. Violent Playground joins RAiN as a distrobution
site. The Sonic Equinox, and Unseen Fate are now member boards.
From CRANiUM we have received Leechworld Inc. and The High Council
as distrobution sites.
Rain Network The Official Network of Rain
All Rain sites must carry RAiN NET. If you do not fulfill this
requirement, then you will no longer be a site. If you are
interested in hooking up to the net, then contact a local HOST,
or send your app to the whq.
RAiN is still accepting more artists. If you think you can be a
quality contributer to our group, then fill out an application,
and send it up to the whq. The rule is 1 piece per release, easy.
Applications for sites are being accepted too..so apply while they
are still available. READ! No local 612 sites will be accepted.
You can still hook up to RAiN net even though you are not a site.
If youre an art board, and not local to the whq, then you will
probobly be accepted.
This release
We do not have an ansi viewer for you at the moment. We DID have
one, but the member who coded it had a hard drive failure at an
unfortunate time. : Anyways, well get one to you next pack. Our
app generator was coded by Trifixion, who did an excellent job on
such short notice. The next app gen will be suped up, and better
than ever in the next pack. Rips and a mod player should be in
the next release as well.
Anything else?
If you have any applications, questions, or comments, then contact
Me or any of the rain seniors on Digital Fluid 612.431.2770, or
send email to tesc0013@maroon.tc.umn.edu. Or you can find most of
us on RAiN NET, or ScreamNet once ffej hooks up:.
Well, thats all I can think of right now. I hope you enjoy our
premier pack. We hope to stay around for awhile. Until next
time then! Later.
Bum rain cofounder
Irq5, Valdor, Ffej, Pepsi, Xten, Charlie X, Union, Roc, Ice, Acid,
Roc, All Rain members, and All former Poison members.
RAiN welcomes you to our premier pack!
First of all, Im sure youre thinking to yourself, RAiN? huh?
Well, you might have known that their was a couriering group named
RAiN, but they are not around any more.
Back to the question, RAiN? huh? Ill explain who we are, and
where we came from.
RAiN is an art group based in the minneapolisland area. RAiN
arose from the art group POiSON. POiSON, another art group based
in Minneapolis, was starting to have problems, so I Bum and Irq5
already POiSON seniors ourselves agreed on starting a new group
together. RAiN has evolved into a quality group in a very short
amount of time. I was even impressed at the amount of quality
members we gained in the last few weeks. Anyways, I dont want to
go into a long boring story about the hairy details of our group,
so lets move on, shall we? you: yeah
New Members
RAiN has merged with 4 members of CRANiUM. CRANiUM itself will
still stay as a group though I beleive. Clorox Cowboy, Xten
and Jimmy Top have joined us from that group. Welcome aboard.
We have 2 couriers from sweden joining us, Stimpy and Dreadfull.
Former POiSON artists joining RAiN, are Pepsi, Epson, Virus, Irq5
, Bum, and Mind Bender. Other local artists joining RAiN are, Ci,
Trifixion, Rapid Fire, and Cryptic Insanity different than Ci.
Black Guard, an excellent ripper has joined us from ROC. Pale,
an ansi artist from VOiD/JUSTiCE has joined us as well. Saturn-32
an ansi artist, from the dis-banded group TRiP, has joined us.
Cyber Demon, Reptile, Sector Slayer, and Lupus Yonderboy have
joined as well.
New sites
Again, since RAiN is a new group, all of our sites are new too.
Digital Fluid is the world headquarters and the network world
headquarters. Black Morpheus is now the Us headquarters, cause
of the merger with CRANiUM. The Sunny Bbs, in Israel, remains
a site from POiSON. Two boards in Sweden join RAiN, System 1
and Goldmine. Violent Playground joins RAiN as a distrobution
site. The Sonic Equinox, and Unseen Fate are now member boards.
From CRANiUM we have received Leechworld Inc. and The High Council
as distrobution sites.
Rain Network The Official Network of Rain
All Rain sites must carry RAiN NET. If you do not fulfill this
requirement, then you will no longer be a site. If you are
interested in hooking up to the net, then contact a local HOST,
or send your app to the whq.
RAiN is still accepting more artists. If you think you can be a
quality contributer to our group, then fill out an application,
and send it up to the whq. The rule is 1 piece per release, easy.
Applications for sites are being accepted too..so apply while they
are still available. READ! No local 612 sites will be accepted.
You can still hook up to RAiN net even though you are not a site.
If youre an art board, and not local to the whq, then you will
probobly be accepted.
This release
We do not have an ansi viewer for you at the moment. We DID have
one, but the member who coded it had a hard drive failure at an
unfortunate time. : Anyways, well get one to you next pack. Our
app generator was coded by Trifixion, who did an excellent job on
such short notice. The next app gen will be suped up, and better
than ever in the next pack. Rips and a mod player should be in
the next release as well.
Anything else?
If you have any applications, questions, or comments, then contact
Me or any of the rain seniors on Digital Fluid 612.431.2770, or
send email to tesc0013@maroon.tc.umn.edu. Or you can find most of
us on RAiN NET, or ScreamNet once ffej hooks up:.
Well, thats all I can think of right now. I hope you enjoy our
premier pack. We hope to stay around for awhile. Until next
time then! Later.
Bum rain cofounder
Irq5, Valdor, Ffej, Pepsi, Xten, Charlie X, Union, Roc, Ice, Acid,
Roc, All Rain members, and All former Poison members.
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