this image contains text
how to rip. by sammael.
in recent months many people have been ripping art. alot of gotten cauht, but
im sure even more have slipped through the cracks. this is a file on hw to ri
p and it almost 100 ensures you wont get caught. its simple! try itout wit
h a font to to! i hope you enjoy this file as much as i did in making i! : :
STEP 1 Take a really cool font.
h w s
hey, heres one now! you want to make sure notbmany people has seen thefont. t
his one for example is from samsara. not many people have heard of thisgroup s
o it is a good group to rip fonts from. its also by somebody named samael s
o that is also safe. nobody knows who he is.
STEP 2 Change the colors, shading, and shape.
yeah. the colors, shading, and are the most important part of the ansi o chang
e. if you successfully change these nobody will ever know you ripped.
STEP 3 Final Steps.
ok. make sure that there isnt any hidden text in the ansi and remove al the a
bbreviations of the persons name. then brush it up a little, and add yor own s
ignature to it! you may want to flip it around a bit and add some flashng stuf
f because everyone like flashing stuff. how about high-ascii characters those
are cool too.
some notes... if you didnt already notice the font on top if this fileis from
an ansi editor named TheDraw but its changed around so you cant eventell!!!
in recent months many people have been ripping art. alot of gotten cauht, but
im sure even more have slipped through the cracks. this is a file on hw to ri
p and it almost 100 ensures you wont get caught. its simple! try itout wit
h a font to to! i hope you enjoy this file as much as i did in making i! : :
STEP 1 Take a really cool font.
h w s
hey, heres one now! you want to make sure notbmany people has seen thefont. t
his one for example is from samsara. not many people have heard of thisgroup s
o it is a good group to rip fonts from. its also by somebody named samael s
o that is also safe. nobody knows who he is.
STEP 2 Change the colors, shading, and shape.
yeah. the colors, shading, and are the most important part of the ansi o chang
e. if you successfully change these nobody will ever know you ripped.
STEP 3 Final Steps.
ok. make sure that there isnt any hidden text in the ansi and remove al the a
bbreviations of the persons name. then brush it up a little, and add yor own s
ignature to it! you may want to flip it around a bit and add some flashng stuf
f because everyone like flashing stuff. how about high-ascii characters those
are cool too.
some notes... if you didnt already notice the font on top if this fileis from
an ansi editor named TheDraw but its changed around so you cant eventell!!!
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