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,sSSSSSSSTr, dSSSSSbss,,sSSs,dSSSSSbss,,ssdSSSbss,dSSSSSbss, 8SS 8SS 8SS 8SS 8SS S S 8SS 8SS 88SS 88SS 88SS 88SS 88SS SS SS 88SS 88SS !88SS !88SS SS !88SS !88SS 8SS 8SS !88SS !88SS !!88SS !!88SS SssssS !!88SS SS 88SS 88SS !!88SS !!88SS !!88SSs!!88S !!88SS !!88SS !88SS !88SS !!88SSs!!88S, .!!88S.!!88s, .!!88S .!!88S,.!!88s, !!88S !!88S .!!88S.!!88s, .!!88 .!!88 .!!88 .!!88 .!!88 !!88 !!88 .!!88 .!!88 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 .!!8 SSS SSS SSS SSSsSSSS SSSsSSS SSS SSS sSSssssSsSSssssSsSSssssSsSSssssssssSssssSSsssssssssSSsSSsssstrRiGOR
oOo Senior Staff oOo
Skippers Son, Sportz, Hack Master, Brass Monkey, Deranged Fan, S.A.N. Man
oOo Ansi Artists oOo
Creature of Hell, Jazzman, The Reaper, Ibnanez, The Devils Pawn
oOo Ascii Artists oOo
Mass Murderer, Stigmata, Scoobie, Sell Out, Phantasm
oOo VGA Artsits oOo
Master Stargate, Locus, Lucifer, Cross Faced Chicken Wing, Uplink, Prometheous
oOo Coders oOo
J.G., Tindalos, Cardz
oOo Music oOo
Orpheus, Openface, Ryu, Perpetual
oOo Lit oOo
Luke Skywalker
-RiGOR- The Phatest Thing To Come To 516 Since Walter Hudsan -RiGOR-
oOo Senior Staff oOo
Skippers Son, Sportz, Hack Master, Brass Monkey, Deranged Fan, S.A.N. Man
oOo Ansi Artists oOo
Creature of Hell, Jazzman, The Reaper, Ibnanez, The Devils Pawn
oOo Ascii Artists oOo
Mass Murderer, Stigmata, Scoobie, Sell Out, Phantasm
oOo VGA Artsits oOo
Master Stargate, Locus, Lucifer, Cross Faced Chicken Wing, Uplink, Prometheous
oOo Coders oOo
J.G., Tindalos, Cardz
oOo Music oOo
Orpheus, Openface, Ryu, Perpetual
oOo Lit oOo
Luke Skywalker
-RiGOR- The Phatest Thing To Come To 516 Since Walter Hudsan -RiGOR-
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