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@ For Piranhas LORD - A CREEPY EVENT! illustrations by bym
Your quest is interrupted by a strange wailing noise.
Closer inspection reveals the errie howl seems to be coming from a nearby cave.
You sit next to the head to hear her story. I was once a beautiful young woman and I.. You sure aint now. you interrupt rudely.
Thanks for the update. Anyway, my name is Olivia. I was accused of a crime I didnt commit, and was beheaded unjustly! bym
Ill bet. So why are you still alive? Can I touch your stump?
Olivia looks annoyed. Im alive because I wasnt ready to die.
Ahh. Thanks for that in depth explanation, you smile.
You convince her how busy you are, and since you are still kind of
weirded out - you leave.
The Tower!@...
bym You reach the castle and fight your way up the tower!
You blindly slash at any and all who stand in your path - screaming to find the prisoner you seek - and the jailer of your heart. You make it to the top and
throw open the door...
Your quest is interrupted by a strange wailing noise.
Closer inspection reveals the errie howl seems to be coming from a nearby cave.
You sit next to the head to hear her story. I was once a beautiful young woman and I.. You sure aint now. you interrupt rudely.
Thanks for the update. Anyway, my name is Olivia. I was accused of a crime I didnt commit, and was beheaded unjustly! bym
Ill bet. So why are you still alive? Can I touch your stump?
Olivia looks annoyed. Im alive because I wasnt ready to die.
Ahh. Thanks for that in depth explanation, you smile.
You convince her how busy you are, and since you are still kind of
weirded out - you leave.
The Tower!@...
bym You reach the castle and fight your way up the tower!
You blindly slash at any and all who stand in your path - screaming to find the prisoner you seek - and the jailer of your heart. You make it to the top and
throw open the door...
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