this image contains text
verses flyin through these veins, lyrically runnin mad like getup
trains, hanging with this style is a must, cant provide, you get no
trust, you can keep up with me son, my style flows like a shogun, cant
be followed, duplicated, r-m-r-s related, d-e-f getting down like style envaded, step to this clan, and get regulated, power of the wu-
trank can be phaded, def carries along a shenobi doubled bladed ..
stoons toil ... .a@a.
:::: .adS88SSllP::::
lll::: .adSP llll:::
SSSllllll l :: .adSP7ba,..,adSSSllll
lSSS88: .adSP 788888SSSS :S
:888 :: :SS: :: :S88888: ll
7b. .db. .d7b. .dS:
7S@@SP 7S@@SP
7P 7P
7P **
verses flyin through these veins, lyrically runnin mad like getup
trains, hanging with this style is a must, cant provide, you get no
trust, you can keep up with me son, my style flows like a shogun, cant
be followed, duplicated, r-m-r-s related, d-e-f getting down like style envaded, step to this clan, and get regulated, power of the wu-
trank can be phaded, def carries along a shenobi doubled bladed ..
stoons toil ... .a@a.
:::: .adS88SSllP::::
lll::: .adSP llll:::
SSSllllll l :: .adSP7ba,..,adSSSllll
lSSS88: .adSP 788888SSSS :S
:888 :: :SS: :: :S88888: ll
7b. .db. .d7b. .dS:
7S@@SP 7S@@SP
7P 7P
7P **
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