this image contains text
.-./ - y0! yU sTAWTiN sHIT wIT mE? aWL sNAG mAH GaT!
/U // aN aH w0NT bE fEELIN REM0RSE
/nm / f0 y0 s0RRY aSS! aN mERRY
/ : : / cHRISTMAS.
/ / / - pHaT
/ // / / 0o. /0o. / / o. /o. /0o. /
GaT / /
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD..
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
...................... lord jazz ld, also in union .....................
............................. piromaniak pmk ............................
........................... shadow sorcerer ss ..........................
......................... tae te, also in shiver ........................
..................... zipperhead zh, also in shiver .....................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
..................... gangsta ga, never got any work ....................
...................... hyped hy, dropped the scene .....................
..................... k-spiff ks, back to kts!ascii ....................
.................... nEW aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARDS ....................
.... system one. 2 usr 28.8s, +46-8-50026361, +46-8-50026362 eURO hQ ....
...... packaged rebellion. 14.4+, +1-408-246-0281 408 dISTRIBUTION ......
....... the dark society. 28.8, +1-408-268-7308 408 mEMBER bOARD .......
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
... um.. this is the christmas pack. shall we say the buymore-mas pack? ...
you know, christ wasnt even born in the winter, he was born in the summer
.... all NiG/person asciis make more sense in 80x25, we dont normally ....
. do this, but hey, we felt wed go kooky this month. i did, anyway -nm .
.. also, as you can see, we changed the format, now the member list and ..
.. the board list is included in remorse.nfo, due to some bitching done ..
...... mostly by t2.. ascii groups shouldnt have ansi in them. ......
.............................. mEMBER iNFO .............................
... gangsta has been kicked, because we dont know him, nightrain told ...
........... us to pop him in the member list. hes done nothing ...........
.. hyped has also been kicked because um ... we think he left the scene ..
... k-spiff god-bless his soul has left us, to go back to kartharsis, ...
..... because ... I have some sense of loyalty ... , best of luck .....
... nightrain has left the scene, we -THINK-, so until further notice, ...
...................... he is still a remorse member ......................
phaser-x was jailed for phreaking, starting 12/20/94, this is week two of
....................... a 14 week jail term. party .......................
. shadow sorcerer decided to do us an ascii before he left the scene, so .
.... out of respect for him, we made him an honorary rEM0RSEmEMBER! ....
******************tAKEN fROM kTS!aSCII 17, tHENME.tXT******************
what has happened / : / / / / / / in between thi
and the previous // / / / / / / // pack? nothing
*i guess. well, a few / / // members decided*
* to leap off to remorse. / / : nothing to say*
* wish yall luck with remorse // : because we *
* think you are definitely going to need // it, if youre*
* aiming for the 1.. so. thats all. merry christmas and a happy *
new year. get yourself wasted on the new years eve and have fun. later.
******************tAKEN fROM kTS!aSCII 17, tHENME.tXT******************
.. the sentences marked with *s are what we would like to point out ..
remorse has one thing to say to sparr and all the katharsis members that
................ flamed remorse in the latest kts release ................
................................ -gROW uP- ................................
... me necromancer, and necronite have always considered kts the best ...
.. ascii group out there, and we did not start remorse so we could could ..
..................... could bore people with flames .......................
. and if you havent snagged the latest kts!ascii pack, go do it, or face .
........................ the wrath of my monkey ..........................
.necromancer nm, necronite nn. --... founders --...
......... nightrain nt ........ --... senior staff --...
..martyr mt / bastardiser bs.. --... coordinator/mop top --...
....beastie be, cthulhu ct.... --... ascii pimps --...
..... hiro protagonist hp ..... --... ascii pimps --...
......... lord jazz ld ......... --... ascii pimps --...
...mephitopeles mp, ogre og... --... ascii pimps --...
....omicron om, paradox pd.... --... ascii pimps --...
. phaser-x*px, piromaniak pk . --... ascii pimps --...
...... shadow sorcerer ss ...... --... ascii pimps --...
... tae te, terminator2 t2 ... --... ascii pimps --...
..whodini wd, zipperhead zh.. --... ascii pimps --...
--------- aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
......... the cartel .........516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
.......... badlands ..........408 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora ............714 ............. pimp board .............
....... farenheit 451 .......408 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
- -- --- gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/--- -- -
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
rad man, sharp, soultaker, the grey ranger, omega redd, everyone that
was in manifest, hoppins mCA, mass delusion, tinyz, everyone named
jay diabolos, phaser-x, shatter proof, the late shadow sorcerer,
all remorse members, all the cool people on the cartel,
everybody named Umbwebwe Bushandi, and k-spiff for
not being a dick he rules, too.
Oh, and Jazz. More ascii? Fingers ... hurt ... uhh .
x@x --------------------------------
- @@@@@@@@@@@ -------------------------------
.: o 0 :.
