this image contains text
.,ass, ............
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
Thought maybe you could use this for the RIOT0?97.txt file :
Yeah I know, the T looks like a cactus : So I leave near the desert!
My band Get Over It will be playing out soon...If ya live in San Diego
check us out...We Rock!
And NO, I DONT SING!!!!!!!!! Im the guitarist...the ONLY guitarist in
the band....Its not an all female band...we do progressive hard rock
Alternative is dead...Long live Shred!!!!!!
Its the big 0897! Precious Metal rules... she did the diz AND the nfo file!
Thanx a bundle for that PM! :
Ok, newz fer this month... uhm lesse here:
Cyber Bob is taking a leave of absence he finally contacted me!. He got
virused and lost everything and hes busy putting up his bbs and shit 1st so
hell get back to the group stuph when hes done w/that.
Blaze has left the scene fer a while... the group he was trying to form didnt
werk out and now hes fed up with things so were saying toodles to him for
a bit... hope ya come back man!
Jester of Fate was booted for being idle too long.
A new member has joined the groop! Mydknight sent his app my way not too long
ago and his stuff looks tasty so hes in! Hes got a couple asciis for his
debut in the group in this pak and theyre pretty yummy...
Hmmm lesse here.... oh yeah, I changed my nick! I got tired of Turbine so
Im going with something fresh... the new nick is 2much4u. Its kinda cheesy
but its kewl... so it could be called zesty cheese or cheese spread I guess.
A good thing is though, so people dont get confoozed, my email address is
staying the same: turbine@geocities.com
So for short you can call me 2much and my new inits are 2m :
Im not the only one whos changed his nick... niche is now known as Delgado,
I think its a kewl change... and as he puts it, its pronounced
del gay dough hehehe.
Hey, weve got a couple members trying their hands at RIP and Im REALLY
liking the results! Exocet and Delgado have put in a few pics this month so
check em out! :
I think thats about it for the 0897... weve got a pretty good sized pak
this month and our stuff is only getting better. Theres an app generator
in the pak, so if you wanna join the groop, run it and follow the instructions
on getting it back to me... nehoots Ill tty next month yolkles!
-2much/RioT formerly Turbine/RioT
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
Thought maybe you could use this for the RIOT0?97.txt file :
Yeah I know, the T looks like a cactus : So I leave near the desert!
My band Get Over It will be playing out soon...If ya live in San Diego
check us out...We Rock!
And NO, I DONT SING!!!!!!!!! Im the guitarist...the ONLY guitarist in
the band....Its not an all female band...we do progressive hard rock
Alternative is dead...Long live Shred!!!!!!
Its the big 0897! Precious Metal rules... she did the diz AND the nfo file!
Thanx a bundle for that PM! :
Ok, newz fer this month... uhm lesse here:
Cyber Bob is taking a leave of absence he finally contacted me!. He got
virused and lost everything and hes busy putting up his bbs and shit 1st so
hell get back to the group stuph when hes done w/that.
Blaze has left the scene fer a while... the group he was trying to form didnt
werk out and now hes fed up with things so were saying toodles to him for
a bit... hope ya come back man!
Jester of Fate was booted for being idle too long.
A new member has joined the groop! Mydknight sent his app my way not too long
ago and his stuff looks tasty so hes in! Hes got a couple asciis for his
debut in the group in this pak and theyre pretty yummy...
Hmmm lesse here.... oh yeah, I changed my nick! I got tired of Turbine so
Im going with something fresh... the new nick is 2much4u. Its kinda cheesy
but its kewl... so it could be called zesty cheese or cheese spread I guess.
A good thing is though, so people dont get confoozed, my email address is
staying the same: turbine@geocities.com
So for short you can call me 2much and my new inits are 2m :
Im not the only one whos changed his nick... niche is now known as Delgado,
I think its a kewl change... and as he puts it, its pronounced
del gay dough hehehe.
Hey, weve got a couple members trying their hands at RIP and Im REALLY
liking the results! Exocet and Delgado have put in a few pics this month so
check em out! :
I think thats about it for the 0897... weve got a pretty good sized pak
this month and our stuff is only getting better. Theres an app generator
in the pak, so if you wanna join the groop, run it and follow the instructions
on getting it back to me... nehoots Ill tty next month yolkles!
-2much/RioT formerly Turbine/RioT
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