this image contains text
pm! ,.,ss. .ss,. ,++,.
Ts +T, 7 T, ., sSs.
. , . . . .S T,s
:T+ + l :T T: :T+.s..
l+ la al la+7:T T:
b@+ . d@s.,s laal
+ node
done for Wild World originally, use it if youd like..leave the pm in there
Ts +T, 7 T, ., sSs.
. , . . . .S T,s
:T+ + l :T T: :T+.s..
l+ la al la+7:T T:
b@+ . d@s.,s laal
+ node
done for Wild World originally, use it if youd like..leave the pm in there
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