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Metal Edge 619423-4970
17 Gigs of HD * 4 Cdroms * MetalNet * Mp3s * Hacking * Roms * Emulators
Warez * Iniquity files * bbs mods * ansi/ascii/emags
guitar/bass tab 15,000+ * guitar lessons
No shareware, no PD
RioT member board * Dore member board
Runnin the latest Iniquity * custom ansis
No ratios * no nup/nuv/cbv * access on first call
Done originally for Metal Edge, use it if youd like. I didnt know what
to do for a background, so I left it out.
Its my first 100+ liner, not including the guitar which I need to
Enjoy and call Metal Edge if u live in San Diego...
-Precious Metal
Metal Edge 619423-4970
17 Gigs of HD * 4 Cdroms * MetalNet * Mp3s * Hacking * Roms * Emulators
Warez * Iniquity files * bbs mods * ansi/ascii/emags
guitar/bass tab 15,000+ * guitar lessons
No shareware, no PD
RioT member board * Dore member board
Runnin the latest Iniquity * custom ansis
No ratios * no nup/nuv/cbv * access on first call
Done originally for Metal Edge, use it if youd like. I didnt know what
to do for a background, so I left it out.
Its my first 100+ liner, not including the guitar which I need to
Enjoy and call Metal Edge if u live in San Diego...
-Precious Metal
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