@@@ - @@@ this is what makes it the xmas pack
.-./ - y0! yU sTAWTiN sHIT wIT mE? aWL sNAG mAH GaT!
/U // aN aH w0NT bE fEELIN REM0RSE
/nm / f0 y0 s0RRY aSS! aN mERRY
/ : : / cHRISTMAS.
/ / / - pHaT
/ // / / 0o. /0o. / / o. /o. /0o. /
GaT / /
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD..
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
...................... lord jazz ld, also in union .....................
............................. piromaniak pmk ............................
........................... shadow sorcerer ss ..........................
......................... tae te, also in shiver ........................
..................... zipperhead zh, also in shiver .....................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
..................... gangsta ga, never got any work ....................
...................... hyped hy, dropped the scene .....................
..................... k-spiff ks, back to kts!ascii ....................
.................... nEW aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARDS ....................
.... system one. 2 usr 28.8s, +46-8-50026361, +46-8-50026362 eURO hQ ....
...... packaged rebellion. 14.4+, +1-408-246-0281 408 dISTRIBUTION ......
....... the dark society. 28.8, +1-408-268-7308 408 mEMBER bOARD .......
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
... um.. this is the christmas pack. shall we say the buymore-mas pack? ...
you know, christ wasnt even born in the winter, he was born in the summer
.... all NiG/person asciis make more sense in 80x25, we dont normally ....
. do this, but hey, we felt wed go kooky this month. i did, anyway -nm .
.. also, as you can see, we changed the format, now the member list and ..
.. the board list is included in remorse.nfo, due to some bitching done ..
...... mostly by t2.. ascii groups shouldnt have ansi in them. ......
.............................. mEMBER iNFO .............................
... gangsta has been kicked, because we dont know him, nightrain told ...
........... us to pop him in the member list. hes done nothing ...........
.. hyped has also been kicked because um ... we think he left the scene ..
... k-spiff god-bless his soul has left us, to go back to kartharsis, ...
..... because ... I have some sense of loyalty ... , best of luck .....
... nightrain has left the scene, we -THINK-, so until further notice, ...
...................... he is still a remorse member ......................
phaser-x was jailed for phreaking, starting 12/20/94, this is week two of
....................... a 14 week jail term. party .......................
. shadow sorcerer decided to do us an ascii before he left the scene, so .
.... out of respect for him, we made him an honorary rEM0RSEmEMBER! ....
******************tAKEN fROM kTS!aSCII 17, tHENME.tXT******************
what has happened / : / / / / / / in between thi
and the previous // / / / / / / // pack? nothing
*i guess. well, a few / / // members decided*
* to leap off to remorse. / / : nothing to say*
* wish yall luck with remorse // : because we *
* think you are definitely going to need // it, if youre*
* aiming for the 1.. so. thats all. merry christmas and a happy *
new year. get yourself wasted on the new years eve and have fun. later.
******************tAKEN fROM kTS!aSCII 17, tHENME.tXT******************
.. the sentences marked with *s are what we would like to point out ..
remorse has one thing to say to sparr and all the katharsis members that
................ flamed remorse in the latest kts release ................
................................ -gROW uP- ................................
... me necromancer, and necronite have always considered kts the best ...
.. ascii group out there, and we did not start remorse so we could could ..
..................... could bore people with flames .......................
. and if you havent snagged the latest kts!ascii pack, go do it, or face .
........................ the wrath of my monkey ..........................
.necromancer nm, necronite nn. --... founders --...
......... nightrain nt ........ --... senior staff --...
..martyr mt / bastardiser bs.. --... coordinator/mop top --...
....beastie be, cthulhu ct.... --... ascii pimps --...
..... hiro protagonist hp ..... --... ascii pimps --...
......... lord jazz ld ......... --... ascii pimps --...
...mephitopeles mp, ogre og... --... ascii pimps --...
....omicron om, paradox pd.... --... ascii pimps --...
. phaser-x*px, piromaniak pk . --... ascii pimps --...
...... shadow sorcerer ss ...... --... ascii pimps --...
... tae te, terminator2 t2 ... --... ascii pimps --...
..whodini wd, zipperhead zh.. --... ascii pimps --...
--------- aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
......... the cartel .........516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
.......... badlands ..........408 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora ............714 ............. pimp board .............
....... farenheit 451 .......408 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
- -- --- gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/--- -- -
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
rad man, sharp, soultaker, the grey ranger, omega redd, everyone that
was in manifest, hoppins mCA, mass delusion, tinyz, everyone named
jay diabolos, phaser-x, shatter proof, the late shadow sorcerer,
all remorse members, all the cool people on the cartel,
everybody named Umbwebwe Bushandi, and k-spiff for
not being a dick he rules, too.
Oh, and Jazz. More ascii? Fingers ... hurt ... uhh .
x@x --------------------------------
- @@@@@@@@@@@ -------------------------------
.: o 0 :.
@@@ - @@@ this is what makes it the xmas pack
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