![RCA File_id.diz's by Boba Fett](/pack/rca-9612/x1/BF-RCA1.ASC.png)
this image contains text
+ r c a p r o d u k s h u n z +
gggg 4P4P4
P4a. .aP4a..aP4a. here are some lame fileid.dizs
II a II II II II for our spectacular one year
ii ii ii .aP4ii anniversary release... Hope they
ii aaaaaa ii ii ii ii are useful, used at least since I
a4ba,a4P 4ba,a4P I was asked for them...
If for some reason anyone would
+-----------------------------------+ want some shit as lame as this,
: stand back and observe carefully, : you always could request something
: our awe-inspiring r.c.a. one year : and I would prolly do it... If
: anniversary release! : you want to see some pics, grab
: d e c e m b e r 1 9 9 6 : the dark pack because thats where
+-------------------------------xx/xx my pics go... but I suck, so you
bobafettaskee!rca.dark dont want it, but if you do,
call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or
e-mail at boba.fett@x-net.net!
-splicey da ascii, right here!----------
boba fett -dark.rca.plAn9
real crazy artists post scriptum:
.a P4!a. .a!!a. for those of you wondering what
a plan 9 is, download the absorbance
e-mag... has all the basic info
.a4P4!a. on it... blah!
greets: Possum Killer, Prison
a Breaker, Samurai, Burnout, Kit,
Pa, , .a!4P4!a. Hornet, Killepole, and anyone
a . 4b ggggg else who wants a fucking greet...
a,.a.ba,.ad a
.a a sell your soul for me!!!!
bf! :: a.ba.,ad u w
a ,a 4!!P o
ba.,.ad ,adba.,.a.aaa, i
db. c k r
P4P 4P4P h s
: l
f t d
gggg 4P4P4
P4a. .aP4a..aP4a. here are some lame fileid.dizs
II a II II II II for our spectacular one year
ii ii ii .aP4ii anniversary release... Hope they
ii aaaaaa ii ii ii ii are useful, used at least since I
a4ba,a4P 4ba,a4P I was asked for them...
If for some reason anyone would
+-----------------------------------+ want some shit as lame as this,
: stand back and observe carefully, : you always could request something
: our awe-inspiring r.c.a. one year : and I would prolly do it... If
: anniversary release! : you want to see some pics, grab
: d e c e m b e r 1 9 9 6 : the dark pack because thats where
+-------------------------------xx/xx my pics go... but I suck, so you
bobafettaskee!rca.dark dont want it, but if you do,
call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or
e-mail at boba.fett@x-net.net!
-splicey da ascii, right here!----------
boba fett -dark.rca.plAn9
real crazy artists post scriptum:
.a P4!a. .a!!a. for those of you wondering what
a plan 9 is, download the absorbance
e-mag... has all the basic info
.a4P4!a. on it... blah!
greets: Possum Killer, Prison
a Breaker, Samurai, Burnout, Kit,
Pa, , .a!4P4!a. Hornet, Killepole, and anyone
a . 4b ggggg else who wants a fucking greet...
a,.a.ba,.ad a
.a a sell your soul for me!!!!
bf! :: a.ba.,ad u w
a ,a 4!!P o
ba.,.ad ,adba.,.a.aaa, i
db. c k r
P4P 4P4P h s
: l
f t d
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