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flame harklandelum
hello, and welcome to another rile portfolio. im really really pressed for
time, so im gonna make things very quick. this month, a couple of people
decided that they wanted to be a part of rile. one of which, is ize, who
i believe is a great artist. next, drynwhyl, who i really dont need to
introduce. he has already made a name for himself here, and in a few other
groups currently alive. seraphim, from dark i believe, joined up with a
style that really sticks out in front of others. and last, but not least,
is outraider. he has really showered this pack with much of his artwork.
definately do not miss his stuff! leaving this month, unfortunately, is flesh,
who has no time to draw anymore. it was nice having you around, jason.
why rile?----------
why is rile here. why? well, heres my plan: with rile, i hope to open up
peoples minds.. to show them, that art is far more than just silly frills,
and competition it is about the artists themselves.. what they express.
their emotions.
- what avenger said in black maiden book 12 i think ive said it often enough, but once again we draw for fun and we
draw what we like. if its a comic rip, fine - if its original, even
better. but we do not want to be the best group in the world, europe etc.
i personanally think, therere way too much politics in the scene
you shouldnt force people to draw original or to make recognizable fonts
or to draw not that colourful. so, just draw.
heres myflames response
/msg to avenger on irc: hey. about what you said.. its not about politics.. its about what art *should* be about, and not what
it has turned into the majority of the scene today..
avengers reply yeah. youre sure right. fuck. youre right..
not much on the reply, but i kid you not, thats what he said. i think he
said something else to the extent of liking mine, diezs and defiants work, butthat has nothing to do with this matter. anyways, i think you get the point.
im not sure why im writing this, and ive gotten a little grief from a few
people for talking about such matters. i wont mention any names, ZeusII.
i mean, *we* the artists of today are the picassos, the leonardos, and the
michaelangelos of the world today. you wouldnt see them copying others works.itd be considered outrageous.
anyways, on to other things. just dwell on it for awhile..
outraider is constructing his own german-based ezine, known ALKOHOL. be on the lookout for it.
thats it for this month. please excuse the lack of art. but, its still a
somewhat decent pack. *shrug* ...
btw, thanks mice, for the diz.
fuck, im broken.
hello, and welcome to another rile portfolio. im really really pressed for
time, so im gonna make things very quick. this month, a couple of people
decided that they wanted to be a part of rile. one of which, is ize, who
i believe is a great artist. next, drynwhyl, who i really dont need to
introduce. he has already made a name for himself here, and in a few other
groups currently alive. seraphim, from dark i believe, joined up with a
style that really sticks out in front of others. and last, but not least,
is outraider. he has really showered this pack with much of his artwork.
definately do not miss his stuff! leaving this month, unfortunately, is flesh,
who has no time to draw anymore. it was nice having you around, jason.
why rile?----------
why is rile here. why? well, heres my plan: with rile, i hope to open up
peoples minds.. to show them, that art is far more than just silly frills,
and competition it is about the artists themselves.. what they express.
their emotions.
- what avenger said in black maiden book 12 i think ive said it often enough, but once again we draw for fun and we
draw what we like. if its a comic rip, fine - if its original, even
better. but we do not want to be the best group in the world, europe etc.
i personanally think, therere way too much politics in the scene
you shouldnt force people to draw original or to make recognizable fonts
or to draw not that colourful. so, just draw.
heres myflames response
/msg to avenger on irc: hey. about what you said.. its not about politics.. its about what art *should* be about, and not what
it has turned into the majority of the scene today..
avengers reply yeah. youre sure right. fuck. youre right..
not much on the reply, but i kid you not, thats what he said. i think he
said something else to the extent of liking mine, diezs and defiants work, butthat has nothing to do with this matter. anyways, i think you get the point.
im not sure why im writing this, and ive gotten a little grief from a few
people for talking about such matters. i wont mention any names, ZeusII.
i mean, *we* the artists of today are the picassos, the leonardos, and the
michaelangelos of the world today. you wouldnt see them copying others works.itd be considered outrageous.
anyways, on to other things. just dwell on it for awhile..
outraider is constructing his own german-based ezine, known ALKOHOL. be on the lookout for it.
thats it for this month. please excuse the lack of art. but, its still a
somewhat decent pack. *shrug* ...
btw, thanks mice, for the diz.
fuck, im broken.
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